Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 174 Sand and Slide Shovel

The two men in front launched a reckless attack without any desire to retreat.

Age-reducing boxing method. Straight punch Bonnie put her hands together, the palms of her hands glowed white, and then she wrapped her fists. Quickly straighten the left arm with elastic force, and at the same time move the left shoulder forward and turn the upper body slightly to the right to increase the speed and power of the punch. While stretching your arm forward, turn your left fist inward until the center of the fist is downward and strike in a straight line.

This move was originally prepared to deal with Robin. It abandoned the one-time age reduction method of the fruit and instead used punches. Each punch can reduce the age by one year.

Shemale Boxing·Super Gorgeous Swan Dance! Xiao Feng jumped into the sky, with the illusion of a swan appearing behind him. After stretching one leg, he used the extended leg to kick the opponent diagonally downwards. It was a single-leg bursting kick with highly concentrated power, faintly carrying Firelight. Please let Mr. Noah appreciate the new moves.

Boom! Boom!

There were two muffled sounds, and a wave of air spread around.

Xiao Feng's kick was easily caught, and Noah, who blocked the attack with one hand, nodded with satisfaction. This power can at least get a reward of 20 million Baileys.

The other hand blocked Bonnie's age-reducing fist. The power of time is indeed strange. Even if you use armed defense, you can feel that this power is trying to slowly penetrate. With this intensity, another 100 days will pass. You can break through, it's quite powerful. This strength is estimated to be about 25 million Baileys at sea.

With one force, the two people were thrown away, and the remaining students also rushed to kill them. Punch and kick, use physical skills to fight physical skills, do not use Haki for the time being. Use your body's instincts to fight against the students, dodge, punch, dodge, and kick.

He can dodge at the same speed as everyone else, but he just can't hit him. It was obvious that he was punching at the same speed as everyone else, but he just couldn't dodge.

One, two or three, people kept being knocked down, and people kept jumping on them. Except for Xiao Feng and Bonnie's attacks, Noah did not block the counterattack. This was deliberately making it more difficult for them.

When fighting Robin, I felt as helpless as the west wind sweeping away fallen leaves. They were fallen leaves, being ruthlessly swept away and rolling all over the ground.

When fighting Noah, they actually felt that they could fight him. This illusion made the students even crazier. The more they fought, the more unrestrained they were. Everyone had never fought so heartily.

But he didn't notice that more and more people fell down, and they were all transported away by Robin outside the venue. Noah has a sense of proportion, but he doesn't have it when the students get involved. Don't let a few of them be trampled to death and it will be funny.

Tezog, who was in the rear, knew the time had come when the number of people was reduced to a certain extent, and his current field of vision was just right.

He walked around behind Noah and launched a sprint. He only had one chance, and if he missed it, it would be gone.

Sensing someone rushing over from behind, Noah looked back and saw a handful of sand rushing towards him. He had no choice but to close his eyes and listen to the voice to argue.

Robin, Kuina, Long and others standing on the sidelines all felt like they couldn't help laughing.

This wave is about the Gray Samurai being punished in return. Noah, who has been crossing the sea with his powder-dusting skills for so many years, is still here today. It's really funny. It is still the youthful version of lime powder, just sand on the ground.

Noah also sighed in his heart. This guy Tezog really has some routes that are quite similar to him. He has learned his famous stunts without a teacher. He must be well entertained in the future.

Bonnie, Xiao Feng, it's now! This guy Tezog immediately called the brothers to come up.

Seeing the fighter plane appear, the two of them were not pedantic, and rushed forward despite the pain of being beaten before.

Shemale Boxing: Memoirs of That Summer

Age-reducing punch. Super straight punch!

With the positioning of his ears, Noah once again blocked the attack of the two people, but his hands were forced to stand still.

Bisaro, come on!

After shouting, Terzog really got on this time. He hugged Noah's feet with a sliding shovel, and the strong man locked the male youth version - the strong man locked the feet.

After receiving the signal, Bisaro led 9 of his fellow fishmen and worked together to use a super special move.

Murloc Karate. Combined sea current throws over the shoulder!

A huge sea current surged towards the entangled group of people. The combined power of ten people could not be underestimated.

Hehehehe, Mr. Noah, I remember that you are a fruit power user, right? We have locked your hands and feet, so you can't use your fruit power. Now the sea current is coming~ Tezuo Ge showed a victorious smile.

But Bonnie and Xiao Feng are also capable people.

Yes, that's why we devised such a plan, otherwise how could I have fooled you!

Humph, you guy, although you took advantage of me, I will forgive you this time. Bonnie said bitterly.

Noah looked at Tezog and heard Akainu's voice inexplicably. He was also quite depressed at the time.

Okay, but why do fruit abilities have to use both hands and feet?

Use your upper body to move your head in a circle on top, and the space door opens, opens, opens, opens.

The current also crashed down, and Xiao Feng and Bonnie were swept away directly. Noah stood there, except that his trousers were a little wet, and Taizog holding his legs was still there.


Hahaha, haha, haha, I didn't expect that the fruit's abilities are quite diverse. Hahaha, you taught us a good lesson, haha.

Tezog, who couldn't stop laughing, felt desolate in his heart. In the end, I was the only one left to resist everything.

Actually, fruit ability development is very casual. I can draw circles with my butt, but it's just not necessary. Tell me, what end do you choose?

Well, Mr. Noah, there are still ten fish-man students in the sea, do you think so?

Noah casually drew out the word Hedao without taking it out of its sheath, and a huge sword energy rubbed Taizog's scalp and flew towards the sea.

Watching the sword energy flying into the sea, the sea was split apart with a bang! ! !

What is this? Seeing this exaggerated sword energy power, the students' eyes flew out.

On the seabed, the fish-men tribe's brothers were trembling. Just now, the sword energy flew past them in a whoosh. It was really scary.

Come up, go and stay there.

After hearing these words, several older brothers immediately trotted over to the students and squatted down, not daring to show their heads at all.

This time, only Tezog was really left. When Noah was talking, he also wanted to run over, but unfortunately he was held by a knife at his neck.

Tell me about it, wasn't it pretty cool just now? Is there any follow-up strategy?

No more, no more.

It was this unsheathed sword that separated the sea just now. Tezog didn't think it would be more difficult to separate his own head than the sea.

Thinking about it, I was indeed a little arrogant just now, but young man, how can you be dissatisfied with the powerful man who calculated to the top of the sea? He will die this time.

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