Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1730 Half push and half give

Deidara was on fire.

The fire was so intense that even Nazuo and Nazuo both exploded with crushing combat power, but they couldn't cover up this glory.

People will certainly admire the strong, but they will be even more fond of the heroes who turn the tide.

What happened after packaging made everyone see a story of ups and downs.

As one of the protagonists, Deidara makes a shining appearance in an attitude of resisting the two heroes of Konoha.

The story of confronting the examiner and using the will of stone to clear the name of Iwagakure Village was also exciting to watch.

The final highlight was the fair selection of the ten best genin, whose magnanimity was also impressive.

After the exam, this guy was surrounded by a group of people, and even Naruto wanted to make friends with this guy.

I feel like there is something in the other person's rhetoric that I can learn from.

But as soon as she took a step, she was stopped by Sakura. She felt that there was something wrong with Deidara.

Master Noah has just used miraculous ninjutsu to build a perfect stage, and the performer is a ninja from another village.

She didn't believe in coincidences. When she was on the moon, she did nothing but study.

As far as she knew, Tsunade-sama went to the Rain Country just because she happened to find out that Noah-sama was seriously injured.

Lord Orochimaru, Lord Jiraiya, Lord Scorpion, etc.

Many people within the Akatsuki organization came in by coincidence.

So don't make things extra complicated. We just need to leave in a low-key manner which is the greatest help.

When I left the examination room, I saw a lot of people gathered around me.

There are parents, there are mentor jounin, and there are reporters.

Deidara, Naruto and Sasuke were the biggest favorites, but unfortunately the latter two were taken back by their parents and refused to be interviewed.

Deidara wanted to say a few words, but was stopped by Ohnoki who came immediately and insisted on taking his disciple back to the station of Iwagakure Village.

Among the residents.

Hahahahaha, the Hokage's eyes were full of astonishment at that time. He probably thought that Naruto and Sasuke were already sure, hahahaha.

Onoki looked at his disciple and felt relaxed for a long time.

Originally, there were so many young and powerful people in Konoha that really made him feel desperate.

Not only Naruto and Sasuke, but others of similar age are very strong.

When Iwagakure Village was cleared of special 'genin' like Kurotsuchi at that time, the gap was even more terrifying, and there was almost a gap.

Even Hyuga Neji defeated his granddaughter head-on.

The Chuunin Exam has lost its meaning.

The result~~


This little guy that I have always liked very much gave me a big surprise.

Ohnoki had no doubts about Deidara's strength reaching this stage.

In the ninja world, there is a unique way to judge whether a person will become a strong person in the future.

That is because most strong people have been special since childhood, that is, their style of painting is different from others.

Not to mention Hashirama and Uchiha Madara, one has been as wise as a fool since he was a child, and the other has been Long Aotian since he was a child.

In particular, there is a special CP combination, so the people who fall in love and kill each other are almost without exception top-notch strong men.

Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke have this taste, so they look familiar and scary.

Including the shadows of other villages, they have been different since they were young.

For example, my own body shape has been different from ordinary people since I was a child. I finally realized the dust escape created by the second generation adults and became the third generation Tsuchikage.

Deidara also has the same trait and has been fond of working with dangerous explosives since he was a child.

So Ohnoki had long believed that Deidara would become a new generation of strong men in the village and the sharpest blade in the hands of the next Kage.

But I never thought that this kid would have the qualifications to become a movie star.

Restless, dangerous, detached, disobedient to discipline, disdainful of learning the village's ideas.

To be honest, this kid is more likely to become a traitor than a Kage.

It’s just that these labels have been torn off today.

After all, it was because I, Ohnoki, was old and had bad eyesight that I failed to see Deidara's growth.

This responsibility and courage are worth entrusting the future of Iwagakure Village to the past.

However, it is better to explore the cause of the abnormal clay ninjutsu. The ninja is still cautious.

Deidara did not hide it, although his stone will had something of his own, and although his scientific foundation came from the Akatsuki organization.

But this does not affect my small class.

First of all, we all know that explosion is a process in which energy is converted from one form to another or several forms in a short time and a small space, accompanied by strong mechanical effects.

Depending on the initial energy of the explosion, the route I chose was a chemical explosion.

Explosive materials are relatively unstable systems in the outside world.

Ohnoki was at a loss and found that this disciple was actually very knowledgeable.

Unexpectedly again, he thought it was some kind of wild research, but it happened to integrate the blood inheritance limit, such as explosive escape.

The result is a rigorous scientific system.

At present, there is no Kage in the ninja world who is uneducated. At this level, a lot of knowledge can be understood roughly.

I see, is this the study of explosive materials and principles?

Then the last shortcoming is gone. What this little guy has been tinkering with since he was a child is so powerful. It seems that this system still has a lot of room for improvement.

What’s even more gratifying is that this system is not very difficult to get started and can be promoted to a certain extent within the village.

Deidara, you will be the Tsuchikage's assistant after the Chuunin Exams.

Onoki said this in front of everyone in the mission. The old man who likes to do things is very straightforward.

Kurotsuchi's eyes were a little dim.

She knew that the Yondaime was far away from her, but she couldn't think of other thoughts.

There was nothing wrong with Deidara's performance today.

Strength, courage, will, and mind are all stronger than myself.

There is not even a trace of reason for the gap between the latter three.

What's even more frightening is that this guy is still a well-educated academic, and he can't understand most of the explanations of the system.

Deidara's reaction was beyond everyone's expectations.

Old man, I still want to continue studying art, and I don't have time to be a Tsuchikage assistant.

Ohnoki sighed even more, he really has not changed his original intention. No wonder he can understand the will of stone.

You can study art even if you become a Tsuchikage's assistant.

You can even use village funds to conduct in-depth research, and you can gain access to more confidential information to broaden your horizons.

Back then, the second-generation master created the Dust Escape after reading all the information in the village and various forbidden techniques.

Onoki began to earnestly advise Deidara to follow the path of the Tsuchikage.

Move it with emotion and understand it with reason, coupled with the relationship between master and disciple for so many years.

Finally, Deidara reluctantly agreed.

And next door.

The Raikage was furious.

His whole body was surrounded by dazzling lightning, and he ran rampant in the small room.

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