Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1709 Yes, we did it all


Shikaku's pupils shrank!

Was part of the moon destroyed by meteorites?

Looking at a huge crater, or it can't be called a crater, the moon is missing 1/5 and turned into an irregular sphere.

This is caused by the fight between Hokage-sama and Noah-sama.

Even now, when Sakura recalls it, she feels like she is crazy, and she cannot believe her past memories.

That battle was preceded by a variety of dazzling tactical duels. Shuangyue's swordsmanship was fully developed by the two men, which greatly shocked the girl during the battle.

They are obviously as sacred as immortals, but in the end, there are no taboos in their moves.

Then came the exaggerated light pollution, blinding special effects and destructive fluctuations, which was a nightmare.

In the end, after slashing a fifth of the moon, Lord Noah looked a little distressed.

Then he said that Kaguya will come out early if this continues, so Kakashi, the last move.

Then she didn't know.

I just heard the roaring sound and the surging sound of the sea before falling into coma. There seems to be a force acting on the soul.

Finally, Sakura took Shikaku back to the experimental base.

It's a pity that this Nabe Kage is not an excellent experimental material, so Orochimaru has no interest in saying another word to him.

Tsunade went down to the ground to relax and gamble, and Noah gave her a long vacation.

I don’t know if it’s kindness or prophecy.

Not only Tsunade, but also everyone else can return to the shinobi world if they don't have a project on hand.

For example, Metkai and Neji also left with Tsunade-sama, so the base became slightly deserted.

Until he saw Hokage lying in the nutrition cabin, Shikaku felt a little bit familiar.

Hokage-sama, what is this?

Deep sleep. According to Lord Noah, this is self-repair after suffering a devastating blow.

This can't be the battle on the far side of the moon.


Hell's special training is well-deserved.

After visiting all the attractions, Shikaku was taken outside the office. The ordinary wooden door made both of them reluctant to get close.

Sakura has seen the cruelty and grand scenes of Master Noah's actions, and out of biological instinct, she is unwilling to approach monsters that can easily take away her life.

Shikaku had a premonition that his outlook would be shattered as soon as he stepped in.

Take courage and open the door.

“Desire for peace does not mean not to wage war.”

Shikaku's breath hitched. Lord Noah's first words were shocking.

You guessed it right. The Akatsuki organization has the power to completely crush the ninja world. It was all just acting before.

It was just to promote the reform of the underlying ideology of the entire ninja world and to explode civilian productivity, so I single-handedly controlled the Cold War pattern.

You know, humans become particularly strong or united when facing foreign enemies.

We fill that role.

Now it seems that the effect is very good.

Lu Jiu couldn't calm down for a long time. What he guessed and what the boss behind the scenes confessed were completely different concepts, and most of them were things he didn't expect.

Noah talked through most of the plans for the previous ten years, including land reform and promotion nodes of business and science and technology.

Even the development steps of the Eastern Ocean Convention countries are analyzed together.

Even if Noah had extraordinary force, it was impossible for the three Eastern Oceanic countries to be so obedient and follow their plans every step of the way.

Unless there is a very important figure within the Eastern Three Kingdoms helping Noah guide the direction.

No, it cannot be within the Three Kingdoms.

The suspicion between the three countries has never been small, and they must be trustworthy, non-threatening, and even able to provide help.

Yes, Sarutobi Hiruzen is my informant.

Shikaku's hair stood on end.

The greatest conspirator in the ninja world and the destroyer of worlds, this title can be given to Noah without hesitation.

It turns out that everything is under the control of the person in front of me, even the third generation

Suddenly I felt that the three countries of the Eastern Ocean Convention were so pitiful.

Wait, it's not just the ninjas who are poor.

Lord Noah, great name

Shikaku thought that the change of the name of the Water Kingdom was so sudden at the beginning, so the Water Kingdom was completely destroyed, right?

Yes, the names of the five major countries are all over. The system of one country and one village has long existed in name only.

It turns out that the five major countries are together, but my vision is narrow.

Next, prepare to merge the east and west and completely break down the barriers in the ninja world.

And the villain worthy of all the strong men in the ninja world is already in place, and we don't have much time left.

After that comes the history of the Otsutsuki clan and the ultimate crisis in the ninja world.

We don't have much time left.

Kakashi will be the main combat force in the future.

So the implementation of the specific plan will fall on our shoulders. I hope you, Shikaku, can show off your talents without any scruples.

The more Konoha Naikage listened, the more panicked he became. Why does this involve the survival of the ninja world?

The emergence of ninjas, the source of chakra, interstellar races, and various problems explained to him the motives of the Akatsuki organization, but they also gave him a splitting headache.

Why is this world so troubled?

For the continuation and future of the ninja world, Shikaku, please make yourself great.

Noah-sama is really good at making people bear the weight of the world.

The lazy boy at home hasn't blossomed yet, but Mingming and Fengying's daughter have been having a relationship recently, really.

Yes, please give me the plan and I will complete it at all costs.

There was ruthless murderous intent in Shikaku's eyes.

This is also one of the things that Noah likes about him. He knows how to let others sacrifice at critical moments, and he will also make choices that are in line with his interests.

The position of commander is not for a good person to occupy.


Shikaku, your strength is too weak, so why don't you strengthen it first? Without a good physique, you cannot support the unpredictable changes in the later stage.

A moment later, Shikaku, who was about to die, was thrown into the training chamber.

Sakura, inject him with a dual-attribute strengthening potion. Then adjust the potency to help him wake up as soon as possible.


Let him come to the countermeasures room when he wakes up.

Lu Jiu in the training cabin trembled instinctively, he could not escape the fate of being beaten as a worker.

A few months later, Shikaku walked out of the tunnel and returned to the ninja land.

Feeling the free air of the ninja world, I almost shed tears.

It is truly a special training from hell. Even as a commander, you have to go through countless trials.

Oh, the ninja world is going to be in chaos.

Shikaku looked very good when he returned to Konoha. Some people thought that it was because his strength had greatly improved after secret training, so his condition was better.

Only he himself knows that it is a kind of self-confidence that he possesses wisdom. At least the cards in his hand are really scary.

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