Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 173 Ah, so embarrassing

The sea breeze blew the corners of Noah's clothes. Looking at the students waiting in front of him, he became slightly interested. It was quite an interesting battlefield arrangement.

The onlookers stood on the cliff in the distance and were a little bored watching the confrontation below. They struggled to move a large group of people to the location, but when they arrived, they didn't fight. What were you doing?

I admire those who withstood the pressure and made the decision to change the battlefield. At least it was a battle plan, wasn't it? The advantage was smoothed out little by little.

Luo, who rushed back from the Sobel Kingdom to watch the battle, said, Kuina also nodded. Her master's most challenging battle when he debuted was when he used various strategies and methods to shake up the situation in the sea little by little. In the end, He led his men into Mariejoia and accomplished a feat that shocked the world. The gap in strength at that time was also the distance between heaven and earth.

I really don’t know how someone with a gentle face could be so crazy inside.

Then what if Mr. Noah did not agree to the proposal to move the battlefield? Sabo asked a question.

No, Mr. Noah is testing the strength of the recruit training camp this time, so that they can fully display their combat power. After all, Luo, who is slightly older, is well-informed and has some opinions.

Besides, it's just the sea, it's nothing to the master. Kuina continued. Hearing these words, Sabo also thought of the sword that cut through the strait.

Moving to the seaside is the first step in Terzog's plan. According to the information about Noah disclosed by the World Government, knowing that he is a Devil Fruit user, the sea water will more or less give him some consideration, which is a slight advantage. Bar.

As for the fruit ability users among his classmates, it won't have any impact, and Noah won't take advantage of this.

Only the fish-men in the sea can show their true strength, and a large part of this plan rests here.

Even though they knew they were no match for Noah, the number of people gave everyone courage, and some people still had some hidden ambitions, such as embarrassing Noah with the presence of so many elites. But the first person to take action has not yet appeared, they are all waiting.

Since none of you are willing to take action, then I will take action. Noah said softly.

Making the students even more nervous, where? Top, left, right?

You guessed it wrong, neither! boom! It’s domineering and domineering! The overwhelming red domineering energy filled this space, and the students felt that they were completely suppressed by the rich domineering energy, unable to move.

There was a vision of rolling dark clouds, lightning, thunder, and a change in the sky.

Anger, tragedy, sacrifice, passion, lofty sentiments, the meaning of changing the world, and the determination of all people are all turned into a rich red. Is this the color of domineering domineering? Everyone froze as their thoughts were suppressed and slowly came to a standstill.

Starting with Overlord color, isn’t this standard? Let young people feel the power of high-end. The difference between the so-called strength in numbers and the power of a mob is really not that big. If you want to join the high-end battlefield in the future, you must have the unity of determined people to create miracles.

I don’t know how long it took, but the huge force that was like the top of a sacred mountain suddenly dissipated. Those who didn't react immediately fell out of balance, some fell down because their legs were weak, and a few even lost consciousness. There were only about a few people left standing there.

Several hands grew on the ground and moved the unconscious students out of the battlefield. They were among the first batch to be eliminated. It is a very serious matter to have a weak will in this sea. When you come to the boot camp, you must be the elite of the elite. A strong will is the most basic standard. After training for so long, Noah has not yet fully released his domineering lust. Still fainted, really not up to standard.

What makes Robin regretful is that one of the young men from the Grand Line has good cultural and training scores, but he still lacks training.

Yes, not many people have lost consciousness, which shows that the rest of you are still strong-willed.

'Are you kidding? This level of pressure is a monster! ’

The panting Terzog was a little scared. This is a strong man. He defeated us with just his momentum without moving. A fire was ignited in his heart in fear. One day, I will have such strength.

Looking at the staggering students below, Long, Ivankov and Big Bear who were hiding in the dark and watching the excitement fell silent.

Do you think Noah is still releasing the overlord color? I have been a little confused since the first time I saw him use it. There is no overlord color that contains so many emotions. It is like the condensed will of a group of people. The product is the same, incredible.”

Ivankov couldn't help but ask, and the She-Monster King was puzzled. This dominance was not normal.

I don't know, the leader's overlord color is not as strong as Noah's.

Big Bear is also a little curious. Logically speaking, such an impure overlord color shouldn't have such a powerful power.

Pay attention to the peak of his domineering power when he unified all his will into a red force. This is the state of unity he said.

Long casually told Noah's secret, because even if he told it, he couldn't do it. It can only be classified as an innate abnormality, just like seeing, hearing, and coloring. Some people can predict the future, and some people can listen to the voices of all things.

Returning to the battlefield, the students present needed to temporarily relax their mental state due to the overlord color of their starting hands.

I will no longer use Bawang colors after that. I hope you can show your true level and not let everyone down.

After a while, everyone finally got rid of the sequelae of mental oppression. He stood back up and regained his posture.

Bonnie knew that at this time when morale was low, someone had to stand up. Even just a charge could awaken everyone's will. She took a step forward and walked out. Coincidentally, Xiao Feng also took a step forward and stood side by side with her.

Go together!


Starting, accelerating, accelerating again, the sound of wind passes by the ears, the roar of the heart sounds, the blood is compressed to the extreme and then flows out, flowing along the blood vessels at high speed. This is a battle and a fight for life.

Tezog behind him signaled the fishman brothers to come closer.

Now you go to the sea immediately and watch my signal.

Understood, Mr. Tezog, you should take care of yourself too.

After speaking, Bisaro jumped into the sea with all the murlocs, and there was a burst of water. On the bottom of the sea, the murlocs charged up crazy karate.

Ah~ Seeing that Xiao Feng and the others are so motivated, what are you waiting for? Let's all join together!

Terzog was incited on the spot, and the crowd, already infected by Bonnie and Xiao Feng, started to scream and charge together, leaving him alone.

Ah, so embarrassing.

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