This time Konoha's chunin exam is no longer just about selecting genin, it has more political and military implications.

Ordinary people in Konoha are also afraid.

Although the arrival of abortion has caused sales and GDP to skyrocket, there are too many strong people, and even a small aftermath can cause devastating effects.

Pictures of the battlefields between the Kingdom of Iron and the Kingdom of Waves have long been spread throughout the ninja world on the news, and everyone knows what the battlefield of the strong looks like.

If they come here, Konoha will destroy the village directly.

So the Hokage and the Hokage's secretary appeared again to stabilize people's hearts.

Kyuubi, who was signing and sealing the book in the Hokage Studio, was having a great time when he felt two figures suddenly appear beside him, and then a familiar hand began to rub down from its forehead.

You guys, Konoha still needs your help now?

We still have to give the people here a little confidence. We can't make the whole world panic because of our affairs.

Noah has returned, and now Konoha has to calm down even if there is a huge turmoil.

Not to mention that Kakashi has recovered his body again and given himself a complete look.

The white hair was too conspicuous and was dyed back to silver gray.

The Sharingan in both eyes has also been adjusted, and it looks like the same three magatama in the normally open state as before.

Even one of them is still in a dim state, guaranteed to be unchanged from before leaving.

In terms of acting, Kakashi is much better than Nagato.

Afterwards, Lord Hokage held a meeting of all Jonin.

I will handle the reception of Siguoying, so you don't have to worry.

Strong reinforcements from the Akatsuki organization will also arrive. This Chunin Exam will definitely make the Eastern Three Kingdoms understand that war is the most undesirable path.

Kakashi's tone was unprecedentedly solemn, and one could feel his seriousness and nervousness.

Yes, even Hokage would find it difficult to face this situation.

Who would have thought that such a trivial matter as the Joint Chuunin Exam would be taken seriously by the Three Kingdoms of the East.

When Kakashi sat down, the Hokage's secretary appeared, and everyone present immediately stood up straighter.

Is there anyone in the Ninja world who doesn't know about this person's status? Dongsanguo used loudspeakers to shout to the whole world.

It's just that if the boss is willing to act for his direct disciples, they have to cooperate.

At least the secretary feels at peace when he is there.

No matter whether the enemy can destroy Konoha or not, those who dare to take action will not survive.

Noah didn't care about losing his vest. That bitch Hei Jue had been frantically digging for information about him.

Some unimportant or disposable vests have been investigated by the ninjas from the Eastern Three Kingdoms.

Therefore, Sarutobi Hiruzen's conspiracy theories have always been popular.

Ahem, okay, let's start planning for this Chunin Exam.

There is no need for self-innovation, the three levels set by Sarutobi Hiruzen are very good.

He only needs to modify the kernel slightly and use it directly.

The first exam is tentatively scheduled to be a written exam, and I will give the questions myself.

The proctor asked two jonins, Hinata Hizashi and Hyuga Hicashi, to be the proctors, and the torture squad also joined in.

Letting the Hyuga clan use their Byakugan to monitor the exam room is really a proctor at the level of Tianxiu. It is extremely difficult to cheat.

The question was asked by the Hokage Secretary. It must be very in-depth. I don’t know how many people can pass the first game.

Some people have questioned whether this will eliminate the need for the next two exams.

The secretary's reply is that it doesn't matter. The reason why it is so strict is to facilitate the secret operation.

Behind the scenes?

There is no need for a big shot like you to tell us so straightforwardly.

All the jounin were frightened by this direct answer.

“The second game is the wild competition in the Death Forest.

Small things like snatching the scrolls of heaven and earth are not important. This level is mainly about selecting candidates for the final third game.

After all, the third game is presented to all the villagers and the entire ninja world, and reporters will conduct live broadcasts and interviews.

So be sure to choose the most suitable, powerful and controversial candidate in Game 2.

Without so much attention, how could he cooperate with Hei Jue?

Noah was heartbroken in order to let Uchiha Madara regain the Samsara Eye.

So as the person in charge, I personally think that Jonin Class Commander Shikaku is the most suitable person.

He is quite controversial, so he is not afraid of this.

Everyone nodded and recognized Guoying's status.

Lu Jiu himself had a calm expression. He had already been mentally prepared to use power for personal gain to get his son down. This exam was too dangerous.

That silly boy sometimes has some inexplicable persistence. Whether he will listen to it or not is another matter.

At this time, someone raised their hand to ask what the Konoha Forest of Death was. They had never heard of such a training ground.

“Later, Hokage-sama and I will set up.

After all, some people are overly powerful, and it is said that there are several jinchūriki.

It seems that the information about some ninjas in the Eastern Three Kingdoms has also been revised, and they are basically treated according to the jounin-standard war.

If you put it in the village training ground, you will have to bear unnecessary losses.

War of the Jonin. Yeah.

This may be the strongest class of genin in history. Even if you wait for others to enter, you may overturn.

As for whether it would be possible to arrange the scene in time, the question was suppressed in the bottom of my heart. If the secretary said it would be possible, it would be possible. Even if he said that he could use wood escape to recreate a forest, he could believe it.

I will personally host the third session.

The venue is set to be in the forest 50 kilometers outside Konoha Village, and there will be a temporary railway leading there.

Understood, this is to try to control the accident so as not to affect the village.

It seems that the secretary is also prepared for war.

Of course Noah had to prepare.

Although the remote-controlled Sarutobi Hiruzen guided the Eastern Three Kingdoms in the Cold War was very good and avoided many wars.

But humans cannot be completely obedient.

A few years ago, Obito's surprise attack on Naruto was an accident that no one knew about.

Ohnoki and Yondaime Ai are both outstanding people, so some other plans are normal.

Originally, important figures would not arrive until the third game, so a month of rest time would be set aside after the first two games for many genin to adjust their state and practice.

But with the current medical conditions in Konoha, it doesn't take such a long time.

This year's other four Kage will arrive in the first game, which means they will stay in Konoha for a week.

Who knows how many stories will happen during this time.

I discussed with Captain Shisui about the security pressure in the village, and we will incorporate ANBU and some Jonin into it.

The sales details of the Chunin Exam Lottery have also been distributed in advance.

I hope that in the next one to two weeks everyone will present a different and more spiritual look to the entire ninja world.

Please work hard.


Everyone dispersed and began the final preparations.

The Konoha Village also felt a lot more at ease because of the Godaime's occasional stroll.

In the cave on the other side.

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