Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1705 The Kingdom of Waves falls!

This country has been in bad luck ever since it was forced to be the location of the first Tri-Power Conference.

On the same day, he was attacked by the Akatsuki organization. Five or six tailed beasts, several shadows, and a bunch of super strong people beat him up, and the country was almost wiped out.

In the end, the humiliating Iron Country Trade Agreement was left behind before it came to an end.

Later, he was forced to take sides and lived a life of fear in the Eastern Ocean Convention countries.

Fortunately, because of the geographical location at the junction of the three countries, which is similar to the Land of Rain, it has regained its vitality through trade.

As a result, the war came back again within a few years because of the incident in the Country of Waves.

Now, overtly and covertly, some people are suggesting that they should quickly issue a statement like the Country of Waves, condemning the despicable actions of the Akatsuki organization.


People were under the roof, so they issued a statement that seemed to be a condemnation, but actually contained nothing at all.

Then I felt the pressure from the Akatsuki Organization and the Western Continent Convention Countries.

Some strong men who only appeared in the news also appeared several times outside the Iron Kingdom, making the situation even more tense.

Mifune now sleeps with his sword in his arms, ready for any sudden war.

With the voice of the Iron Kingdom, the dispute in public opinion also officially kicked off.

Many big shots came out to be interviewed, and many secrets from both sides were revealed.

One party said that Dongfang stole scientific research secrets from the Akatsuki organization and bribed senior officials within the organization. One side refused to admit it, saying that it was all developed by itself. As for bribery, please name the person who was bribed.

Kakuzu, you guys just have a chat, don’t go too far.

One party said that the Akatsuki organization led people to use force to deter the Three Kingdoms Ninja Village, and the Akatsuki organization admitted it.

There was no way to hide this. Noah had done it himself, and the man-made inlet couldn't cover it up.

Anyway, all kinds of dirty water is poured out, and 90% of it is true.

Ordinary people can eat as much as they want, but businessmen are panicking, fearing that a sudden war will ruin this good situation.

Ordinary people are also panicking, and their lives are much better now than before.

Thus, for the first time, the voices of the people united together were conveyed to the senior leaders of Ninja Village.

Ohnoki and the Fourth Ai also felt that this public opinion war had been very successful, breaking the disgusting impression that the Akatsuki Organization and the Western Continent Convention Country were always bent on peace.

I really didn’t expect that the Yue Organization would secretly support so many small countries. This time they exerted great force.

Of course, we must also be wary of this guy. His unrestricted methods will make his allies afraid.

Call Sarutobi Hiruzen together so that he can stop.

Just accept it as soon as you see fit. Lest the other side become angry and start a world war in advance.

Sarutobi Hiruzen expressed his understanding of the Three Shadows' request, and then let the country of Waves make one last accusation to end it.

Start with it and end with it.

But this was the last time something happened.

Konoha's Hokage returned briefly, and while calming people's hearts, he summoned Shikaku for a long discussion in the office.

Then Kakashi left again, but Konoha had clear confidence in the Hokage's strategy.

Shikaku took the place of Hokage and spoke to the entire ninja world.

The incident in the Country of Waves was planned by the Black Hands organization hidden behind the scenes, and Konoha only passively fought against it.

But no matter what, it caused serious damage to the Kingdom of Waves, so Konoha will organize a team to go to the Kingdom of Waves to help the other party solve the life Jedi at the center of the war.

And help restore business and trade here, and bear part of the living needs and resource subsidies of the people of the Country of Waves.


This move left the people of the Eastern Ocean Convention countries scratching their heads.

Is Konoha cowardly? They are so strong yet so good-looking?

So under the command of Hiruzen Sarutobi, the Kingdom of Waves opened its gates to eat this sugar-coated cannonball.

The other two shadows also agreed to this matter. It would definitely be profitable to use a useless small country to weaken the other party's resources.

Soon, a huge convoy began to set off, with a large amount of supplies heading to the Country of Waves along with members of Konoha and the Akatsuki organization.

Provided comprehensive assistance to this small coastal country.

Food, give. Anyone who is registered and unemployed can receive subsidy resources.

The business system was rebuilt. The business system of our Akatsuki organization is well-known throughout the Ninja world, and since we were directly granted trade qualifications, materials and money flowed in like running water.

The shipyard was destroyed? It's okay, we have technology and personnel. A second upgrade of shipping vessels will be carried out to expand the seaport and double the cargo throughput.

There are even a large number of cultural products of the Akatsuki organization, etc. The latest news, the most trendy culture, and the hottest emotions of this era are all here.

While helping people rebuild their homes, they also completed land reform and public trials.

In short, the country of Waves is developing very well, and Yahiko is painting this small coastal country red in the tower.

It turns out that changing a country is quite simple.

Just respect and fairness will complete most of the strategies.

I just don’t know if those idiots have reacted.


At first, the Tsuchikage Raikage was still watching the excitement. Are these people stupid? So many supplies and food are being distributed like this.

It is simply self-destruction. Even if the Akatsuki organization and Konoha have the size to take out these, there will be a lot of pressure.

As a result, the other party's sinister intentions were quickly discovered.

Over time, the culture of the Western Continent Covenant countries is permeating the country.

The defense lines established by the three Eastern Oceanic countries are being torn apart.

The country of Waves, with seaport shipping as its core business, is transforming into a bridgehead for the Akatsuki organization's invasion.

this! ! !

What a beast!

Fell into a trap!

The Tsuchikage and others immediately asked Konoha's aid team to leave the Kingdom of Waves, but at this time, ordinary people in the Kingdom of Waves stopped.

Previously, Cardo bucked the trend and started slavery here, driving everyone into dust.

Now Konoha has allowed them to become human beings again. Is this aid?

No, it's liberating.

They began to speak out to retain these aiders. They had vaguely heard that the welfare in the Western Continent was good, but now it turns out that it is really good.

Other nearby small countries such as the Country of Tang, the Country of Bears, the Country of Tea, etc. also show some signs of instability.

This ignited the anger of the Eastern Ocean Convention countries.

Good guy, what's the difference between your charity and aggression? It's so vicious!

This time it was not Hiruzen Sarutobi who spoke out, but the Shadows of the Three Kingdoms who began to formally warn Konoha to leave the Country of Waves.

Konoha and the Akatsuki organization will definitely not leave, and the smell of war begins to permeate the ninja world.

You see, starting a war is that simple.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was showing Black Zetsu his results.

Hei Jue marveled, the dying man in front of him was really displaying the ultimate evil of human beings.

It's really amazing. I didn't expect you to be able to kill Konoha.

Haha, Konoha without the Third Hokage is no longer Konoha!

Human emotions are so complex that even Hei Jue can't grasp them. He just needs to listen to the words of this dying old man. It's enough.

What's the next step?

Sarutobi Hiruzen's cloudy eyes were filled with fierceness.

The next step is to continue to accumulate conflicts. When the powder keg is full, I will find a suitable fuse.

Then together we will blow up the ninja world to the sky.

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