Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 175 Noah is very satisfied

The sword was held on his neck for who knows how long. Anyway, in Taizog's perception, every second seemed like a year, which was extremely uncomfortable.

Suddenly, the word Wado was withdrawn from his neck.

Hahahahaha, it's okay, go back, you performed very well, I'm very satisfied.

Um? Seeing that Noah wasn't angry at all, Tezog couldn't believe it.

that's all?

Then I'll give you a sword?

With a quick stride, Tezog ran towards his classmates. The thin line between life and death was too dangerous. He couldn't get carried away next time.

When he returned to his classmates, he was greeted with admiring looks. He dared to scheme against a big boss like this, and he hadn't even been punished yet. He was really awesome.

Bonnie and Xiao Feng, who were lying on the side feeling a little exhausted, were also impressed by Tezog this time. Little did he know that at this moment, Tezog's whole quilt was soaked in cold sweat, and his heart was beating super fast. Just try it when a sword that can break mountains and seas is held to your neck. It’s so scary.

Noah in the distance is really satisfied with Tezog. He is a very cerebral person and very clever.

The point is very realistic! He will work from what he has, rather than longing for something he doesn't have. The fishmen are easy to fool, so join forces with the fishmen. Others' emotions can be exploited, so he lets others serve as cover.

As long as you put the inner shackles of rules and conscience on him, he will be a good comrade. For this person, we must pay close attention to the ideological and moral education, but we must not relax. After all, he was a person who almost became a primitive capitalist, so it is normal to have some worries.

The dragon in the dark thought so too. In future government affairs, this Tezog would be a good helper for him. In a short period of time, his organizational power and decisiveness were fully demonstrated. Noah's vision was well-deserved, and the people brought back from the North Sea also had such talents.

As for Qiao Aili Boni and Xiao Feng, they must be trained well and they will become warriors in the future. Bonnie's character still needs to be tempered, she is too impulsive. Unlike Xiao Feng's boldness, although Xiao Feng is very passionate, he knows the consequences of his passion.

Bonnie is really all about rushing and giving away. If you want to treat them, leave it to Robin. She is the best at talking to these awkward young people.

Arriving in front of the students, Noah thought about it and encouraged them all.

Don't be discouraged. My strength is relatively rare in the sea. It's normal that you can't beat me. Otherwise, the 5 billion bounty from the World Government would have been taken away long ago.

This time, I would like to give special praise to Tezog, Bisaro and others from the fish-men tribe. They made full use of the advantages of team assistance and played to a certain level.

Bonnie and Xiao Feng also participated in the attack at the last moment, which can barely be regarded as a team attack.

On the sea, when we encounter strong opponents, we can use the power of the team appropriately, understand?


Well, let me give you an example. In the North Sea, there is a very powerful pirate named Doflamingo. He also has overlord-like domineering, but I believe everyone present can withstand his domineering. Why? Because he Without firm belief, there is nothing to give

The will of life, so his domineering power was defeated by me and the dragon one after another. Do you understand? If you want to increase the upper limit in the future, willpower is the key!

Okay, everyone who is injured should go to the medical room for treatment. Don't leave any hidden injuries.

Dover didn't even expect that he would be pulled out by the revolutionary army and beaten to death. He was such an unlucky guy.

After saying this, Noah opened a door and disappeared.

Oops, this kind of unrestrained battle is so comfortable. I kind of understand the psychology of the actors. It's really interesting to watch the rookies in front of me deliberately act to raise some hope for the other party and then break the reality. It can only be done occasionally, and it should be used in the right way. It cannot be as wretched as Porusalino, it is too bad of character.

When he opened the door, he saw three guys who didn't look like good guys standing in the shadows. Noah couldn't help but complain, Can you guys stop acting like bad guys? He was wearing strange clothes, his body shape was different from ordinary people, and he was hiding in dark corners and peeping, but there was no one left.

Ahem, let's go, you guys have something to talk about beforehand.

Ivankov and Big Bear went to the medical department. Many people were injured this time. Although Noah was released into the sea, the injuries were still a bit high and needed a thorough examination.

How are these students doing?

Except for the ones who were stunned by the overlord color at the beginning, they were okay. My overlord color has restrained a lot, but the result is still unbearable, and I am still some distance away from the elite.

Well, let's arrange these follow-up tasks and go to work in some less important positions. Where are the others?

The combined skills of the ten fishmen are very good. How about forming a legion? There is such an army on the sea, it is definitely very strong. After all, people with fruit abilities cannot ignore the sea water.

They have also practiced for a long time. Ordinary fishmen can only practice 'water striking' and '500-watt square fist'.

After that, we can discuss with Tiger and Jinbei to simplify some combined skills and teach them, and train this style alone. That way it will be fine, just like the kendo book I wrote.

This seems to be really possible. You have always had some different ideas from ours. I even wonder if you are from O'Hara. I have never heard that O'Hara's people are so powerful.

Ahem, of course it's O'Hara. Without the Tree of Omniscient, I wouldn't be where I am today.

By the way, Bonnie's character needs to be changed. Talk to Big Bear and let him do the work. Xiao Feng, let him and Ivankov practice hard. He is reliable.

Okay, what do you want to do next?

Long's eyes were a little wary of Noah's character who likes to make grand scenes.

This look made Noah furious. What kind of look you are looking at could have been solved on the playground today. It was the green-haired Tezog who suggested changing the venue, okay? Don’t accuse me wrongly.

When it comes to creating a scene, you're not bad at it. Which stage was not filled with wind, rain, thunder and lightning? Wasn't it you who tore up the auction venue in Beihai?

The Overlord Se and Fenhai Yijian in the back just want to open the eyes of young people. Okay, the scene is getting a bit big, so don’t look at me.

I'm going to see Zefa in a few days. He wants to see me if he has something to do. So I will stay quietly on the island for the next few days until the day I leave.

Yeah, the dragon nodded with satisfaction after hearing the assurance and flew away.

Noah opened the door and went home, now he could have a good rest. Waiting for Robin and the three little devils to get home, they will have a good meal. This is life. I hope to get rid of the world government as soon as possible so that I can continue to live like this.

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