Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1710 Joint Chunin Examination

As soon as I returned to the office, someone brought a stack of documents, saying that another commercial dispute or conflict had occurred in Tangzhiguo, and it was related to the local administrative agency.

In the past, ANBU would have been sent to investigate, but this time.

Shikaku sneered.

friction? I also want to create friction now.

There is no need to send anyone, our Konoha body is not afraid of slanting shadows.

Let Tang Zhiguo take care of his subordinates. There are certain things that you have to pay for, so don't say it was unforeseen.

This is very tough.

But Konoha has long wanted to do this, because the call to maintain peace has never been so strict, but it has given some idiots the opportunity to slap their noses in the face.

Kill the illusions of those people now and let them know that the weak must know how to be humble in front of the powerful.

Even the wording of the letter was an open letter, spread throughout the shinobi world along with the newspapers.

Konoha is this?

The idiots in Yu no Kuni who were bewitched by Sarutobi Hiruzen were dumbfounded. They thought they could get material assistance like that of Wave No.

Now they saw again that what they and others were trying to plot was the leader of the Five, the Strongest Ninja Village.

They were scared and immediately began to contact the person behind the scenes to try to save themselves.

When Konoha's open letter was sent out, the entire ninja world suddenly became much more peaceful.

And after publicly warning those with ulterior motives, Konoha also began a series of adjustments.

The two-year genin training class was disbanded, and Kyuubi returned to the Hokage Tower to take charge.

Jonin who was on missions also tried to reduce the number of S-level missions and began to reduce manpower.

The strong men in the village often gathered together for meetings, and many war preparation materials began to be prepared.

This big news makes people think that Shikaku is preparing to start a war with the Three Kingdoms in the East.

Even other forces in the ninja world discovered these big moves, and the tense atmosphere began to spread.

In the Hokage Tower.

Hokage-sama's training is about to end, so let me come back first to make preparations.

Faced with Shikaku's calmness, a ninja sincerely asked Lord Hokage if he wanted to start a war in the ninja world.

No, we in Konoha, the Akatsuki Organization, and the Western Continent Convention countries have always aimed at peace.

If you want to start a battle, you have to wait for the other side to make the first move.

In view of the frequent frictions and conflicts in the past two years, in order to ease the disputes in the ninja world, we Konoha will host a joint chunin exam for the entire ninja world.

There was an uproar below.

What! That's it?

Joint Chuunin Exam?

Isn't it a little pointless at this time?

No matter those who wanted to start a war or those who didn't want to start a war, they never imagined that the turning point would be so outrageous.

Since the split between East and West, there have been very few such things as the Joint Chunin Examination.

The original purpose of the joint examination was to deepen the friendly relations between the Allies, and it was also a microcosm of the war between the Allies.

In order to avoid unnecessary loss of combat power and a lose-lose situation, the Joint Chunin Examination came into being.

It's just that now the battles between major powers have been put on the bright side, and they are fighting for economy, technology, military, and influence.

It's somewhat unnecessary to do this kind of thing anymore.

Just think of it as an enlarged version of the original joint examination, and it's also the reason why Konoha asked other countries to come.

Lord Hokage wants to take this opportunity to let the three eastern countries see our strength and let them understand the consequences of war.

That is, taking the opportunity to use force as a deterrent?

This is understandable. Lord Hokage must have improved his strength to a higher level and is sure to shock all countries.

And since it is the joint chuunin exam, it makes sense to ask Lord Kyuubi to provide special training to the genin before.

Hiss~~~The plan couldn’t have been made two years ago.

Lord Hokage is so terrifying!

Squad leader Shikaku, will other countries really come?

After all, if you rashly enter Konoha's territory at this stage, you may really die.

The Tsuchikage Raikage and Mizukage are all opponents who have fought against Konoha many times, and there is a high probability that they will send their subordinates to watch.

Yes, Lord Hokage has arranged everything, just send out the invitation.

Of course I will. Our people over there will let all the three countries come. Lu Jiu is very confident.

This feeling of turning on the cheat device is really pleasant.

Now, continue to call the outside Konoha ninjas back to the village, especially Sasuke and Naruto.

We also need to decorate the venue and bring out the spirit of Konoha.


The wind of the ninja world blew from Konoha and flew in all directions.

The land of wind.

Luo Sha was very excited after seeing this invitation letter.

This time the Chunin Examination and Sunagakure Village are about to rise!

The return of his son and daughter from two years of training in Konoha has given him a big surprise. The test results of the past few days were not disclosed to the public, for fear that the children would be targeted by the enemy.

Temari and Kankuro are definitely jonins, and their combat power is higher than lower.

Gaara. To be honest, by the end of the fight, he was no longer sure who the winner was.

Is Konoha feeding them golden garbage? It's growing too fast.

With such a genin participating in this exam, hahahahahaha, I am very happy.

This time I am going to personally lead the team to meet with Lord Hokage, and I don’t know if the other Kages dare to come.

It would be a pity not to come and not see the surprised eyes of those people.

The poor and miserable Sunagakure Village a few years ago is no longer there, only the rich and powerful Sunagakure Village exists.

It can only be said that Kazekage is a person who has escaped from low-level tastes in recent years, because he is the only one who is really preparing for the Chunin Exam seriously.

The land of earth.

Onoki looked at Konoha's letter.

The Chuunin Exam announcement issued in the name of Hatake Kakashi is very straightforward.

Joint Chuunin Exam?

Tsuchikage felt a little dazed. How many years had this thing not appeared?

We have long stopped using the method of quelling disputes by showing off the strength of a great power and fighting at the bottom.

Is Konoha going to use force to demonstrate at this time?

We were also invited to Konoha Village to watch.

It's a bit tricky. Whether or not to go is a question. He has passed the age where he can have a good face, and now he is not sure about Konoha's combat power.

I wouldn't be able to escape if I fell into a trap, but that shouldn't be the case.

Do you want to ask that old guy Sarutobi Hiruzen? His judgment has not been wrong a few times so far.

The land of thunder.

Go, must go.

Kakashi just thought this could scare me!

There are so many great young men in the village, how can we still be afraid of those brats from Konoha?!

The Fourth Raikage was very excited now.

Naturally, a person with such a good face like him would not admit defeat, and it was Kakashi's invitation.

And I also really want to go to Konoha to see the development of the other village and the comparison in strength.

The last time he was defeated by Naruto using special means, he was still a little unconvinced.

The disappointed group of elders came out to dissuade him.

Lord Raikage, I have to remind you that the Second Hokage died after entering the Land of Thunder.

The Third Raikage-sama was also killed after entering the Earth Kingdom, so it is really unsafe to enter the enemy's territory rashly.

The Fourth Raikage ran rampant for a long time and then initially accepted the suggestion.

He is not a brainless fool.

Why don't you ask Sarutobi Hiruzen. I'm sure the Tsuchikage and Mizukage will ask him too.

Indeed, the Three Shadows are now accustomed to discussing with the insidious advisor Sarutobi Hiruzen, and they always feel that the Chuunin Exam should not be that simple at this time.

Sarutobi Hiruzen laughed loudly in front of Black Zetsu.

It's a big deal.

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