Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1754 The desperate shadow

The increase that the whole body's equipment combined with the Thunder Escape mode is extremely terrifying, allowing Raikage to increase his speed by more than 20% based on his own.

Only the big shots at the top of the ninja world can understand the further strength of Baijigantou.

Even Uchiha Madara was excited by the super speed.

If his Sharingan hadn't advanced and become more perverted before he died, he really wouldn't have been able to catch this junior.

Just because he saw it didn't mean he could block it, Madara began to look forward to it.

Yes, the fourth generation Raikage. In terms of speed, you have surpassed the first generation.

After the two fought again, the violent wind surprised everyone. This muffled sound was a real collision of power.

The ground beneath Madara's feet shattered, and even his arms made the sound of bone cracking.

The space for skill display has been repeatedly compressed, and the advantage of strength is taking effect.

What a powerful force. This set of equipment gives you a lot of courage.

Raikage didn't have time to be happy as he ducked not far away to prepare for the next attack. He knew that he didn't have much time.

The filthy earth body was repaired instantly. Madara may be very interested in the fourth generation Raikage in this state, and still uses physical skills to fight against the opponent.

Such an evenly matched physical battle is mesmerizing to watch.

And Metkai, who was protecting the tailed beast in the distance, was even a little eager to give it a try.

I really want to kick it.

For some reason, he had a hunch that when he tried his best, neither of the two people in front of him might be his match.

This kind of intuition makes Kai himself unable to believe it. It seems that there is still a long way to go between me and a truly strong person, and I am all having random thoughts.

The ninjutsu showdown between the two men continued, and Raikage's appearance became more and more ferocious.

There is a price to pay for using these equipment. The law of conservation of energy is an iron rule that non-protagonist ninjas cannot violate.

The forced burst consumes his physical energy and chakra at a terrifying rate, and the injuries in his body are constantly accumulating.

After Madara adapted to his speed and strength, he also switched to a more targeted style of play. The opponent's combat intuition was really terrifying.

Is this the kind of monster the Shodaime-sama is fighting against?

It's really amazing that a Cloud Ninja Village can be established under such circumstances.

The hands of nearby Onoki behind his back also began to glow.

Kazekage, Mizukage, are you ready?


The water shadow suddenly formed a seal, water vapor gathered in the sky, and huge chakra fluctuations attracted the attention of the two fighting men to look up to the sky.

Luo Sha held his hands in vain, and the ground began to tremble under the feet of the two people who were fighting, and the Raikage quickly retreated.

Threads of sand gold particles wrapped around Uchiha Madara's ankles.

Just as he paused for a moment, Onoki suddenly put his hands in front of him, and a milky white ball of light condensed on his palms.

Push forward and it becomes an unparalleled beam of light, and the shot is a sure kill.

Ohnoki knew that he only had one chance for a sneak attack.

Dust Escape, the art of boundary peeling!

This jutsu is a powerful offensive ninjutsu that shocks the ninja world. Although it has been repeatedly defeated over the years, its lethality is still among the top.

There are only a few methods that can rival it, such as the Immortal Tailed Beast Jade and Noah's Kendo.

Everyone has seen hope, even if the body of filthy earth is completely wiped out, it should not be able to be resurrected.

Or use sealing techniques to deal with enemies while their limbs are missing.

Even Uchiha Madara.? !

The milky white light did cover the target's body, but the three-attribute obliteration characteristic disappeared or was even dissipating.

When the light beam shattered, the doubts of those present reached their peak.

what happened?

Where did that huge beam of light go? It seems like the ninjutsu has been absorbed?

Those eyes!

There were several circles in the pupils, and they had seen this pattern before.

The fairy eyes I once saw on a person named Nagato from the Akatsuki organization.

But why did the Sharingan become the Rinnegan? ! ! !

There's nothing to be confused about, it's just the power of the universe.

Madara is not humble when he is showing off.

Not bad, you gave me a little surprise.

But it's not enough!

Now that part of their true power has been exposed, they don't want to continue at such a slow pace anymore. It's time for them to experience the taste of fear.

So he took the initiative to launch an attack, and the Susana giant disappeared in a flash, scattering countless Yasaka magatama.

The huge magatama had a terrifying sense of danger, and countless huge craters were blasted out of the ground.

Sand Shield!

Stone Golem!

Boom boom boom! ! ! ! !

The successive explosions were isolated, but the vibrations were transmitted far, far away.

Rasa and Onoki combined two powerful defensive ninjutsu to be able to block it, which was simply chilling.

The four figures looked at each other and gritted their teeth to fight!

Facing an invincible enemy, we can only fight together.

Since the First Iron Kingdom War, the leaders of the East and West have resumed cooperation under an incredibly powerful threat.

Ohnoki temporarily leads the Kage team due to his shameless nature and do-anything style.

Start playing directly after simple allocation.

Rasa and Mei Terumi serve as the field control and rescue team, assisting the entire battle.

Ohnoki lay on the steel plate behind Raikage.

Earth escape. Super light and heavy rock technique!

The Raikage itself has already surpassed the 20% limit speed, and now that the weight has been reduced, the speed has skyrocketed again.

Even Uchiha Madara has a hard time catching it, but this sense of crisis stimulates the mood of the battlefield rose.

Yes, that's it, try your best to please me!

In this case, I no longer stick to nintaijutsu.

The art of fire escape and dust hiding!

High-temperature flames and hot ash cover the surrounding space. No matter how fast you go, you will be affected as long as you enter the world of volcanic ash.

There is currently no ninja who can fight extremely fast without sight.

Water Escape·Water Formation Pillar!

It's just that Mizukage will not let his allies fall into crisis.

Water Escape directly dispersed the high-temperature dust in the air, improving visibility to a level that would not affect the battle.

Raikage took the opportunity to come to Uchiha Madara with Tsuchikage on his back.

It was too late to dodge, and the omnipresent sand gold entangled the enemy again.

Thunder Escape: Jue Niu Thunder Plow Hot Knife!

Earth escape. Super heavy rock technique!

With the blessing of power, even the fourth stage of Susanoo's defense was not blocked and shattered directly, and Madara was knocked away.

This is the first time since the beginning of the war that they have the upper hand, which really gives people some hope.

After all, the Five Kages are all strong men who stand on top of thousands of ninjas.

When they really unite, Uchiha Madara who doesn't use his full strength will naturally suffer.

He stood up again and smiled.

Yes, this is interesting.

The pupil power in Samsara's eyes finally began to improve, and the stage of Shura in the ninja world officially began.

Then the four shadows saw how terrifying the legend was when he took it seriously.

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