Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1713 Prepare to gather in Konoha

Naruto was using immortal magic to attack, and the power of several Muji Ninjutsu surged with the blessing of natural energy.

Underneath the orange eyeshadow that represents the Myoboku-san sage mode, there are eyes as calm as heaven and earth.

After the trip to the moon, the chakra in the body became larger and more active.

It took him two months to complete the Immortal Mask after returning to Miaomu Mountain. It can be said that it ranks among the top three contractors in the past.


Wentai, you are too strong.

Gamabunta's short sword skills are now much better than before, and his body is several times stronger.

According to Fukasaku Sennin, Bunta once again stimulated his potential after experiencing a long bloody battle, and his tolerance and utilization of natural energy reached a new level.

If it were not deliberately controlled, its size would have grown a lot.

Wentai's mouth twisted. Are you really the only one who deserves special training from hell?

I got through this calamity with that bastard Kakashi!

Who else has the psychic beast that has been defeated by one, five, seven and nine tails? !

If the chakra battery life is enough, he will not be weak even among the tailed beasts.

Immortal method. Rasengan!

Immortal method. Iron gun jade!

It was Kushina's arrival that disrupted the battle.

One move of Five Elements Mountain suppressed the two energetic guys on the spot.

Well, sealing is really outrageous at some points.

Naruto, it's time to go back to the village. If you wait a few days, you won't be able to register for the Chunin exams.


Naruto looked at the potholes around him and felt that it was a bit of a bully to take the Chuunin exam based on his own strength.

Sasuke, Sakura, Neji, and Shikamaru have not been promoted to chuunin.

Your batch of graduates are about to break Konoha's record of being the last to be promoted to chuunin.

So Hokage-sama held this joint chuunin exam.

Naruto felt a little nervous. If he wanted to become Hokage, he had to be promoted.

However, the difference between one year earlier and one year later should not be big. When the immortal mode is used, it will be more

If Sasuke becomes a chuunin.

Naruto was shocked, he had to take the chunin exam this time!

He absolutely can't lose to that stinky guy!

Thinking of this, he hurried back to Konoha for fear that he would be late.

Kushina was also helpless and actually wanted to use a male classmate to stimulate her son's desire to fight.

At this age, shouldn’t we fight tooth and nail for the girl we love?

Minato our son.

Wait, there is one more thing that has not been dealt with.

Kushina took Naruto to a place with few people.

He placed his consciousness into the sealed space through the sealing technique.

Mom, the Nine Lamas haven't been back for a long time. What are you doing here?

The sealed space had long been transformed by Yang Jiuwei himself, and it looked like a resort.

Only an iron gate stands a little awkwardly here.

Take me to meet my old father.

Kushina asked Naruto to open the sealing technique on the useless iron door.

Now is the time to let this seal disappear completely. Only in this way can Naruto completely master the perfect Jinchuuriki mode.

When the seal was released, Kyuubi, who was still reading official documents in the Hokage Studio, curled his lips and felt nothing.

Instead, a golden light flashed out from the sealed space and held Naruto's hand.

The Fourth Hokage emerged from the seal once again.

When Naruto was three years old, during the Hokage Tower coup incident, the Nine Lama who was still Yin Jiuwei once entered the sealed space.

He also pulled out the fourth generation, beat him up and then sealed him back.

Now this seal has finally come to an end.

No, Naruto. The Kyuubi is as big as the Kyuubi!!!

A golden light flashed, and the Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato was dumbfounded. What was the meaning of this last insurance?

The golden chains shuttled through the sealed space, and then hung up the little sun.

King Kong blockade?

Kushina! You are actually alive!

After that, there is a bloody family drama.

While sharing their heartfelt feelings, Minato Namikaze on this timeline felt like he had traveled through time.

Why did the ninja world become like this?

Of course, he also expressed his heartfelt thanks to the mysterious man in the Night of the Nine Tails, as all his promises had been fulfilled.

Then as the last chakra dissipated, Minato's figure began to gradually become transparent.

Naruto was a little sad and a little reluctant to let go, but he was mature enough to know that he couldn't hold him back.

Naruto, don't cry.

Well, Mom, I will be strong!

No, I mean you might see the little sun again.

Minato will definitely be reincarnated by the dirt, and the death mask is placed in his office.

Moreover, Minato's soul has not been reported to the Pure Land. After the corpses are sealed, it reaches the stomach in one step. Maybe there is a chance.

Then he hurriedly said goodbye to the immortals and went home.

Gamamaru looked at Naruto's back and began to worry.

Even without having prophetic dreams, you can still feel the murderous energy boiling between heaven and earth.

At this time, Miaomushan could no longer stay out of the matter, and the white snake had long become Noah's pawn to monitor the Three Holy Lands.

Gamamaru, who had been melancholy for a long time, knew that he was old. If he had been young, he would have bet on his old friend.

Noah believes in you just once!

The Three Holy Lands also began to intensify their efforts.

Konoha, we are back!

The identical arrogant style of Kushina and her son at the gate announced the return of Konoha's last competing genin.

The gate of Sand Hidden Village.

Rasa was currently wearing a Kazekage robe, followed by Elder Chiyo, Maki and others, and was inspecting the genin of the village.

He felt very happy when he saw the vigor of the new generation.

Genin of the Kingdom of Wind, you must show your spirit when going to Konoha this time.

Remember, show some color to those brats in Konoha!


Ahem, Elder Chiyo's cough interrupted Luo Sha's speech. He looked with some displeasure, are there reporters?

Ahem, I was just joking. Our Suna Ninja Village and Konoha have been together since ancient times.

Just show your respective styles in this competition.

Let's go!

The group got on the train.

Luo Sha personally took out her wallet to take a few carriages, breaking the impression of poverty in the Wind Country starting from the time she left home.

This scene also happened in Iwagakure and Kumogakure.

Under the gaze of reporters, this time the Joint Chuunin Examination was going to be as peaceful as possible. Everyone was talking about how our relationship with Konoha was and how our friendship was during this competition.

Getting in the car and closing the door is the real mobilization, and all kinds of cruel and bloody speeches never stopped.

Only the Kirigakure village has true character.

Mizukage Yagura said that this time he wanted to slap Konoha hard in the face and let them know that it is impossible to conquer the ninja world by force.

Kirigakure's genin will also shock the world!

In the audience, Guiteng Suigetsu and others who were preparing to take the exam felt a little chilly. They didn't say that. It was all Mizukage who was talking nonsense.

It can be said that this journey has brought a lot of hatred, and it has once again made Konoha's joint chuunin exam more popular.

Who wants to watch the peaceful fight? Everyone watching the fight wants to see rivers of blood.

At the same time, there were two figures heading towards the Kingdom of Rain.

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