Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1708 Lu Jiu’s bold guess

Hokage Tower.

Luo Sha from the Kingdom of Wind wanted us to recommend him to become the leader of the Akatsuki organization, but he refused directly. I am just a pot shadow, and I don't have that face.

As for the conflict between Sasuke and Itachi and the nobles of the Kingdom of Birds, let the ANBU deal with Teio, so that some people can disappear reasonably.

The supplies needed by the Holy Land can be increased by 5%, but the results need to be seen.

Let's investigate the missing meteorite in the Bear Country again. The traces of Konoha left at the scene are most likely caused by those people again.

Okay, I'll leave the rest of the work to you. If you have any questions, you can discuss it with Lord Kyuubi.

Guoying is rapidly cleaning up recent files and information, trying to solve most of the problems.

Finally, it's almost done. What's the ninja world like now?

It was nothing like the Sandaime period. Problems kept coming one after another.

Guoying, who rarely walks in the sun, feels a little complicated.

Although I always want to be lazy and leave things to others, I still feel a little uneasy after I really let go.

It has been almost two years since the incident in Wave Country.

It has been almost a year since the last time Hokage took time to show up. How could there be such an irresponsible Hokage?

Of course, the operation of the entire village is still very stable, after all, Lord Kyuubi is in charge.

It's just that the situation in the ninja world has become more and more complicated. Shikaku can clearly feel that someone is secretly trying to instigate conflicts between the two geographical forces of the Eastern Ocean and the Western Continent.

He has sent several groups of professional ANBU to investigate. The enemy's methods are very sophisticated and they are very familiar with ANBU or the ANBU who are familiar with Konoha.

Every time I take a shot, I do it very cleanly and beautifully.

But ninjas rely not only on evidence but also on speculation and intuition. Shikaku has already identified the suspect, the former Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen.

The Country of Waves has tasted the benefits after that, so you want to do the same in other countries?

Is creating friction just to cause war?

Is it worth it for the position of Hokage?

Sarutobi Hiruzen was completely possessed.

Because the situation is becoming more and more serious, Shikaku has prepared to form a very special crusade force to capture and attack in advance.

If you want to eliminate the creators of these conflicts, you must at least kill the other party's minions.

Unfortunately, there was no time. He had already received a notice from the Akatsuki organization, asking him to receive the special training reward.

I really don’t know why someone like me who doesn’t have a particularly strong desire for strength would get this award?

This gave Shikaku a new insight.

The current situation is chaotic, but the Xiao Xiao organization does not show any signs of anxiety.

Although there are various cooperative actions, the main body is still transforming the ninja world step by step.

Lunar exploration is carried out every once in a while, cutting-edge scientific research results are released every once in a while, and the next round of policy adjustments are made.

Recently, there have been new reform policies for agriculture and land, allowing the lower-class civilians in the ninja world to still enjoy the dividends of the development of the times.

This is confident self-confidence.

Shikaku felt that he could not continue reasoning due to lack of information, so when he went to the special training this time, he could supplement his mind map by contacting the core characters.

Now relax for a moment. It is said that it is called special training in hell, and it will most likely be really miserable.

But you should be able to cope with it with your own IQ and ability.

I'm back.

Shikamaru came back in the evening dragging his tired body.

How was the result of practicing with Master Kyuubi?

The results are very good. Master Kyuubi has completely mastered the family's secret technique. Shadow can use it much better than me.

Shikaku shook his hands and continued eating.

You shouldn't ask, who would have thought that in addition to the Five Elements Escape Technique, this person also knows the Yin and Yang Escape Technique.

Even the family's secret technique can be used after some research, which really slaps some secret technique ninjas in the face.

I will leave Konoha for a while tomorrow. Practice well in Konoha and stop being lazy. There may be a war in the future.

Shikamaru nodded, he really had no chance to be lazy in the past two years.

Kyuubi-sama is different from the Ninja School teacher. He would really tie people to the barbecue grill and swipe honey.

On the second day, Nakage Shikaku took his luggage and left the village.

Followed the instructions and came to the secret location, then followed the human puppet and left.

As for the little tails following behind, don't worry, their fate has come to an end.

Is this the moon?

This is very different from what I imagined.

Shikaku once had a bold hypothesis, or rather reasoning.

That is, there is space on the moon for some people to survive.

If this place was like the barren lunar surface in the advertisement, the Akatsuki organization would not conduct lunar explorations one after another.

Moreover, he can also judge some problems through the top-secret bulk material flow.

There should be a place where the Ninja Continent and the moon can be connected, and this is not the first time that the miracle of time and space has been performed.

I just didn’t expect it to be so vast.

Then Sakura came, and as the only lab assistant who still had time to serve as a tour guide, she took Shikaku around the entire moon.

Master Noah said that you should accept part of the truth first to avoid mental shock later.

Shikaku has this realization, and Master Noah will probably reveal all the truth when he gets here.

A perfect executive assistant is his own position, otherwise his combat power is really not qualified to access secrets.

So Sakura explained the story of the Otsutsuki clan and the thousand-year history of the Hamura clan.

The moon is actually an anti-star weapon, and the Hyuga family's Toneri's background is so exaggerated, it's really scary.

After bypassing the core, they came to the lunar surface, which is the moon in the eyes of the world.

It is said that climbing high and looking far can expand one's mind. But what kind of mind does it look like when you look at the Ninja Land on the moon?

What are those little black dots?

It is the Great Space Steel Wall built by Lord Scorpion, which can resist the invasion of extraterrestrial races.


Then he started taking pictures. Even Guoying's city wanted to keep a photo here.

Of course, the shooting angle must avoid the string of steel Great Walls surrounding low-Earth orbit.

Continuing forward, the sight of the cosmic starry sky is certainly shocking to the mind, but the spaceport, a creation of mankind, is even more shocking.

The huge shipyard that seems to be crawling on the moon is really scary.

The technological level far exceeds that of the ninja world

Something is wrong with the Akatsuki organization, very wrong.

If the three Eastern Oceanic countries knew that the Akatsuki organization had developed to this extent, they would not have any confidence to cause friction at all, and they would even use a more radical attitude to maintain peace.

Because the thought of peace is the best talisman.

But all these technologies have been concealed. The level displayed by the Akatsuki organization on the mainland is not far from that of the Eastern Ocean Convention countries, and some technologies are slightly behind.

This is a bold idea.

Does the Akatsuki organization really want peace?

While collecting information, he followed Sakura across the dividing line to the back of the moon.

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