Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1686 Hashirama’s Joy

Chapter 101 Hashirama’s Joy

The huge fireball descended on the earth like the sun, and all life in the center of the wooden people was vaporized. The dazzling light even caused temporary blindness in the eyes of humans in the distance.

Such visible light intensity can be seen even within the lunar base.

Then there was a sound like the sky was cracking, and the eardrum-piercing rumble declared the majesty of the surface-level attack.

Thermal turbulence pushes denser gas into the sky, and the red color cools to grayish white, quickly forming a huge mushroom cloud.

Two superimposed halos began to stagnate in mid-air.

The air began to expand at supersonic speeds, and the wall of air formed began to sweep across the Land of Waves, destroying and throwing away all objects in its path.

The incoming air forms a vacuum, tearing apart objects within range.

After the shock wave destroyed the forest, it was indeed weakened a lot, but it was still rolling in all directions, turning the world into hell.

Finally, a huge wall in the direction of the human settlement blocked the first impact like a dam.

The hatred accumulated in Nine Lama's hearts for many years has finally been vented. Unfortunately, Senju Hashirama is not that easy to die.

Kakashi, Nagato and others standing at the border of the Land of Waves also put away their defensive ninjutsu to resist the impact.

The three little ones behind him looked at the restricted area in front of them that was lifeless and speechless.

The air was distorted by the high temperature, and there was only a deep pit with an invisible edge above the scorching, dry and cracked earth.

Crystals are scattered all around, and even sand cannot escape the fate of refining.

Until this moment, the Kyuubi in the sky looked at the forbidden area under his feet and closed his eyes, then let out a breath of filthy breath.

It's still close.

So he dropped to the ground and watched a little bit of gray debris gathering. Just now, Hashirama still tried his best to escape some of the body debris.

The God of Ninja looked at the devastated land with some silence, which really seemed like the final battle.

How about Senju Hashirama.

Kyuubi's voice came from above, like the divine power of the Immortal Tianyin.

I, Senju Hashirama, admit that you have the strongest ability to compete.

The Shodaime could confirm that the Kyuubi at this time had surpassed his best friend in terms of pure destructive power.

In this case, let yourself burn again.

The strongest human being on the ground showed an arrogant smile, which was a kind of overbearing and crazy joy.

Madara is a close friend, but he still feels heartache when fighting.

But Kyuubi is not. In this way, he can show his true heart that longs for the strong but cannot get it without any burden.

Kyuubi, you are really strong, but I! Stronger than anyone else!

The huge scroll behind him was glowing, and Senju Hashirama was going all out.

So what about the restricted area of ​​life? After I swept across the world, no one except Madara could stand beside me.

The barren land came to life again, and the boundless green shattered the dead soil above.

If you raise your field of vision, you can see the breath of life spreading around Hashirama, changing the world and nature.

Immortal magic. Thousands of hands. Transforming into a Buddha on top!

A hundred-meter-long wooden man is already a giant, but what about the several hundred-meter-long Thousand-Armed Buddha?

It is solemn and solemn, and it swallows the heaven and the earth.

The hands of the supreme Buddha statue are put together, which means that the Dharma Realm is united in one heart, containing all the laws of the universe.

The thousand hands were originally the immeasurable vastness of great compassion, but now they are the infinite vastness of power.

Covering the heaven and earth, showing the insignificance of all living beings in the world.

The moment it appeared, all creatures worshiped it. This is the ultimate power to calm troubled times.

Standing on the top and looking at the world, Hashirama's pride could no longer be suppressed. This was the peak form that only the invincible Uchiha Madara had ever seen.

this world! Who else can beat me!

Asuras have been reincarnated to such an extent that they are invincible even without realizing the power of all things.

Even when facing this giant Buddha, the Nine Lamas retreated repeatedly to get out of the opponent's shadow.

Damn it, there is such a big gap!

The Ninth Lama thought he was the second best in the world after practicing hard for many years, but he didn't expect that he would be surpassed by this bastard.

When thousands of hands appear, it knows that it has done its best on its own.


What a pity, Jiu Lama is here.

Noah, who was standing outside the Kingdom of Waves, had already grabbed the orange Yang Kyuubi.

Half of you needs you.

I know, but don't you have a flying thunder god?

Idiot, you look so cool when you appear like this.

As soon as he said Go, the victim's half body flew straight into the fairy fox's body like a meteor from the sky.

At this moment, the two Nine Tails merge into one, carrying Yin and embracing Yang.

Everything has its yin and yang sides. The Nine Lamas of the Fairy Fox complement the power of yang and mediate it with natural energy.

Tireless energy burst out from the body, and at this moment it truly reached the level of infinite chakra and endless absorption of nature.

There is even a little shadow of everything in the body.

Let's go!*2

The 100-meter-tall Kyuubi began to grow rapidly, and eventually expanded to the same size as the real Thousand Hands.

False. Laws, heaven and earth!

See if you, the Buddha, can suppress my Nine-Tails!

Come on, Hashirama is already impatient. He has never wanted to enjoy fighting for a moment like this.

Abandoning the responsibility of Hokage and letting go of the sorrow for friends, this is the purest battle

The power of the Thousand Hands exploded, and the huge Buddha rushed towards Kyuubi, and the Thousand Arms clenched their fists and smashed it down.

Every punch carries violent pressure, and the intention of pushing horizontally is clearly visible.

In the past, it was just a punch with one Nine Tails, but now it is just a basic attack.

Although this basic attack can already sweep through 99% of the human beings in the ninja world.

The nine tails of Kyuubi all gathered a glazed halo, and the tailed beast jade that destroyed the world immediately started the burst mode.

In an instant, a glazed light rain burst out, and the world was as stagnant as the water surface. The raindrops broke through the barriers of space and caused endless ripples.

boom! ! Rumble————! ! ! !

Force and light collided, and the world began to collapse.

Strong winds whipped across the land, throwing layers of earth into the sky.

And the clouds were crushed into pieces and pulled randomly to the feet.

The mountains and rivers are shattered, and the heaven and earth hang upside down.

Every collision destroys the world. Circular shock waves, heat flows, earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, and various natural disasters are born at this moment.

Only these two guys who were like gods ignored everything and continued to fight fiercely.

In addition to the Tailed Beast Jade, the Nine Lamas wielded all kinds of immortal magic at their fingertips, and the colorful light began to refine the Buddha opposite.

Senju, on the other hand, only uses the purest violence and vitality to crush its opponents.

The broken arm was reconnected in an instant, flame? shred. Current? Shoot back.

I have truly achieved a constant fighting spirit, endless life, enjoying fighting and enjoying happiness.

Perhaps Hashirama is the strongest without Asura's ambition to make people understand each other.

Euler refused to give in for a long time, his momentum getting stronger and stronger, waiting for the moment when the winner would be decided.

Nine Lamas!


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