Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1729 The two heroes of the ninja world are not important

Many genin understand that special 'genin' such as Kurotsuchi, Suigetsu and Darui will definitely survive the aftermath and flames, but they, the real genin, will most likely perish in the flames.

Unexpectedly, Sasuke Uchiha on the opposite side would actually help him, and he will remember the life-saving grace in his heart.

Genin are relatively simple.

Without the ordinary ninja below, the battle between Naruto and Deidara became even more crazy.

outside the venue.

The Tsuchikage was originally filled with righteous indignation and planned to find a reason to withdraw from the competition in a dignified manner, and then return to the village to find a way to kill Nazu and the two, but after seeing this scene, he was no longer anxious.

He sat back down safely.

To strangle the enemy is to strangle the enemy. You might as well look at the performance of Deidara again.

He's quite handsome. He has a bit of my old style.

His eyes were full of pride, just in time to let the people of Konoha know that they, the Earth Kingdom, still had young heroes like this who could serve as their inheritance.

It's just Kurotsuchi's performance. How can he assume the position of Tsuchikage?

Deidara, you can think about it seriously.

Although the other party always calls New Stone Will, it is still reliable at critical moments.

It's just that the combat effectiveness of clay ninjutsu is too high.

He could accept the power of explosions. Deidara was kicked out of crowded areas at the age of nine because of dangerous explosion charges.

It's just that why explosive ninjutsu consumes so little chakra, it seems to be more about the power of the explosive itself.

Let's ask him again after he finishes the exam.

Then he turned around and looked at Raikage, who had the same hatred as him.

Raiying, sit down, sit down, why are you standing?

The Chuunin Exam is all about letting go and letting the juniors fully develop their talents.

It's not that I'm relying on my old age to show off. As actors, we need to be magnanimous.

I think Konoha's exam design is quite good.

The Raikage was shocked by Ohnoki's shamelessness.

There is a genius in your village, and you act like you are fair and impartial in the examination. You are truly worthy of being the oldest living guy.

In fact, the Fourth Raikage was also looking forward to seeing some powerful figure emerge from his village to turn the tide.

Unfortunately not.

The thoughts of the Kumo ninja are too united, and there is not much room for the will of the new thunder to be exerted.

Now I can only watch the confrontation between Naruto and Deidara in the forest fire.

C4. Garuda!

After testing many types of explosive ratios, Deidara came up with his penultimate special move.

The art inspired by the Rain Country has almost been implemented, and it is time to complete the tasks assigned by Teacher Noah.

The explosion effect after this improvement is comparable to the C0 in the original work.

Directly destroying half of the Death Forest.

In terms of pure range of destructive power, it exceeded the limits of Naruto and Sasuke at this time.

If the troops on both sides hadn't already evacuated the core area when the explosion cleared the area, I'm afraid the entire army would have been wiped out with this attack.

The technology side currently has an advantage over the ninjutsu side in terms of area-of-effect damage.

Deidara also became a strong man that everyone had to recognize.

The terrifying heat aftermath turned the faces of both parties red, and some people would probably quit the battle after the exam.

Their confidence was completely destroyed. If they encountered such an enemy on the battlefield in the future, they would not even have the courage to take out their kunai.

The fear of being destroyed completely out of sight was insurmountable.

The yellow hair standing in the sky seems to be saying, times have changed, ninjas.

Next to them, Sasuke and others also collected the latest information. The enemy was not a simple earth escape, and the clay only played a role in shaping.

This type of ninjutsu is somewhat similar to that of the Scorpion Leader, and the effect of Thunder Release is very small.

But there is no need to worry about Naruto, the final winner will definitely be his best friend.

During the battle, the upper limit of the power that the Nine-Tails mode can explode is rising, and the jinchuriki's body is growing at a high speed.

Indra. You need to be vigilant.

Can the second Chunin Exam really continue?

The examination room is almost gone.


Kaleidoscope saw special fluctuations covering the entire examination room.

It was dark, and the billowing dark clouds that appeared at some point covered the sky, and thunder wandered among the clouds.

The strong wind blew down from the sky, picking up dead leaves and black charcoal, and also brought abundant water vapor.

Tick ​​tock, tick tock, tick tock.

One drop, two drops, countless drops, a heavy downpour fell from the sky.


The mutually reinforcing power between heaven and earth quickly extinguished the flames in the forest.

The two people who were fighting were forced to separate. The power contained in the rain was very terrifying. Both the new generation leader of the Earth Kingdom and the child of destiny were directly washed away by the power of the rain.

The earth surged at the same time, and fresh soil replaced the scorched earth on the surface.

The cracks, sword marks, and craters caused by the previous battle have all been filled in, and no clues can be seen.

What's even more terrifying is that the burned and blackened trees in the forest have come to life again, growing again across time. ,

The green branches and leaves stretch out with high vitality, and the forest is lush again.

Only when the wind stopped and the rain stopped and the sunset reappeared on the horizon did everyone come out of their trance.

What just happened?

This is? ! Back in time? !

Siying couldn't understand it. Destruction was acceptable, but creation was a bit supermodel.

The combination of thunder escape, wind escape, and water escape makes it rain.

A sophisticated version of Earth Escape's Earth Escape Return, and Wood Escape's stimulation of tree regrowth.

It's not difficult to understand.

Kakashi's expression was unfathomable at this time.

It's just that this explanation is like a sharp blade piercing the hearts of Siying. It's only understanding that makes people afraid.

Only when you stand on the top of the mountain can you know the power of the immortals in the sky. Is this really something that humans can do?

Even the Kage didn't understand it, and the genin didn't understand it even more.

That is to say, the religion of the ninja world has not become popular, otherwise it would be a proper miracle.

“The time has come and no one has completed the collection of the Book of Heaven and Earth.

You guys look down on me. In that case, let’s eliminate them all.

The Book of Heaven and Earth?

Ah, the exam!

Only then did everyone realize that we are not here to fight, but to take a test. Unfortunately, it was too late.

Even Naruto and Sasuke didn't know what to say.

On the contrary, Deidara stood up very bravely and planned to say something.



Huge pressure oppressed the hearts of all living beings, and special care was given to Deidara who dared to resist. The young man fell to his knees directly, and the mental oppression made it difficult for him to breathe.

Kid, you are questioning me!

Onoki stood up suddenly. He had reason to suspect that Noah was planning to kill Jade in Iwagakure Village.

Tsuchikage, please be patient. The teacher's secretary will not harm the candidates.

Kakashi stopped Ohnoki who was about to fly over.

And Deidara's subsequent performance also impressed everyone.

He almost gritted his teeth and said it under the shocking pressure.

Please give Master Noah another chance! Our Iwagakure Village has not lost yet!

Naruto also wanted to chat, but his mouth was blocked by the Nine-Tails in his body. Sasuke habitually obeyed Noah's arrangements and remained silent.

Noah looked at the yellow-haired boy, his pressure doubled again!


His internal organs were already bleeding, and his eyes were in a trance.

The young man felt that he was the only one between heaven and earth, and the voice of the gods came from the sky.

Do you think you can change the world with a single act of bravery? Look at the people behind you, they don't even have the courage to look at me.

The strongest in the ninja world are respected. Not just anyone can disobey me.

And Deidara touched the ground under his feet, and his courage burst out in silence.

His youthful spirit and courage to face life and death made him raise his head.

The Will of Stone said that the stone itself is not important, everything only lies in the heart.

My heart told me to do it.

Onoki almost burst into tears. This was how the first generation Meishikawa taught him. It seems that there are people in the village who truly understand will in these years.

And Noah seemed to be shocked by this courage.

After a moment of silence, he withdrew the secret technique of will.

In that case, it's up to you to choose the ten people for the third round. It doesn't matter even if they are all from Iwagakure Village.

Show me your will.

The people in the Western Continent Convention were shocked. Lord Noah surrendered to the enemy?

The people in Dongyang looked ecstatic, and things were turning upside down.

So he looked expectantly at the man who would shine in the ninja world at the end.

Even the four shadows were watching what choice the boy could make.

The first one, Uzumaki Naruto.

Second, Uchiha Sasuke.

The third one is Haruno Sakura.

The fourth one is Hyuga Neji.

The fifth one, Gaara.

The sixth one, Kurotsuchi.

The seventh and eighth.

The tenth, Deidara!

this list

Good choice, I recognize you in the name of Noah.

The above ten people have entered the third exam.

This ends the second game.

After speaking, Noah disappeared, leaving the candidates in extremely complicated moods.

The ninjas of Dong Dayang were a little disappointed. Why not choose all their own people, or just leave one or two positions for the opponent? Why is this guy so pedantic?

Kurotsuchi patted Deidara on the shoulder, she was completely defeated.

The people from the Western Continent Convention Country were overjoyed. The bomb maniac opposite seemed to be pretty good.

Naruto even wanted to make friends with his opponent.

The five shadows admire Deidara even more. This child has the shadow's heart, the shadow's fighting power, and the shadow's will.

Onoki looked up to the sky and laughed, and the Fourth Tsuchikage appeared.

We still have to go on with the Chuunin Exams, it’s really good.

Right, Raikage.

The Fourth Raikage wanted to kill someone.

After the game, Noah was reviewing the match with Yahiko and others.

Why should you support the training of Deidara?

Because the emergence of another two ninja heroes cannot save the ninja world.

One flower blooming alone is not spring, but a hundred flowers blooming together fills the garden.

As for the third game, it's not important anymore.

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