Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1706 Midterm Examination

The cloud of war hangs over the ninja world.

Things in the Country of Waves are getting worse and worse, and Onoki is completely unable to accept the invasion of the Akatsuki organization.

Cut five cities today, cut ten cities tomorrow, and then have to sleep well overnight. He started to look around the surrounding areas, and the Qin soldiers arrived again.

Everyone understands this truth.

In anger, I even have the urge to do the first year of junior high school for you and the fifteenth for me.

He looked around and saw that the Kingdom of Rain was nearby, and then looked away.

If not. If it weren’t for the fact that I couldn’t beat him!

It's just that this kind of behavior must be strongly condemned, otherwise other small countries in the Eastern Ocean will think that they and others cannot protect their younger brother.

The Fourth Raikage felt a sense of sadness.

I think I, the most tough guy in the Kingdom of Thunder, now use my words more than my fists. What is this?

After going through hard training, he understood the frustrations of the first generation of Kage, who were really unhappy living in the same era with a monster that could sweep away all.

When the situation gets worse, everyone is thinking about how to end it decently.

In the end, Noah intervened to mediate, hoping that everyone would put aside the dispute.

We must respect the choice of the people of Wave Country, or build this country together.

He doesn't mind allowing the two sides to have a deeper exchange of ideas here, and even welcomes ninjas and ordinary people from the three major countries to witness all this.

Onoki sighed, if we dare to do this, why would we drive you away?

Isn't it just because it is slightly inferior in demagogueing people or constructing.

But at this time, an elected representative from the country of Bo came out and expressed his willingness to join the Western Continent Convention.

There's nothing we can do about it.

The Akatsuki organization can only passively accept this gift.

I'm really sorry, we have to obey public opinion.

NTR in person!

Mr. Noah, if the people of the Kingdom of Earth are so obedient to the name in the future, will you accept it as happily as you do today?

That's not true. We cannot interfere in other countries' internal affairs. This time, we will only have a chance if the Country of Waves asks us for assistance, so please don't give me a chance.

Noah, who had always been polite, gave a fake smile.

At this moment, the Fourth Raikage and Ohnoki felt profound humiliation.

Contact Sarutobi Hiruzen as soon as you leave the Country of Waves.

When can Madara Uchiha be summoned?

The ambitions of the Akatsuki organization are no longer concealed.

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked heavy.

It's almost there, there's still one year left.

The incident in the Country of Waves ended completely. Konoha obtained the development rights of the port in the Country of Waves and officially began to invade the maritime domain.

Secret war preparations began to escalate.

Sarutobi Hiruzen, who had sent a small country, turned his head and started to push other small frictions.

Hei Jue followed behind and had nothing to say other than being amazed.

One conspiracy and misunderstanding after another is performed with great skill. Is this the reason why Konoha is always weak?

Above the moon.

A group of people walked out of the hidden crack.

Naruto, Sasuke, and Ningji set foot on the lunar surface for the first time, which is the moon in everyone's mind.

Every man who lands on the moon has a customary sigh.

This is the moon.

They are here for the second stage of assessment.

After enjoying the teachings of the pleasant version of Teacher Noah in Yuexin, Kakashi's midterm exam finally came.

After this assessment, Naruto and Sasuke will leave the moon for the third stage of training.

I don’t know why this exam is taken very seriously.

There were so many people watching the game, and the specifications were very abnormal.

First of all, the medical team was all in place, including Tsunade, Orochimaru, Kushina and Itachi who were taking turns to advance.

Even Scorpion temporarily put the spaceport in automatic operation, and several other tailed beasts also shrank their bodies as if expecting something.

No matter how you look at it, the simple second-stage student assessment cannot use such specifications.

At this time, Kakashi also unlocked the sealing blindfold, and there was no golden spiritual pressure reaching the sky and no expansion of the field.

If anything, the eyes of ordinary people are much clearer.

Through constant adjustments to the body, the power of the universe is gradually becoming docile.

When he came to the field, the Yin attribute chakra naturally gathered into his eyes, blood appeared, and the three magatama were rotating slightly.

Sasuke and Itachi were a little surprised.

Foreigners without blood cannot control the Sharingan switch. They can only keep the eyes open and will continue to consume chakra.

Just like Nagato cannot close the Samsara Eye, there will always be loopholes in the control of blood inheritance boundaries that do not belong to him.

But Kakashi's current state of control shows that the Sharingan has been completely digested.

jingle. A small bell was hung on his waist.

Bell grabbing is probably the Hokage's favorite game. Shisui didn't seem to play with you when you graduated, so I'll make up for it this time.


Of course, you still have to be determined to kill me before you can touch the corner of my clothes.

These words made the three people a little unhappy, and they had several meanings. Do you know that we have been completely transformed?

During this year on the moon, various biological agents and the most advanced scientific and technological products were used.

In terms of hard power, it is much stronger than the original. This generation has caught up with the good times and is basically an elite jounin per capita.

Just need to make up for the last shortcomings and tricks to reach the level of Ying.

The three of them looked at each other. Since it was Kakashi-sensei, they could kill him. They were also curious about what level the teacher had reached.

Noah, as the referee, entered the field at this time and began to arrange the fighting environment.

The old rule is to start with the Four Red Yang Formation.

Although the specifications are a bit excessive for these three brats, the fairy fox has never learned the Four Purple Flame Formation.

It doesn't look down on this kind of low-level sealing barrier, so Noah definitely won't do it either.

Are you all ready? The battle begins.

Kakashi-sensei, this is the time to show you our ninja skills.

Naruto's aura was fully activated at the moment. After this period of Ninjutsu training, he had really become a lot stronger.

The changes in the nature of chakra and its control significantly improve combat power.

The starting point is the multiple shadow clone technique plus the free Rasengan, which can be easily controlled without relying on the power of the Nine-Tails.

His performance can be said to have fulfilled the talent of the Uzumaki clan. At the same time, the increasingly active Asura Chakra in his body also made the child's performance stronger and stronger.

Kushina looked quite proud at the moment.

Sasuke's whole body flashed with lightning, a thousand birds chirped in unison, and he was in the second stage of his Thunder Chakra Mode.

The Kusanagi sword, a small experimental gift given by Orochimaru in his hand, has a very cool concave shape, and his Sharingan eyes are filled with a cold temperament.

It's just like Kakashi back then, but his murderous aura is much worse.

Noah's assessment is very fair.

Thunder Release, Sharingan and Swordsmanship, the ninjas of the Kingdom of Thunder should miss it very much, and I wonder if they will be able to see Kirin.

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