Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1698 Nine-Tails Training Class

Congratulations, Kai. Your potential has been confirmed.

The sincere congratulations made Metkai shed tears in the Hokage Studio, and everyone present had their toes on the ground.

If this was just the case in the story, forget it. There really was a living person doing all sorts of things and crying in front of me. It was very scary.

Shikaku couldn't bear it and hurriedly ended the meeting.

In fact, it’s all just preparation and work arrangements.

When only Kyuubi and him were left here, Nao Ying was a little ready to make a move.

Humans, I can sense malice, so don't do unnecessary things.

Being willing to cooperate is just Noah saying that you are a smart person.

Shikaku naturally understood that it would be a pity to just leave such a top ninjutsu doctor to do nothing.

Presumably Lord Noah must have had this plan in mind when he asked Kyuubi to come to Konoha for a vacation.

He knew the Hokage's secretary relatively well, he was a terrifying figure who would not let go of any resources.

The opportunity is given, it’s up to you whether you can seize it or not.

For example, give pointers to the ninjas in the village.

Adult ninjas are definitely not good. Kyuubi has a sense of malice. As a ninja, most of his past has been filled with darkness in his heart.

Kai's situation is a special one. Everyone, including himself, did something during the Sandaime period.

So only the best of the new generation have a chance.

Four of the original 12 Xiaoqiang of Konoha have gone to the moon for special training.

If the remaining 8 people want to make faster progress, it is naturally the best thing to ask a super strong person for guidance.

Especially since his son is still among them. Shikamaru's lack of motivation was really hard to watch.

His father works overtime every day in the Hokage Studio, and his son also has to bear extra burdens.

Of course, this time there are not only 8 new generations, but also Toneri, the little girl from the Kurama family, and the civilian geniuses who came forward after the reform, etc.

Haha, why would I do such a thing?

Kyuubi sneered, working for free?

Noah didn't dare to say this. Is Pineapple Head crazy?

But any intelligent life can communicate, and communication will lead to intersections and transactions.

Do you want to be Konoha's Lord Noah?

You can make Konoha's brats cry for their fathers and mothers with just a few words, and you can also mobilize a lot of Konoha's resources and manpower.

It can be regarded as revenge against Konoha.

No one knew what method Shikaku used, and Kyuubi finally agreed to point out the human cubs when he was bored.

Maybe it’s also boring.

Generally, tailed beasts are either wandering around outside, or they are caught in the sealed space and passed down from generation to generation.

Basically, he is a Ninja Realm type character.

It's good to do something to pass the time now, and it doesn't have to be as stressful and exhausting as working in the Akatsuki organization.

In other words, it also wants to try Noah's job.

In Kyuubi's knowledge, except for Hagoromo, almost no one can match that monster, and imitating the strong is considered an instinct.

After Kyuubi agreed, Shikaku wrote to Noah for instructions, and got a more detailed plan.

First, he praised Shikaku's work mobilization ability, and gave the second-generation Nabekage the qualification to go to the moon for special training if he had time.

Shikaku actually didn't really want to get this honor.

Then the letter said that since Ku Lama wants to play, he should play bigger, and his vision should not be limited to Konoha.

Let the leader of the tailed beasts be the head coach of the ninja world alliance for a time.

But there is a clear requirement, that is, Umino Iruka Jounin must be responsible for important ideological education work in the training class, and by the way, promote the ideological construction of the new generation.

Wonderful, indeed Lord Noah.

After that, a youth training class unique to Konoha began, which was announced to be specially opened for the Chunin Examination two years later.

Konoha is fighting over these quotas, because everyone knows that this is equivalent to the new youth iteration created by the Hokage back then.

Didn't you see that Konoha's famous teacher Iruka was involved, and even that villain Shikaku sent his son into it.

So it's definitely a good thing.

Letters to Rasa and other small nations were also sent from the Hokage's office.

The land of wind.

Luo Sha had mixed feelings when she saw the letter. They really just wanted to help each other and work together, right?

In response to the wave of education reform in the Western Continent Convention, Konoha Village hereby holds the first youth learning training class.

The instructor of the youth training class, Kyuubi.

Proficient in five-attribute escape techniques, compound ninjutsu, sealing techniques, various forbidden techniques, and ninjutsu that can suppress the first Hokage.

Deputy, Umino Iruka.

The most famous teacher in Konoha, the jewel at the top of the education industry.

Join forces to create the strongest new generation.

The training location is Konoha Village in the Land of Fire. The enrollment requirements are for outstanding genin who are under the age of 15 and have graduated within two years.

The mandatory requirements include household registration in a Western Continent Convention country and a letter of recommendation from the leader of each village.

The training fee is RMB 500,000 for two academic years, including food and accommodation.

Luo Sha also specially held a small meeting.

The Suna ninjas thought about it for less than a minute and decided that they could go. This kind of teaching force, which is unparalleled in the whole ninja world, only charges 500,000 taels per academic year, and food and accommodation are included!

Make a lot of money.

The poverty in their bones made it difficult for Luo Sha and others to refuse such a good thing.

This time, Gaara will lead the team to practice for a period of time, and the funds for studying abroad will go to the public account.

As a result, families with children in the village became restless.

What! Why is a genin of 15 years and 24 months not a genin? !

What! Master Kazekage signed up all three of his children? !

The family relationships of ninjas in this world are not that indifferent, so the inexplicable appearance of educational anxiety was something Noah had never thought of.

After all, he had underestimated Kyuubi's current status. His identity as a master of all attributes had long been spread throughout the ninja world with several attacks.

Moreover, the killing of the God of Ninja was not hidden from the higher-ups of this world.

Kyuubi, super strong person, teacher, education.

These words would never have been associated with any human being 10 years ago.

So it was almost an explosion of shocking news that spread throughout the world.

This incident caused quite a stir in the Western Continent.

The country of Taki, the country of rain, the country of grass, the country of snow, the country of birds, the country of ghosts, etc. also responded.

The Oceanic Treaty countries in the east thought about it for a long time but did not copy it.

They didn't have a master of all attributes like Kyuubi who could come out to guide the students. The only former ninjutsu doctor who could barely be considered a high-end teacher, Hiruzen Sarutobi, also refused.

We can only let it go. Of course, there are also people with great skills who want to send the child to the Western Continent Convention country.

The prototype of educational immigration also emerged.

In the kingdom of water.

Sarutobi Hiruzen and Noah were discussing how to promote the war in the secret room.

I never thought Kyuubi could be a teacher in Konoha

The Sandaime felt that he was obviously still alive, but the aura of decay could hardly be concealed. (End of chapter)

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