Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1704 The Country of Waves attacks!

It can be regarded as the most suitable way to practice Sharingan, an official plug-in.

The rest of the time is spent reading, lots of reading.

Use the history of the ninja world and the development of the times to fill that illiterate heart.

The three magatama's Sharingan allowed the child to once again enter the delusion of being invincible in the world, and Indra's chakra was also affecting every generation of hosts.

Both Shisui and Itachi were carefully polished by Noah before they broke through the shortcomings of their bloodline. The problem of Sasuke's chakra reincarnation will only become more serious.

After the hell training given by Kakashi is over, let him and Itachi travel the ninja world together to shorten the distance between himself and ordinary people.

Just let him understand that Uchiha is just a slightly bright little splash in the long river of human history.

As for the kaleidoscope. No rush.

As long as the will is strong and the Yin attribute chakra is enhanced to the critical point, it is very simple to break through.

There is no need for any operation like offering sacrifices to a close friend.


The fancy ninjutsu is not suitable for him, so he can just continue to roll all kinds of balls with great strength.

There is no need to think about the professional sealing technique. Kushina, the first sealing master in the ninja world, has not learned it after more than ten years of teaching.

Noah knew what Kushina was thinking. She really wanted Naruto to learn the Flying Thunder God Technique.

It's not an orthodox inheritance from the fourth generation, but this technique can save lives.

Although the last two famous speed ninjas died in the chaos, this does not affect the status of this technique.

All mothers hope that their sons can live well, especially the reincarnation of Asura Chakra is destined to be involved in various disturbances and major events.

It's just that sealing is like mathematics, if you can't learn it, you can't learn it.

Therefore, Senjutsu, a system that relies on body instinct and huge chakra, is Naruto's destination. As for the Nine-Tails mode, it does not require training.

Yang Kyuubi has already become his own fox, turning on the perfect Jinchūriki mode every minute.

Therefore, the brainless tactical system became Naruto's destination.

Under Noah's guidance, the three began their own practice.

And the ninja continent is turbulent.

With the secret support of Hiruzen Sarutobi, the Country of Waves launched a public attack on the Leaf Village.

He sent ninjas without permission to invade Linguo, destroyed the bridge of Wave Country, killed the patriotic businessman Cardo, plundered business wealth, and launched a war that could destroy the country.

Tens of thousands of civilians were displaced and forest resources were destroyed.

The Thousand-Armed Buddha that still remains in the restricted area of ​​life is the physical evidence, and the civilians of the Land of Thousand Waves are the human witnesses.

The wolfish ambitions of Konoha Village are no longer concealed, and whether the peace spoken by the Akatsuki organization behind it is true or false is open to question.

He acted completely innocent in the accusation.

The reason why Black Zetsu struck first and triggered the battle was not written down. After all, it was just borrowing from the country of Waves. How would ordinary people know the real reason?

The two sides fighting were the First Hokage, the Second Hokage, Kyuubi, and Uchiha Shisui.

No matter how you look at it, it's a civil war in Konoha, and then you choose a small coastal country to fight.

So the protests and accusations are legitimate.

No one expected that the Eastern Ocean Convention Congress, which had been at a disadvantage in the Iron Kingdom and several subsequent frictions, would start a dispute.

In the past, protests were issued that looked tough but contained very cowardly content.

This matter can be big or small. There are so many disputes in the ninja world, but they just choose a place to start a war.

The Kingdom of Iron didn't even say a word when it was beaten like that.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that there were no civilian casualties.

But the civilians of the Kingdom of Waves are okay, and Noah even specially constructed the Earth Escape Dam to block the aftermath.

In this cruel ninja world, it was an unexpected miracle that there were no civilian casualties in a battle of this magnitude.

Therefore, no one expected that the response of the Country of Waves would be so slow and intense after almost a year.

But anyone who knows the inside story can see that Sarutobi Hiruzen's methods of confusing right and wrong are unscrupulous.

People don't need the real truth, they just need to give the truth that everyone wants to believe.

Even Black Zetsu and Tsuchikage had to praise him for being so shameless and vicious.

Konoha did not immediately respond directly to the accusations made by the Country of Waves.

Lord Hokage is still retreating in a secret place, and several of the village's powerful forces are also absent.

Although the strong men sitting in command can still fear any military confrontation, there is really no one who can make a decision in terms of public opinion and the general direction.

Nakage Shikaku also has the power to handle some internal decisions in Konoha, involving foreign affairs. He held a Jonin meeting and found that only the Hokage can make decisions.

So I wrote a letter specifically to ask the Akatsuki organization and wanted to hear their suggestions.

In the end, the reply was that he believed that the world could see through the truth and that Konoha Village could fight back as appropriate.

Shikaku had no choice but to run to the training ground to find the Nine-Tails chief instructor, who was the fox in question.

You already know the truth, there is nothing hidden.

As for those humans, if they have any grievances, just come to me.

I will give them a satisfactory answer.

Kyuubi's face showed indifference, and Shikaku also said that he was confused.

Among the tailed beasts, only the fairy fox can fully empathize with human emotions.

In order to prevent Konoha's reputation from being tarnished, Shikaku organized people to disclose the truth about the incident in Wave Country.

Reincarnation in the dirty land cannot be said for sure. The impact of Nidaime-sama's desecration of the dead may be more serious than the incident in the Land of Waves.

One is that you will be severely criticized morally, and the social atmosphere cannot accept the operation of manipulating your father or grandfather to come out to fight. It is too hellish.

One is the fear of Konoha, which can be summoned by both the first and second generations. As for Uchiha Madara or other strong men, the threat theory of Konoha can be directly upgraded.

Therefore, the counterattack was not strong enough at all, and Konoha was inherently in a slight position.

The big guys in the village were in trouble.

My lord, how much responsibility do you have for the chaos in the ninja world?

Seeing Konoha's reaction like this, Sarutobi Hiruzen stood on the moral high ground and wrote more and more violent and arrogant drafts.

Whether the shinobi world is in chaos or not depends entirely on the yin and yang of Konoha.

Remotely control all kinds of crazy provocations in the Kingdom of Waves. Anyway, those who are barefoot are not afraid of those who wear shoes.

The reputation of Konoha and the Western Continent Convention countries has been hit to a certain extent.

The Tsuchikage also specifically praised Sarutobi Hiruzen for being so good at talking despite his old sword.

The Kingdom of Earth was also done like this by the other party back then, and this old guy was really bad as hell in terms of public opinion.

Seeing that Dongfang still refused to stop and kept blaming the incident in the Country of Waves on the Akatsuki organization, Yahiko finally began to end.

Mobilizing the already mature media group in the Country of Rain, they began to use other hot topics and revelations to divert attention.

Sarutobi Hiruzen sneered, Can I be afraid of you, a little yellow guy?

All my manuscripts were written by Noah!

The two parties began to engage in verbal exchanges, causing the incident to continue to spread.

He scolded him all the way from the Country of Waves to the Country of Iron, which made Mifune a little scared of the Country of Iron.

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