Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1716 Hei Jue feels stable

Kakashi has finished two years of special training, and he feels little different from before.

But it's definitely not that simple. The growth of this kind of genius is leaps and bounds.

Do you think it's possible for him to reach the level of Uchiha Madara?

Sarutobi Hiruzen sat on the coffin and made a worried gesture.

Black Zetsu began to comfort his accomplices.

Don't worry, the next step of the Sharingan requires changing eyes. He can't do such a thing.

Konoha doesn't have a suitable kaleidoscope for him to replace.

The most I can do is work hard on magic.

The Chakra system has an end. Without that bloodline, we are just mortals.

Kurokaku's tone was very confident, and at this point he was actually more confident than Sarutobi Hiruzen, the conspiracy mastermind.

No one knows what it means to be powerful better than Him!

What about Noah?


Sarutobi Hiruzen tried to break this statement, but Black Zetsu thought it could still come back.

The upper limit of that monster is also under the Six Paths. We will definitely win.

Transferring him to Konoha this time is already half the battle.

Hiruzen, you are indispensable.

Well, I was relieved to see that Kuro Zetsu didn't have any doubts about Sarutobi Hiruzen. Sure enough, this kind of creature is still not as evil as humans.

They continue to guard the border and collect first-hand intelligence.

It would be even better if the remaining masters of the Akatsuki organization could be transferred.

Amid the attention of countless spies, the Konoha Sannin, who had not been seen for a long time, appeared simultaneously in a new town in the Land of Rain.

Although he doesn't appear many times, he has many legends in the ninja world.

Orochimaru is a full-time scientific researcher and a master of academic circles. He often produces by-products of research and has also written some papers that guide scientific directions.

Everyone has auctioned these materials at extremely high prices.

It can be said that in most research and development directions, it is the consensus of the ninja community to cross the river by following Orochimaru.

Tsunade is amazing, she has broken away from the shackles of the Senju.

Because he established the first pharmaceutical factory in the ninja world, specializing in the production of high-quality and low-priced cold medicines, anti-inflammatory drugs, etc.

For ordinary people who are not eligible for medical ninja treatment, every illness is a major crisis.

Although people in the ninja world have good physical fitness, they are not weak to viruses and bacteria.

It can be said that these cheap medicines really save countless lives.

Moreover, the Akatsuki organization used the Iron Country Agreement for the first time in order to have pricing power. The products of the No. 1 pharmaceutical factory anywhere in the entire ninja world must be sold according to the guide price.

Any repricing in a monopoly market will be met with the wrath of thunder.

For this reason, some medicinal material dealers in the five major countries were also cleaned up. After all, these people know how to operate best.

Of course, I would also like to thank the veteran Shikaku for providing the list and solutions. The Nara family used to be one of them.

Therefore, Tsunade's current name is well-known among the people, and she is more popular than Kage.

As for Jiraiya, he has been out of control ever since he became enlightened that day at the Three Holy Lands Service Center.

He began to specialize in niche directions in the field of literature and looked directly at human desires.

I happened to stay in the Holy Land with nothing to do, so I kept writing every day and eventually became a generation of masters.

It was just not convenient for him to reveal his real name. He was afraid that Kakashi would send him to the gallows in front of the Hokage Tower.

So Jiraiya's reputation is still at the level of the white-haired man among the Sannin.

The Sannin followed Yahiko and boarded the train to Konoha under the gaze of many eyes.

“I didn’t expect that my return would be so high-profile this time.”

Jiraiya was a little proud, the immortal still had some not very advanced tastes.

Tsunade's eyes were full of murderous intent, and she punched the immortal in the stomach in front of everyone.


With a muffled sound, the white-haired immortal was beaten to his knees, feeling that his internal organs had been shattered into pieces.

Then he grabbed the person by his hair, Tsunade leaned into Jiraiya's ear and said viciously.

Toad layman? Who can hide such a stupid pen name from anyone!

One of the three ninjas is writing a pornographic book?

If others find out, how will Konoha deal with this kind of public opinion? Go to the gallows?

Jiraiya instantly withered.

You can't say this kind of thing, because if you say it, you will feel short of breath.

Yahiko didn't dare to persuade him at first, but considering the works written by his teacher, he decided to do so.

There is still some artistic content.

The group of people who were fighting and fighting entered the Kingdom of Fire.

Hei Zetsu, who was squatting at the border, had eyes shining at the moment.

Sure enough, even if others regard the collapse of Konoha as a joke, people born in Konoha will still be wary, and being able to transfer the Sannin is considered a success.

Great. According to our information, most of the leaders of the Akatsuki organization have left.

Yang Jiuwei has always been in Konoha Village and has never left. The fairy fox is missing.

Noah and Kakashi arrived at Konoha Village in advance to preside over the Chunin Examination.

Kushina Uzumaki and Shisui Uchiha accompanied their respective families as they prepared to take the Chuunin Exams.

Chiyo follows Kazekage Rasa to Konoha.

Yahiko, Tsunade, Orochimaru, Jiraiya, just set off.

That is to say, among the leaders of the Iron Kingdom, there are still Hanzo the Sanshouyu, the Scorpion of the Red Sand, Nagato, Konan, and Kakuzu.

Ha ha ha ha.

I laughed that child Noah made a fatal mistake after all.

Black Zetsu's confidence moved Sarutobi Hiruzen. He didn't find any obvious loopholes, so he took on the role of admonition and asked.

Of course it's because there are many Konoha ninjas in the Akatsuki organization, so when it comes to Konoha Village, most of their energy will be affected.

Let's see who's left behind.

Sansho Hanzo is getting old. Even if he can survive until now, he still doesn't have much combat power left.

The Red Sand Scorpion is a little tricky, but relying on foreign objects will never make it a great weapon.

As for Xiaonan, she is just a female. There is no record of taking action until now. She may have gained the position of leader by relying on her status as an original member.

In other words, only Nagato is a threat, so after Madara is resurrected, as long as he successfully attacks Nagato, the Kingdom of Rain can be destroyed with a single blow!

Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed, why did this guy suddenly swell up.

It seems that I no longer need to encourage Him, but instead need to suppress some of the rhythm.

And what kind of bullying did Noah have to do? Can a good Yin-Yang escape product also become a demon?

Hiruzen also kindly reminded Black Zetsu not to forget Kakuzu.

Kakuzu. You villain! If you have time, I will cut this bastard into pieces.

Most of Hei Jue's treasury funds were taken away by that greedy mung bean eye.

It's not that I care about money, it's just that the other party often makes fun of me after taking the money. This time, I got a grudge.

Kakuzu in the new town feels a little cold.

Then he ran to the safe house to remotely control the work of subordinates outside.

Just kidding, don't think that you haven't made any progress in the past two years. Orochimaru has installed five special artificial hearts on himself.

I just had a premonition of danger, so I shrank in fear.

The Kingdom of Rain cannot do without me.

The most pitiful thing is Xiaobai, who was forced to follow Noah. In the early stage, he was used as an experimental asset of the organization. He worked hard to become a member of the organization, and even secretly became the leader, and then became the famous name of the Kingdom of Wind, but in the end he did not get a name.

Even the boss, Black Zetsu, has forgotten the existence of this White Zetsu, which is really pitiful.


The train has arrived.

The first one to arrive was Tsuchikage Onoki, who was closest to Konoha and set out earlier.

Naruto was already at the platform preparing to face the last storm of the old era.

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