The situation is far worse than when they first landed on the moon, but the battle situation is not much worse.

It proves a point, that is, tailed beasts are not perpetual motion machines, they will also get tired.

At the same time, this is also the state of disciples that Noah wants to see. What Kakashi needs is the bloody thunder mode.

If you continue to fight with a shadow mentality in the subsequent battles, you will only be left with no bones left.

On the side, Wentai was in trouble, with all kinds of injuries on her body. She no longer remembered being channeled hundreds of times.

You want to ask why you don’t avoid fighting? Purely by words.

Every time I asked if I could persist, I was always cold and arrogant.

So as long as Kakashi's chakra recovers, he will be pulled over to fight with the tailed beast. It can be said that the toad boss is forced to follow him through the tribulation.

At this moment, he was filled with fierce murderous aura, and he almost thought that this was some kind of tailed beast.

The four tailed beasts on the opposite side didn't fare well either.

Shukaku has now been reduced to a position inferior to Buntai.

King Mu's fighting style is aimed at researching steam power and testing weapons, so it's okay for a little bit.

As a flying unit, Nanao Shigeaki would receive the most severe beatings every time, and was almost cut out of the shadows by Kakashi.

And Kyuubi is the most miserable.

As the boss of the tailed beasts, it was the main force in the head-on confrontation with Kakashi. It was even more sad when Kakashi completely entered the blood-thundering killing state.

Who would have thought that this guy's blade was so sharp, and his evil aura was comparable to that of a tailed beast.

It's obviously a special training for Kakashi, why does it feel like it's a special training for myself as well.

During this period, every tailed beast experienced a fierce war that had never been seen since birth. The tailed beasts were so numb that they even began to study tactics and new ultimate moves.

Isn’t this what spiritual practice is?

Kyuubi suddenly realized that this was what the bastard planned.

Training both sides at the same time is really not a waste.

After the last confrontation, Noah ended this seemingly endless battle.

Okay, preliminary training is completed.

I am very grateful to the four honorary chiefs for their help.

Of course, thank you Mrs. Wen for your help.

The battle is over, everyone go and rest.

Although Bunta was so excited that he wanted to go back to Mt. Myoboku to completely close the summons, but before leaving, he still said that he would continue next time. He was indeed the number one boss in the ninja world.

Shukaku and Chongming disappeared from the moon surface without saying a word. They wanted to return to their human bodies and have a good rest. The outside world was too dangerous.

King Mu, who had no Jinchuuriki, seemed to have gone to the space port to find Scorpion in a carefree manner, but his legs were so light that he almost knelt down.

Kyuubi can't go back.

Naruto was practicing in the heart of the moon. Returning by himself would make the difficulty of training plummet.

But after working overtime continuously, I really can't move anymore. I didn't expect that there is no place for it in such a huge ninja world.

You should also go to the Holy Land to practice some magic.

I'm going, no.

The biggest difference between Yang Jiuwei and Yin Jiuwei is the fairy fox body, but it just can't be trained to death.

Then go to Konoha and I'll write a letter to Shikaku and ask him to arrange for you.

That's a smart man. He knows how to make you comfortable.

Kyuubi readily agreed that Konoha could be considered his second hometown.

After all the arrangements were made, only the motionless Kakashi was left here. The bloody thunder fell asleep the moment Noah announced that the battle was over.

But the sword in his hand was still tightly held, and any attempt to cause harm would result in a thunderous counterattack.

The instincts that he had when he was practicing in the Land of Snow were retrained.

When he woke up, he immediately regained consciousness and looked at his teacher.

The second phase has begun?

.Don't think of me as cruel.

I try my best.


Sparks flew everywhere, and the master and apprentice drew their swords at the same time without hesitation.

Teacher, you said you are not cruel.

Kakashi slashed at Noah's head with both hands.

I didn't say the second phase hasn't started yet.

Noah slashed Kakashi's neck with his backhand sword.

The master-disciple duel began, and Kakashi showed his best performance to prove his strength.

It's a pity that the previous battle with the four tailed beasts was too exhausting, and the last bit of strength in the body was drained.

He could only watch helplessly as Hedao Yiwen cut open his chest.

There was darkness before my eyes.

Noah returned to Yuexin Floating Island carrying his body that was exhausted and close to death.

Tsunade, Orochimaru, Kabuto, and Sakura have been waiting for a long time.

But I was still a little shocked when I saw Kakashi's body. Your practice style of Shigetsuki Kendo is really extreme.

All the internal organs are visible. If it is not treated, the person may really be dead.

It's okay. The extent of our practice depends entirely on the progress of medical standards.

When I only had Nine Lama's medical ninjutsu before, I used the sword of will to damage his soul.

Now that our medical capabilities have improved, we can hurt both the soul and the body.

This statement somehow makes sense.

Okay, hurry up. It's difficult to fully unleash Kakashi's full potential.

Are you sure your will has also fallen silent?

Orochimaru interrupted Noah's defense. The power of will of Noah's family was a big obstacle to the experiment.

The previous battle was a process of stimulating and consuming will.

They deceived Kakashi, and with the power of the Samsara Eye, it was more than enough to revive a pair of kaleidoscopes.

The Eternal Kaleidoscope completed by Uchiha Madara and Uchiha Izuna is top material.

Senju Hashirama's immortal human cells are also top-notch material.

There is no problem that the Immortal Eyes + Immortal Human Body equal the power of the Six Paths.

The omnipotent power that it took decades for a man like Uchiha Madara to gather was no joke.

Just the pupil power gathered in the eyes of the immortal is very terrifying in terms of quality and quantity.

It only took a month for Obito's divine power to be completely restored, and even to make up for the missing genes, he evolved into a true eternal kaleidoscope.

Now this operation is to help Kakashi complete the evolution of the immortal body.

Kakashi has been injected with the Yang Escape Potion from Type 1 to the final Type 5, and has met the preliminary conditions.

The experiment begins.

When real pillar cells were injected without any dilution the wounds on the body began to heal visibly.

It’s just that the body’s fibrosis has also undergone an irreversible transformation.

If Kakashi retains a shred of will, he can easily suppress the erosion of Hashirama's cells. This is the power obtained by Noah's disciples, and it is also the biggest trouble that hinders the experiment.

Then Tsunade and Orochimaru worked together to replace the twin Kamui, and an inexplicable power appeared and began to reconcile the rampaging immortal body.

The fibrosis stopped immediately, but the already wooden body did not recover.

Two forces are fighting within the body.

If you want to cross the path that Uchiha Madara has traveled for decades in a short period of time, you must pay a price.

Kakashi was really going to fall asleep this time.

After putting on the oxygen mask, the whole person was put into the laboratory's culture chamber.

The green potion kept raising some small bubbles, and Kakashi was floating calmly in them, slowly accepting the changes in his body. This time would not be short.

That is to say, the medical level of the Akatsuki organization has reached a very high level, and Kakashi has indeed reached the limit of the ninja world, so that external forces can intervene in the birth of the power of all things.

Noah was looking forward to seeing the sleeping disciple soaked in. This guy was the trump card against Otsutsuki.

It's like the painting style has changed into Dragon Ball.

Kakashi, I hope your fighting power will explode.

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