Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 176 Occupy the Propaganda Position

After resting on the island for a few days, I occasionally helped Robin correct the new textbooks, while thinking about his new book. Morgans was pushing too hard, so he still had to deal with it.

Moreover, the situation is very urgent, which means that if Mr. Adam does not publish any works, he will lose his current status as a great writer.


Morgans, a veteran, must know something about Adam's identity, but he has never said that it belongs to the chaotic neutral camp. It can be hyped up by big news, whether it is from the navy or the revolutionary army.

When a world war breaks out, he will definitely be the most excited, and he will really entertain himself to death.

Then this reminder is not a simple reminder.

Originally, he planned to deal with it with a casual young blood comic, but after listening to Morgans, Noah changed his mind.

Morgans said that World Economic News once collaborated with the Navy to serialize a comic, Sky, Warrior of the Sea, which tells the story of Sky, a hero who can walk on the sea, leading a dream fusion robot and seagulls to fight against the evil Zell. The story of Ma 66.

It has created a strong and righteous image of the Navy, and has also become a good brainwashing material for children. This story could have gained many young fans around the world, but unfortunately it was lost to Jojo's Bizarre Adventure drawn by Noah during the same period. It was rubbed against the ground, and the performance was not as brilliant as before.

It’s not that the setting of the combined mecha is not cool, it’s just that Jojo is too good at fighting. Besides, the plot itself is for the Navy, so it can be regarded as a propaganda war for the Navy.

If we do not occupy the propaganda position, the enemy will occupy it. There are also experts in the navy and the world government. From the initial preparation to remove Water Margin to the subsequent obstruction of the Nanhai Drama Tour Troupe, it shows that there are people within the enemy who understand the power of propaganda. Fortunately, such people should not have much power within the World Government, otherwise it would be really troublesome. .

Of course, it's just trouble. There's a war of public opinion and a propaganda war. To put it bluntly, everyone in this world combined can't compare to Noah. A Blue Star person in the age of the information explosion basically knows a little bit about these things.

When Base Station 0 is further developed, the broadcast channels will also have to keep up, allowing the people in the sea to hear what the world outside the island is like, and let them know whether their life is good or not.

This is the first big killer. As long as there are enough ground base stations, Bika's signal is enough to cover the South China Sea.

In terms of propaganda function, it uses the mass media of radio to promptly publicize the core ideas, behaviors, and achievements of the revolutionary army; in terms of education, it uses radio to spread knowledge to the public, especially modern scientific concepts and the concept of ideological emancipation;

Then there is the supervision function, which uses broadcast media to supervise social and economic activities and correct public opinion. When ordinary people do not have other cheaper and more convenient channels to obtain information, this is the only ideological nuclear weapon that can compete with news birds.

Moreover, broadcasting has the function of producing and transmitting information, guiding the optimal allocation of social resources, and managing information. They are the most lacking things in the sea. Let everyone exchange information and connect with each other. This is one of the most critical steps to unite the South China Sea.

Back to writing books, World Economic News is currently preparing to restart Soldier of the Sea: Sky. After defeating the mysterious evil empire of Germa, set up another target and continue to promote the majesty of the navy. So who is the villain? The possibility of Noah is really great. Disrupt the sea, kill the Celestial Dragons, and let the sky and seagulls defeat him with the combined mecha!

Noah can't bear this. The navy is purely a personal attack.

In order for World Economic News to give up this plan, Noah has to come up with a more explosive work to conquer the newspaper and let them choose this one.

There are many requirements for this work. First of all, it cannot involve sensitive aspects. The last time Water Margin crossed the line. Secondly, the painting style should be explosive, distinctive and resonant.

Finally, the fighting method should be simple, and there should not be too many plots of wits. Sometimes comics will add a lot of troublesome ideas to some people, which cannot be used to make enemies. At the beginning, Jojo was a bit misguided and gave too much imagination. , fortunately, the system of substitutes is more random and more about combat wisdom.

Then Naruto and Hunter will definitely not work. When the combat power of Eye Legend is not rampant in the early stage, the battle is still very smart. A full-time hunter, a battle of wits throughout the game. All brainless people, except the protagonist, have a miserable life, but the protagonist has intuition.

Finally, Noah, who had thought about countless works, decided to pay attention. It’s time to come up with a masterpiece to shock the sea, and the time span of this masterpiece is as long as that of One Piece in Shounen Jump Weekly. Even if its plot is simple, even if its fighting is simple, even if its protagonist dies and lives again, lives and dies again, as long as it is released, it will definitely be the center of attention, that is.

Dragon Ball!

It will take a long time, and it may not be finished until Noah overthrows the world government.

The battle is simple. From the first episode to the latest version, the battle style is basically the same, with nothing more than the special effects changing colors.

Hot-blooded, in line with the atmosphere of the sea, who can say that Dragon Ball is not a hot-blooded show?

It has a wide audience and can be watched by all ages. It has many races, including aliens and races in the universe.

Since we can't publicize this war declaration position, let's put a work on it so that the navy can't publicize it. This is a great idea. There is not much other information in this comic. It would be a good thing if the world government suddenly became interested in the aerospace industry.

Start working on it when you think about it, write the main line and the plot of each volume, draw the characters and architectural details, put it down after finishing two chapters, and just wait for Robin to come back.

Huahuaguo's ability can be called a humanoid automatic printer when it comes to writing and drawing. It can work on several volumes at the same time. Moreover, Robin had experience in assisting with drawings before, so he was familiar with this kind of thing. One last piece of advice, don’t talk about KPIs with Robin, she can win over anyone.

When Robin came home, all he saw was a table of food and neat furniture. Years of tacit understanding made her understand.

Let's eat.


After eating, I naturally walked to the study room and looked at the line drawings, original pictures, and the outline of the plot. He put his hands together and started working.

Some made storyboard sketches, some made storyboard clear drafts, some outlined, and some colored. The finished drafts came out like an assembly line and were neatly bound.

This smooth and flowing process is really fascinating! The most powerful fruit in the life system is well deserved.

It’s already over 400,000 words, please spread the flowers~~

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