Great things are done.

Hei Jue felt extremely puzzled as to why this old man went crazy.

Just issuing a strong statement and inviting countries to participate in the joint chuunin exams, what does it have to do with major events?

Sarutobi Hiruzen's face was filled with a proud smile, and the malice in his eyes was not concealed at all.

Like a villain eager to share his strategy.

Konoha's strong statement and the subsequent Chunin Exams are all the results of my unremitting efforts over the past two years.

Black Zetsu was confused.

The Akatsuki organization is sanctimoniously promoting the so-called peace in the ninja world.

Kakashi, the fake Hokage, responded to the call and tried to create an illusion in every aspect, but a ninja is a ninja, and he is cold-blooded at his core.

After the Wave Country incident, I planned several large-scale frictions, ranging from military and economic aspects.

After constantly reducing the other party's tolerance, they finally hit their bottom line.

The communication methods that focus on investigation and appeasement are no longer used, and the direction has changed to a tough one, then the opportunity for war has finally arrived.

If Hei Jue realizes something, this guy is really a Machiavellian genius.

At this moment, a small misunderstanding or a key assassination can ignite the fuse of the war.

Of course we cannot underestimate our enemy. Noah is insidious and cunning, and some trivial matters may not be able to shake the actions of the Akatsuki organization.

So let's plan a big event.

Black Jue suddenly realized.

Do you mean to use this Chunin Exam to cause a war in Konoha?

But at that time, Konoha had accumulated many top masters, and the Eastern Three Kingdoms were still at a disadvantage in terms of high-end combat power. Unless they used the Reincarnation of the Earth to summon some powerful subordinates, they would have a chance.

He felt a little familiar when he said this. Isn't this a plan to collapse Konoha?

A lot of information about the coup at the Hokage Tower has been revealed, and the story jokingly called the Konoha Collapse Plan has become a propaganda tool for the Eastern Three Kingdoms, specifically attacking the improper position of the Fifth Hokage.

Sarutobi Hiruzen is really a vengeful person.

But he guessed wrong, Noah was wrong, Sarutobi Hiruzen's plans were never simple.

Even if you want to be a villain, you have to be a high-level villain.

So Hei Zetsu's delusion was interrupted.


Konoha will definitely guard against this, Kakashi is a person who is good at citing external forces.

Ever since he was preparing to carry out the joint chuunin exams, he has definitely accumulated combat power that can fight against the ninja world.

Hiruzen had a bit of a sneer on his face.

First, I would warn the small countries, and then show force to the big countries to quell the disputes. This set of tactics was all left over from me.

Besides, Noah will definitely be invited to the Chunin Exam. With the strongest man in the ninja world, all the disturbances will be calmed down.

It's just that these people were too superstitious about Noah's force and ignored the wisdom of human beings.

My real goal is the Land of Rain, the Eye of Samsara.

Samsara Eye!

Hei Jue was completely confused. He had no experience in professional tactics and would only instinctively use some conspiracies and tricks, but this move was completely unexpected.

Because of the special nature of the Samsara Eye, Nagato has been staying in the Land of Rain all year round.

But he has mastered the six paths of reincarnation and the power of outsiders with great proficiency.

It is no longer something that one person from the Eastern Three Kingdoms can win based on combat power alone.

Besides, besides Nagato, there must be Konan and other hidden strong men in the Kingdom of Rain.

This strategy of attacking in the east and attacking in the west may not work. Of course, if it just angers the Akatsuki organization, it should be fine.

It's shallow, Hei Jue, your eyes are still too shallow.

The masters of the Akatsuki organization will not stay in the Country of Rain for long.

“As long as we guide the Mizukage Raikage Tsuchikage to Konoha Village to witness the Joint Chunin Examination, and let them bring a few more strong men from the village.

It was inevitable that Kakashi would not treat it with caution, and even had to seek some masters from the Akatsuki organization to take charge.

Let's connect another plausible Konoha collapse plan and inform the pseudo-Hokage in the form of betrayal.

Konoha will remain extremely vigilant against the Three Kingdoms, and then Noah can be transferred to the Land of Fire.

According to the intelligence we found out, the so-called Hokage's secretary is one of the identities of that devil.

At that time, there will be loopholes in the defense of the Kingdom of Rain, and our opportunity will come.

To blitz the Rain Country, just rely on Sarutobi Hiruzen?

“Hiruzen, let me remind you, Nagato himself is not a weakling.

His sudden attack in the Iron Kingdom proved that he had mastered many skills of the Samsara Eye.

It's just that Noah and Kyuubi's fighting power is so abnormal that they don't look so scary.

The big pit of Super Shinra Tenzheng still remains in the Kingdom of Iron.

You once asked me when to summon Madara Uchiha.

The time is the Chunin Examination, and the place is the Rain Country.

Black Zetsu was greatly surprised, he didn't expect to summon Uchiha Madara at this time.

The current situation is no longer the time for Uchiha Madara to sweep everything. The window period for the throne of the strongest in the ninja world has ended.

The failure of Hashirama has proved that even Kyuubi has the power to overpower it, let alone Noah.

We, including Uchiha Madara, are the challengers.

That's right.

A few years ago, he still had the urge to summon Madara Uchiha to suppress everything. In recent years, he has lost the confidence he had before.

A question suddenly occurred to me.

Uchiha Madara may go straight to capture the tailed beasts after snatching the Rinnegan Eye and resurrecting him. He doesn't care about using the strength of the Eastern Three Kingdoms at all.

Black Zetsu has been observing Uchiha Madara for decades and is very familiar with Uchiha's bloodline and style.

Even if he is reincarnated, he will yell about wiping out other ninja villages by himself and making someone dance.

If it weren't for the reincarnation eye that he opened only after he got old, he might have executed the eye of the moon before he could wait for this resurrection plan.

Sarutobi Hiruzen sneered.

It's okay, old guys in history will feel the power of the times.

After being taught how to behave by Noah, he will know how to position himself.

Very crude and very reasonable.

The first generation who was reincarnated in the dirt was fucked down without even seeing Noah's face. Uchiha Madara might also...

In short, within a short period of time, Sarutobi Hiruzen once again came up with a plan that seemed perfect.

Transfer the Akatsuki organization and Noah to Konoha, and then let Uchiha Madara, who was reincarnated from the dirt, go to sneak attack and snatch the reincarnation eye, and then find a body to cast the reincarnation.

Uchiha Madara at his peak is on par with Noah in terms of high-end combat power. Uchiha Madara is not a ninja like Obito and is at the pinnacle of the ninja world in terms of combat experience and strength.

Then start a war and blow up the ninja world to the sky.

Since then, all obstacles to the Eye of the Moon have been cleared!

When his mother is resurrected, the humiliation he suffered in the shinobi world can be washed away. It is as if he has seen the goddess Uno return to the world, and Black Zetsu's desire has been completely aroused.

It also means that he has completely fallen into the control of Sarutobi Hiruzen.

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