Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1712 Five Countries’ Response

Hiruzen, what should we do next?

Of course, let the Fourth Mizukage take the lead in responding to Konoha's invitation and prepare the strong men in the village to set off together.

At the same time, he secretly contacted the Kingdom of Earth and the Kingdom of Thunder, and brought more experts to bring the fighting power to Konoha Village.

You can even sell the fake Konoha collapse plan to Kakuto.

After all, that greedy guy has made so much money from us. It's time to give some back.

In this way, everything can be linked together to ensure that nothing goes wrong when raiding the Kingdom of Rain.

Hei Jue nodded, as expected, winning first does not count as a win.

Noah has been laughing for more than ten years, and it’s time to pay the price.

He went to disguise the Mizukage and prepare sacrifices and information in high spirits, while the evil smile on Sarutobi Hiruzen's face was a little numb.

Resurrect Uchiha Madara?

As an informant lurking inside Dongyang, I am really busy.

Then the meeting with the Three Shadows started.

Yes, Konoha's methods are very simple, and they may have seen signs of the outbreak of war.

So they used the Chunin Exam to show their strength, but it also showed that they were afraid.

This was the first time since the Iron Kingdom Agreement that the other party had used such a gentle approach to ease relations.

Lei Tu Erying suddenly realized, no wonder he felt a sense of disharmony before.

It's not that I and others are being mean, it's just that in the past few years, I have been signing alliances under the city, and I am really not used to the sudden normal diplomatic activities.

Why don't we all go to Konoha together to explore each other's development? Anyway, nothing will happen if the three shadows gather in Konoha. The fewer people there are, the more dangerous it is.

Maybe you can find the enemy's flaws, or at least see the strength level of the new generation. The special training of the Nine-Tails shouldn't be that simple.

After listening to Hiruzen Sarutobi's analysis, Onoki and Raikage nodded. Mizukage also agreed very much and praised Hiruzen Sarutobi as the pinnacle of the Eastern Ocean Alliance.

So Mizukage was the first to declare that he would go to Konoha, and he must not let the enemy underestimate him.

As for the remaining Tsuchikage Raikage, please don't be impulsive, it doesn't matter if you don't go.

After saying this, no one is a shadow anymore.

But why is this guy Yagura always so brave these years, always the first in everything he does?

With Sarutobi Hiruzen's analysis and Mizukage's leading role, this matter was basically settled.

After the two Kages had a meeting with the village's advisors, they decided to take part in the Chunin Exam.

So they all wrote back to Konoha and said that they would bring more people to ensure their safety.

After the joint chuunin examination of the five major countries was confirmed, it spread to the ninja world.

Some people think this is the most favorable news for peace after the incident in Wave Country, while others think this is a challenge from Konoha, which is likely to intensify conflicts.

In this tense situation, a large number of people rushed to the Country of Fire, whether out of ambition or curiosity.

The huge flow of people brought more chaos. Fortunately, the strong men of Konoha had returned to their positions. Uchiha Shisui easily calmed some people's thoughts after he resumed his duties as the captain of the guard team.

After all, most people really don't dare to be so stubborn under the inspection of Susanoo, who is dozens of meters tall.

Those who come to Konoha are also lucky, not everyone can see this level of patrol security.

It's just that Fugaku's mood is a little subtle, why is this Uchiha's special move really bad on the street.


Aren't you afraid of losing your sight while walking?

Don't worry, Susanoo's technique doesn't care about the leakage of information at all. It doesn't matter if it can be broken, and there is nothing we can do if it can't be broken.

As for the eyes, you don't have to worry about being blind. It's just that there is still a thin line between you and Hokage-sama. This thin line is the difference between heaven and earth.

Shisui was also very sorry. Kakashi-senpai's foundation and opportunities had to be much stronger before he could cross that step.

Unless I stay on the moon for a few more years, I'll have a chance.

In short, the security situation in Konoha is very good, and it also shows the courage of Konoha.

Konoha Gate

Finally back.

Sasuke and Itachi also returned from the outside world in a dusty state, and the two door gods were in a good mood after seeing it.

Sasuke is back to take the chunin exam?


Then kill the genin from other countries. We are the strongest in Konoha.

Most definitely.

Sasuke's tone was very calm, but the tone in his tone was not the overconfidence of the second pillar, but the determination based on strength.

After the Battle of the Moon, he was forced to broaden his horizons, and then was led by Itachi to walk in the ninja world.

In the Kingdom of Wind and the Kingdom of Fire, he even followed the caravans on the streets of the Three Eastern Kingdoms and other countries.

He saw many things in his eyes that he had never seen before, a perspective that had been lacking in previous incarnations of Indra Chakra.

At least the battle in the Bird Country made him fully aware of the evil in human beings.

Later, he secretly liberated the Kingdom of Birds with Itachi, and he also saw the goodness in human beings.

The emergence of kaleidoscope is also logical under the entanglement of the power of good and evil, love and hate.

As for the expansion that comes with bloodline

Itachi first found a deserted place to give his brother a loving beating.

Then he secretly went to the Land of Rain and was beaten by Nagato.

Sasuke said that he no longer had that kind of pride, but Itachi didn't believe it.

Sasuke, don't pretend to be your temperament. I know the consequences of these eyes. Let's not hide it and avoid medical treatment.

Later, when he went to the moon, he was beaten by Metkai and lay in a nutrition cabin for several days.

In the end, if Sasuke hadn't sworn that he really wasn't inflated, Itachi would have been ready to ask Teacher Noah to take a blow to his brother.

Sasuke said that he was afraid of this kind of younger brother. These battle experiences made him have an excessive awe of the power of the ninja world.

After receiving the message from Konoha's Anbu, the two brothers also embarked on a journey home. After seeing many changes in the ninja world, they found that Konoha was the most comfortable.

At least there are no problems with every step of advance planning. Master Noah is really amazing.

After coming back, I immediately went to the Hokage Tower to cancel my vacation.

A Kyuubi stamped them with the Hokage's seal on the desk.

Shikaku is setting up the Chunin Examination room, so if you have any questions during this period, just ask me, the acting Hokage.

Kyuubi's business-like look left the Uchiha brothers very confused.

Is there a change of Hokage?

That insidious mustache just tricked me into helping with trivial matters. He is the one who makes the decisions on major matters.

Kyuubi looked very unhappy, but actually he was secretly happy inside.

Konoha hasn't surrendered to the old man's hands yet.

I have to say that Shikaku is really good at deceiving people, and the effect of moon training is excellent.

After the Uchiha brothers returned home, they found their father and began to accept the changes in Konoha in the past two years.

Father, when will Naruto come back.

Kyuubi. Sir, you have already sent someone to look for him at the Three Holy Lands Service Center.

Mt. Miaomu.

The ground in the back mountain was shaking, and a battle was going on between a man and a toad.

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