Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1714 Acting Competition

When the entire ninja world was paying attention to Konoha, Kirigakure ANBU Kankaki Kisame entered the Land of Rain to find Kakuzu.

Tell me what you need from me. There's nothing to sell lately.

Kakuzu still has that greedy look, and after many years of observation by intelligence personnel, this look is not an act.

He is really greedy for ten years, and his personality before joining the Akatsuki organization has remained very stable until now.

I'm not here to buy information, I'm here to sell it.

Kakuzu's little mung bean eyes showed an interesting smile, and the arrogance in his eyes made Kisame feel a little itchy.

Selling intelligence? Selling the intelligence of the Eastern Three Kingdoms to us?

Is there any technological advancement? Or is it making money?

Is there any intelligence that could threaten our Akatsuki organization?

The landlord's casual tone was interpreted in this way. It must be said that Mr. Kakuzu is an experiential person.

Kisame considers himself a gold medal undercover agent and has a very calm mind.

But even after watching it for so many years, it still arouses murderous intent.

He is truly a black market legend.

It may be a matter of style. The financial director of the Kingdom of Rain also had a frightening amount of hidden tricks on the black market. It was only because of his good combat prowess and tough background that he was not killed.

Something about Konoha.

Talk about it.

The Raikage, Tsuchikage and the Moon Organization are preparing to launch the Konoha Collapse Plan in Konoha. During the Chunin Examination.


I really don’t know what to say. Is this thing really suitable for sale?

Is Kirigakure participating?

Kirigakure participated, but Mizukage knew that it would be ineffective, so he decided to abandon the dark side and join the bright side.

As long as Konoha suppresses the other two Kages, they will lead the Water Country to defect and join the Western Continent Convention Country.

You, Kirigakure, are so outstanding. You are even better than the Country of Grass.

Then the provocative remarks Mizukage said before setting off were just a disguise.

Don't the Raikage and Tsuchikage know that this is useless?

Not to mention Noah, even Kakuzu also saw that the so-called revelations were very lacking in authenticity and there was no evidence at all.

This dangerous idea was not proposed by the Three Kingdoms, but by the first three generations of Hokage in Konoha.

Because they were suppressed by the Akatsuki organization in these conflicts, everyone began to fear that they would be liquidated in the future.

Therefore, he planned to concentrate his efforts to stir up unrest in Konoha and severely damage the effective forces of the Western Continent Convention countries.

It would be best to kill members of the Akatsuki organization, with the primary target being the Fifth Hokage Hatake Kakashi, and then launch a great ninja war.

Kisame also said that he would use the dirt reincarnation to summon Uchiha Madara during the Konoha exam. In short, if the Akatsuki organization does not take precautions, Konoha will be gone.

To highlight a sense of urgency, you must know that it has only been one day since Dong Sanying decided to leave, and the exam will not take long, leaving little time for the Akatsuki organization.

Although it sounds a bit unreliable, since the news has spread, you still need to be more prepared.

Kakuzu sat up straight and said with serious eyes.

One million taels, I bought it.

One million taels?

Kisame knew in his heart that passing on false information was just a formality, but was it a bit insulting to send someone away with 1 million taels?

What can you do with 1 million taels now? Destruction of villages and war among ninjas!

The authenticity of the information is uncertain, and my relationship with Konoha is not that good. It was clear that there was a business deal.

Kisame had no choice but to agree.

Also, if you can, help me issue a receipt for 10 million taels.

Will assassinating the financial director of the Kingdom of Rain at this time affect the overall situation?

Kisame left the table angrily, wanting to kill him if he spoke a single word to this man.

After leaving the Kingdom of Rain, we came to a cave.

The matter about this information transaction was told to Sarutobi Hiruzen exactly as it was.

Okay, you go to Konoha.

“Protect the ‘water shadow’”

Kisame took the order and left. It wasn't too far from here to Konoha Village.

The Akatsuki organization doesn't seem to believe in the Konoha collapse plan.

The pitcher plant crawled out from the darkness, and he was a little worried about gain and loss.

It doesn't matter, as long as it arouses vigilance, it will be good to send more people to Konoha.

And there are too many people related to Konoha in the Akatsuki organization. Care will lead to chaos. Just watch.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was so confident that he knew exactly who in the Akatsuki organization would return to Konoha.

Black Zetsu squatted outside the Rain Country and closely monitored the movements.

On top of the tower in the Kingdom of Rain.

Noah felt very calm in his heart as he felt this short-term peace, and he needed to be calm during major events.



Okay, no need to practice.

This is the end of the acting class, the talented ones should just follow their own style.

Nagato, acting skills are not important, just follow the plan.

The other party's arrogance will not care about these little things, so just protect yourself.

If there are other people accompanying you, you can kill everyone you see without sparing a hand.

Nagato nodded. He knew that his acting skills were far from those of the teachers within the organization. After practicing for a long time, he could not reach the level of an amateur group.

He didn't even break a sweat while beating the tailed beast, but he was already covered in sweat after a while.

At this moment, Nagato finally knew the powerful other side of Teacher Noah, the pretender.

In this case, you can only go with your feelings and there should be nothing wrong.

I just practiced my acting skills for a while, but I feel a little dazzled.

Will there be times when the pupil power of the samsara eye is insufficient?

Orochimaru gave the answer to this question.

He used it too much, and he did a lot to squeeze out the potential of this thing, especially when there were still several pairs of lower Sharingan in the organization.

Anyway, after it is recovered by the other party, it is no longer the property of the organization, so feel free to use it boldly.

They even stocked up on a lot of high-end Yin-type potions based on the Samsara Eye in advance, which was simply crazy.

Tsunade also collected a lot of cells, assisted by Kabuto, Shizune, Sakura, etc.

It is estimated that even the Immortals of the Six Paths cannot understand how someone could treat Immortal Eyes like this.

Xiaonan, please pay attention, I can only leave you with my acting skills.

Screaming, anger, tears, mistakes, you know.

Xiaonan nodded, women are born to act.

At this moment Noah thought of something.

Xonan, be careful when you strike, don't impulsively blow up Uchiha Madara.

This kid hasn't made any moves for many years. He only knows that he has saved many talismans.

It's just terrible.

After all these instructions, the Xiao organization really started to take action.

Several people who were still in Ninja Continent appeared in front of the world.

The official leader Yahiko conveyed a message to the outside world, saying that the Akatsuki organization had also received an invitation from Konoha and was preparing to go to the Land of Fire to watch the battle.

The ninja world is even more lively. The Eastern Ocean Convention and the Western Continent Convention are all here. It will be fun to watch if there is any small friction.

Some ninjas from small countries even dare not go. The term The Aftermath of the Strong has been very popular in the past two years.

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