Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1685 Nine Tails Killing Crazy

Chapter 100 Nine-Tails Killing Crazy

The two giant beasts started fighting madly again, and the land began to become desolate. Every collision was a circle of condensation cloud explosions.

And the battle between Shisui and Tobirama on the sea has officially entered its climax.

Senju Tobirama's expression, which had been suppressed for a long time, was so ugly that he could no longer look at it. This guy had just said that he was a descendant of Kagami, but it turned out that he was able to deceive his master and destroy his ancestors with ease.

I have to admit that I am not an inhumanly gifted ninja like my brother.

Facing powerful opponents, he still uses standard ninja fighting methods, mainly using intelligence warfare and special forbidden techniques to kill.

Although the various types of postoperative combat capabilities developed are very strong, they are all based on their own tactical system.

The disgusting thing is that all of his information has been leaked, including the top-secret ninjutsu in the Sealed Book.

The tactical system has been completely destroyed, and most of the techniques were even expected by the enemy.

This kind of headwind experience is really terrible.

The Uchiha brat didn't push forward at all, he was really calm.

How many strong men were killed by me in an instant because of their impatience.

Now I can only rely on my fighting wisdom to wait for the chance to win, because some tips and techniques are not recorded in any writing, which is really a blessing among misfortunes.

Water escape. Instant water!

The Nidaime was spinning and entangled crazily in the sea, and various water escapes were continuously blasted out with the help of the sea environment, making full use of the advantages of the reincarnation of the dirty soil to carry out the tug-of-war.

In fact, it was to deceive others. After the last water dragon bite, he clasped his hands together and a handful of ice crystals appeared in his palms.

Although Tobirama has not awakened the wood escape, it is not difficult to barely complete part of the ice escape with his knowledge of water escape.

Since there is no connection point for the Flying Thunder God Curse Seal, let these things replace the Flying Thunder God Kunai.

The water body breaks out of the water, illusion. The art of darkness!

This technique was very clearly developed for Uchiha.

The clone immediately self-destructed after getting close. Faced with danger and blindness, Shisui did not panic at all. The power of the explosion was blocked by Susanoo's first-stage chakra manifestation.

It's now!

Dozens of ice crystal kunai scattered around Shisui.

Uchiha brat, it's time to go to the Pure Land.

Tobirama disappeared into the sea, crossed the space and came to Shisui.

Just Susanoo can't stop his own sharp blade at the first stage!

Secret technique. Soul shock!

The secret technique that can immobilize the soul of a dying person is a by-product of the development of spiritual transformation techniques, and it is just right for use here.

Strange power. Flying Thunder God Slash!

When the knife stabbed Shisui's heart, the second generation finally breathed a sigh of relief, and the unformed Susanoo immediately collapsed.

Normal flesh-and-blood life experts are most sensitive to the danger of the head, so they will take out the heart when they are not sure.

Fortunately, I have very rich combat experience, and the enemy also committed the weakness of arrogance and underestimation of the enemy, otherwise the battle would be lost.

But yes, he is an arrogant Uchiha after all.

Being able to suppress the legendary Second Hokage into the sea is enough to be proud of.

I haven't fought such a difficult battle for a long time. If I were still alive, I might not have the results I have now.

Just when I was about to draw the knife, I realized something was wrong. The touch felt very similar at first, but now there is something wrong with the touch pressure.

Flying Thunder God!

Lost the coordinates of spatial sensing? When were all those ice kunai destroyed? !

Shisui's shocked pupils regained their expression, and the two looked at each other.

Nidaime-sama has not seen the sun for so long in the Pure Land. Let me show you the world.

The kaleidoscope rotates, and the feeling of broken time and space comes.

The spiritual will of the two people came to an unknown space.

I'm sorry, Tobirama-sama's spiritual will is definitely the best in the ninja world, and you don't know how many back-ups you have left, so you can do it in one step.

When the scorching sun descended, no matter how many methods the second generation used, it was of no avail. His soul and body stood frozen on the spot at the same time.

Shisui used multiple sealing techniques to pack the adult directly into a jar.


Shisui covered the wound on his chest with a look of admiration.

It's a good thing that we made a dangerous move, otherwise Nidaime-sama's tactical style would be really difficult.

Then he turned around and found the strongest rock on the coast and started carving.

The second Hokage of Uchiha Shisui Town is here.

But... isn't it too exaggerated on the main battlefield?

Looking from the sea, the ecology of the Country of Waves has been completely changed. The aftermath of the battle between the Giant and the Kyuubi can be felt even on the sea.

Loud noises and earthquakes that can hit the coast are no joke.

The tailed beast jade that occasionally spilled out added trenches to the depths of the sea.

Kyuubi-sama is really too fierce.

The battle between the Fairy Fox and the Arhat seems to be unending. Both sides are now chakra perpetual motion machines, and who can win over the other.

In the end, Kyuubi found a chance to win.

The wooden man was a little confused when he got close and hit a set of Wing Chun Taijutsu that cut into the middle, and then a super giant flash bomb hit Hashirama in front of him.

The strong light controlled the field in one move, and the tiger climbed up the mountain and pressed down on the wooden man's shoulder.

Thunder escape armor, strange power, aggravating rock technique.

Here I am, fall down!


In the end, the Arhat-like wooden figure was smashed to the ground with the help of ninjutsu.


Several large cracks several meters wide appeared on the ground, and the air waves caused uprooted all the surrounding trees.

But this is just the beginning. Kyuubi followed Noah and learned the tactical thinking of taking advantage of his illness to kill him.

Senju Hashirama has a super-kill that can hit the bottom of the box, and he must not be allowed to use it.

Leap into the air and prepare to attack first.

But the Shodaime is also a strong man who has experienced hundreds of battles, how could he not hide.

The condensed wooden man is not a dead thing, but a product of wood escape that is full of vitality. A giant hand appears behind him to support the ground, ready to stand up and fight again.

Immortal Law. Five Elements Seal

Immortal magic. Positive and negative Bagua seals

Immortal magic.Vajra blockade

Endless chains emerged from the void, directly binding the giant to the earth. Seeing hundreds of golden chains densely packed with runes made Senju Hashirama feel chilled.

It turned out that even his wife Mito couldn't do such a level of sealing technique. Is there no one left to cure the Kyuubi?

Due to this obstacle, now we can only resist the devastating attack head-on.

The nine-tailed white tail is stirring up the wind and clouds, and nine giant glazed-colored fairy chakra polymers have been successfully condensed.

It was endless death and destruction.

The energy tide is not very friendly to all living creatures around it.

Hashirama's Kyuubi gave him a big surprise or shock.

He had a premonition that even his filthy earth body would not have any chance of resurrection after being hit by this move. It could grind away everything.

I really don’t know how much Dead Fox has learned over the years.

The moment when the glazed ball of light landed.

A bright light erupted.

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