Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1697 Start group strengthening

The world won't stop just because a certain Hokage evolves in a healing cabin.

It even becomes more radical as time goes by.

Because Noah himself began to frequently take action to promote the war.

This world needs a real war, and the enemy must be the kind of BOSS that will despair even if all the power of the ninja world is gathered.

Without such baptism, it would be difficult for East and West to truly understand how precious peace is.

Although Nagato's Let the World Feel Pain does not conform to mainstream thinking, it is indeed the best when it comes to real-life effects.

After all, the birth of the little boy made many big shots know that they were just one of many carbon-based creatures and had no supreme sanctity.

At the same time, the excitement of emotions also helps to sublimate thoughts, which is very helpful for the thing in the dragon vein.

Changing the world requires radical action.

In the land of fire.

The figure of the second generation Naekage Nara Shikaku is particularly active in Konoha Village.

The news that Lord Hokage is not in the village has spread, and it is difficult to hide this kind of thing from the higher-ups in the village.

Therefore, all matters big and small came to this pot shadow for negotiation. There are already rumors that the candidate for the Sixth Generation is not necessarily a disciple, but may also be a deputy.

Nara Shikaku, as the village's think tank, is ruthless and ruthless. Apart from his lack of strength, he is not incapable of becoming the next Hokage.


How could there be such a mindless flattery?

Those who were cleared out all deserved their punishment, and I was just a push under orders.

Alas, this group of people really needs to be dealt with!

Nara Shikaku is indeed a wise man who has been evil for a long time.

It just so happened that Lord Noah had given many instructions, so I took this opportunity to teach everyone a lesson.

They say I am a pot shadow, so I will really be a pot shadow for once.

So on the surface, I chatted with everyone in a friendly manner, and then gathered everyone together and went to the Hokage's office.

I don't know when Hokage-sama will come back.

There are instructions left in the office. Everyone, please walk slowly and don't be in a hurry.

I did something wrong before, but after all, we are all Konoha people.

We're here, please come in.

As soon as they walked in, these dissatisfied people were so frightened that their legs trembled.

A fox with nine tails was lying on the window sill looking at the scenery of Konoha, with a crystal ball in its paws.

It turns out that the view of Konoha from here is really good.

I will be in charge here during this period.

They didn't even look back, but the trademark malice washed away like a tide, making the group sweat profusely and feeling fear from the very cells.

The heart was like being put into a big drum, beating wildly.

The fox in front of me is a permanent resident of Konoha, so it is not very acceptable for everyone to encounter him without any preparation.

Click, this is the sound of the office door being closed.

For the first time, the leader of the idiots understood what it meant to shut the door and beat the dog, or to put the king in a urn.

Kyuubi didn't care at all about being used by Pineapple Head, but he was just a little tired of human beings' stupidity.

Maybe it's because I've been with Noah and the monsters from the Akatsuki organization for so long that I've forgotten that real humans should be like this.

Shikaku walked up calmly at this time.

Don't get me wrong, Lord Kyuubi is only temporarily protecting Konoha as the acting secretary of the Hokage.

Next, the village will conduct some preparations for military operations.

I hope everyone will cooperate.

for example.

Everyone present nodded and bowed. The adjustment of the government order was very smooth.

When he went out, he roared crazily in his heart full of malice.

This Guoying villain actually fights against the power of a fox! Shame on you! snort!

Wait until Lord Hokage comes back and then decide whether to live or die with this villain.

As for the preparations for the military operation, no one doubted it. There had always been friction with Eastern Ocean. Some time ago, a country-destroying war broke out in the country of Waves.

It is normal to make more preparations, and the village does have money now.

Just as they stepped out of the door of the Hokage's office, the group stopped again, and their pupils shrank.

Shikaku doesn't really want to clean us up.

We didn't intend to disobey the order, we were just complaining.

The group of people who acted against the will have long been eliminated.

No wonder they were feeling uneasy. When anyone opened the door, they found Asuma Sarutobi, Kurenai Yuhi, Iruka Umino, Metkai, Shisui Uchiha, Itachi Uchiha, Fugaku Uchiha, and Hinata Hinata standing outside. Hinata and Hizashi would probably panic when they wait for the powerful boss.

After tremblingly bypassing these really big guys, I relaxed. My group of people are just old antiques with a little power. It would be good to listen more at this time.

After they left, the ministers entered the Hokage's office.

Because Lord Hokage's departure and subsequent personnel changes may cause riots in the village, we should shock some people in advance.

Everyone expressed their understanding, and everyone present knew that there would be huge changes in the ninja world in the future.

The Fugaku Clan Chief and the Rizu Clan Chief have done a good job of coordinating the work in the past two years. After all, their prestige is still very high.

The two of them dare not talk to each other. Who dares to admit that he has high prestige at this time?

If he hadn't taken refuge earlier, he might have been one of the people who was shocked in the previous wave, so he honestly said that he would complete the work seriously.

Shikaku then began to formally read out the instructions.

According to the instructions of the Secretary, the next several ministers need to take turns going to the moon for special training.

Uchiha Shisui showed a bitter smile.

Regarding this point, maybe I and Itachi were the only ones present who knew what special training was.

Kakashi-senpai doesn't know what he was trained to be like, it's really pitiful.

Others were very excited. For example, Asuma and the others knew that Kakashi's combat power was only due to Master Noah's training. They and others had found incredible wealth.

As for the special training in hell?

Don't be ridiculous, we are not genin, but elite jounin who have experienced war.

Nine Tails on the window sill showed a relaxed smile with its back to everyone. It liked to see the ignorance of this group of humans.

At the same time, he also appreciated his own cleverness and left the moon early.

The kid Shisui's kaleidoscope ability is said to be very dangerous.

And Itachi, the little devil, also has a mysterious Sharingan, so he hates Uchiha.

How does that watermelon head with thick eyebrows give it a dangerous aura?

The joys and sorrows of all living beings are not the same, and Lu Jiu continues to interpret the instructions.

Among them, Metkai Jounin will undergo long-term special training, so the deputy captain of the guard force will be held by Hyuga Hizashi Jounin.

Shisui became happy when he mentioned this.

It's not that Metkai Jounin is bad, it's that he is a very special kind of mentally polluted ninja.

It is extremely lethal to the mentally immature young people in the clan, and he went to great lengths to control the spread of pollution. (End of chapter)

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