Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1728 The Artist Appears

I believe the battle will not end like this. The Ninja Continent is so vast, and Naruto and the others must not be the only geniuses.

Oops, this is what Feng said sarcastically.

Luo Sha was too embarrassed to support speaking out.

He is also afraid that when he wipes out other countries in the future, he will also annex Sunagakure Village. This does not seem to be difficult for Konoha.

Kakashi just said this, but his thoughts were a little lost.

At a critical time point, the growth of the two disciples finally began to go against common sense.

Is this the intersection and destiny that the teacher said?

Sasuke's Susanoo is actually in the second stage, which is not just a skeleton, but a state where the chakra, flesh, and muscles are completely filled.

This pupil power growth rate exceeded expectations.

The same goes for Naruto, but his hang-up is understandable.

That is the Kyuubi Daidai. From the control to the use of chakra, it is not just the power of one person.

As an old fox in the Akatsuki organization, Yang Jiuwei's pure combat power is only lower than his own.

What limits the output now is Naruto's own body and will.

These two disciples, Kakashi, also felt the pressure.

It always feels like the two of them can catch up with themselves if they go through a few more big events.

Worry, Teacher Noah, please take action quickly.

Just when the Tsuchikage Raikage was about to do something.

A yellow-haired man with a ponytail walked out of the forest, looking at the deep pit created by the Fairy Tail Beast Jade with some disdain.

If this is your art, all I can say is... nothing more than that!

Deidara! ! !

Kurotsuchi exclaimed, as the only peer in the village who could defeat him.

etc! This guy hasn't made much noise since he came to Konoha, and he thought he was cowardly.

Even in the second exam, he drifted with the crowd and failed to perform at all.

Unexpectedly, he stood up at this time.

But the enemy's strength has surpassed the jounin level, so our strength is too great.

When did you get the illusion that I'm just slightly stronger than you?

It's just that Iwagakure is too small and my artistic expression is not perfect.

Deidara's mission is to declare his existence at this time, so how can the young people's stage only have Naruto and Sasuke.

The Eastern Three Kingdoms also need their own young leaders, and it’s time for the Kage of the Earth Kingdom to prepare for a replacement.

The will of the new stone did not ask us to surrender, Kurotsuchi.

New. Will of Stone?

Kurotsuchi and the Iwa ninja behind him looked at each other, feeling that something big was going to happen.

Leave it to me next!

Raise your hands to form a seal.

Neji seemed to see something terrifying in his white eyes, and suddenly roared.


On the right rear! No! It's all directions from the rear!

After being reminded, Sasuke immediately used his Sharingan to instantly lock onto the terrifying energy fluctuations that suddenly rose there. How could it be possible!

How come there is only a slight chakra fluctuation, but the extremely dangerous aura is so obvious.

Susan instantly crossed the crowd and stood in front of the danger.

boom! ! !

A violent explosion occurred, and invisible shock waves and hot flames impacted everyone.

The terrifying energy poured out and was blocked by the purple dam.

When the genin came to their senses, they only saw the Susanoo giant that had been blown up to a thin layer and was full of cracks.

Looking back, there is only a sea of ​​fire.

This, this? !

This is art.

Deidara jumped up handsomely, and then the giant yellow clay bird flew from low in the sky and carried him into the sky.

And the end point of art is chemistry.

With the truth in hand, human wisdom is the greatest.

Any blood successor, any dust escaper, or any tailed beast will be conquered!

It's time for the old ninja world to see modern warfare.

Deidara, who is proficient in tissue physics and chemistry, has already become an explosion expert.

And his tactics are no longer limited to one-on-one combat, but one man forms an army to cover the entire battlefield with firepower.

Perhaps he is no match for Naruto and Sasuke in a single attack, but he is the king on the battlefield.

Firepower is king.

The bird's belly opened, countless small clay bombs fell, and a harsh buzz sounded in the air like the scream of death!

The threat of death falls from the sky, even without distinction between friend and foe.

Boom boom boom! ! ! !

The bombing has begun!

Shock waves, flames, and vibrations single-handedly pushed the war to a more tragic side.

The forest is being covered in flames, and death is approaching step by step.

Deidara, you!!!

The huge Garuda carried the yellow-haired boy in the sky and launched an indiscriminate attack on everyone below.

Even Kurotsuchi can only run away with his head shot, this lunatic has lost his mind for bullshit art.

Don't you know what kind of combat effectiveness this kind of ability to turn the tide of the war can unleash if combined with the combined ninja army of the Three Kingdoms underneath? !

But this guy really saved the face of the village.

Naruto on the ground was a little panicked when he encountered such an enemy for the first time. He had never encountered this kind of fighting method on the moon.

The giant bird flying at high speed cannot be locked at all, and he has no ability to fly. Flying has always been a very rare ability in the ninja world.

Mobility, long range, high efficiency, covering saturation attacks, etc. are all the reasons why Deidara can be so reckless.

Sasuke's giant has not evolved wings, and even the reincarnation of Indra cannot make a breakthrough in the next second.

This can only be done after Old Father Liudao makes another trick.

So I can only ask the Kyuubi, and this time Zhen Chengdai fights.

It's really troublesome to fly around.

When I dealt with Chongming, I always used the Infinite Tailed Beast Jade to knock it down, but your body still can't bear it.

Then that's all.

Put your hands together, let me try my ninjutsu!

Naruto has no thunder attribute, so he can only use wind attribute ninjutsu.

Immortal method. Nine-tails mode. Wind escape. Thousand-faced wind. Wind cut. Vacuum jade

Infinite Wind Release began to affect the sky with Naruto as the carrier, and a storm formed in the Death Forest in a short period of time.

Using human power to cause natural disasters.

From time to time, a tailed beast jade will be blasted through the sky.

Naruto's response method is also incomprehensible to ordinary genin. Is this something that chakra can do?

Do you guys fight like this? Why is my instructor still using C-level ninjutsu to show off?

And the Garuda in the sky was indeed affected, which reduced the frequency of bombings a lot and gave the people below a chance to breathe.

Even if there is another S-class secret of wind escape, another bombing, and the wind takes advantage of the fire, this forest is about to fall into crisis.

Sasuke used Susano to create a passage for the Western Continent Convention people to retreat immediately. He would not be able to protect many people if he stayed.

When I was leaving, I saw the desperate looks of many people in Dongyang and sighed helplessly.

If he didn't save it, that idiot Naruto would definitely be angry.

So he helped open the passage for the other side and received many grateful looks.

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