Chapter 99 Mortal Wisdom

Kyuubi-sama is so beautiful.

Sakura in the distance is intoxicated by this beauty, with white fur and red eye shadow.

The 100-meter-sized Kyuubi's true form has also become extremely gorgeous, and does not look like an ordinary thing.

The Arhat on the opposite side is majestic and ferocious, as if he has descended from the world of Hades.

Then you are wrong, Sakura. The next battle cannot be described as beautiful. You will find that both the Kyuubi and the First Generation will show faces like monsters.

As a melon-eating person, Noah gave up this terrible idea in advance. After a while, his flesh and blood would definitely fly everywhere.


After estimating the distance, I felt that the forest in the Land of Waves was still a bit small.

This distance is still too dangerous for civilians. I'm going to fence the entire forest. The Nine Lamas also need a place where they can let go.

What about Black Zetsu?

He ran away from the moment the Kyuubi appeared. He still knows who the jinchūriki of the Immortal Fox is.

With such confidence, Black Zetsu really gave up on capturing Team 7 the moment he saw the Nine-Tailed Fox.

If the Yang Kyuubi comes, it will be a double happiness. Packing up the Jinchuriki and the strange tailed beast together, the first Hokage will be lying around.

Unfortunately, what came was the tailed beast that he least wanted to see, the fairy fox that had almost escaped the order of tailed beasts.

What's even more terrifying is the man standing behind the fairy fox.

Noah's previous record and combat performance were not much better than Hashirama, but Black Zetsu was very scared.

Asura's reincarnation couldn't hurt Him, but this bastard could still cause Him pain for several years when he looked like he was about to die.

The origin of this monster was not reassuring, so he gave up the mission goal without any hesitation and immediately sought self-protection.

As for the two king bombs this time, they are probably gone.

After leaving an instruction to execute the order, he disappeared into the Country of Waves.

If Senju Hashirama is exceptionally brave and defeats Kyuubi and Noah, he will come back to receive the spoils and sweep across the nations.

It doesn't matter if you can't beat him. At least you've tested the power of the Reincarnation Technique.

If the Senju brothers can't defeat them, they can still use the crowd tactics. After so many years in the ninja world, the strong ones can finally win if they swarm them.

And Class 7 looked at the endless forest and was a little confused. What does it mean to be surrounded? And why the fence?

Then the real battle finally begins

Fairy Fox VS Arhat.

The wooden man took the initiative and sprinted forward with heavy steps, causing the earth to tremble.

Compared with the delicate nine-tailed figure opposite, it is full of oppression. Only the god of the ninja world can think that the tailed beast is a delicate creature.

In the last final battle, Mu Ren was able to suppress the fox on the physical level by himself, but this time.

Kyuubi looked at Hashirama with a mocking smile.

Do you still think I'm the Kyuubi?

Wood escape transcends the mortal world, which is the limit of mortals and cannot transcend the limits of blood inheritance, but the Nine Lamas have absorbed human wisdom.

Let you see the wisdom of mortals.

Immortal method, earth escape, super heavy rock technique.

The secret technique from Iwagakure Village, don’t ask how it came about, you just learned it anyway.

Gravity added to his body, and Nine-Tails' weight reached a terrifying level, and the land beneath him was ravaged.

The man stood up and stood motionless facing the impact.

Following Noah throughout the years of running through the ninja world, I have never been afraid of anything, just a wooden figure!


The collision of the behemoths caused a huge shock wave, and level 12 strong winds swept through the mountains and forests.

The wooden man's weight and acceleration pushed Kyuubi back continuously, and the ground beneath his feet had been trampled to pieces.

Kyuubi didn't feel any panic about this situation.

Hashirama, if only this is the extent.

Immortal magic. Weird power!

The strength of his arms actually caused cracks in the solid wooden figure.

Tsunade never imagined that a tailed beast could practice this move to perfection, or even use fairy magic to activate it.

That's so disappointing! Drink!

Roots grew under his feet, and the wooden man's impact was completely ended.

Shadows blocked out the sunlight, and the invincible wooden man began to tilt.

He didn't fall when he faced the five major countries, and he didn't fall when he faced Uchiha Madara.

But now he is losing in the most primitive battle between strength and strength.

Hashirama formed a seal with his hands, how could he give up easily?

The eyes of the wooden dragon wrapped around his arm shone brightly, and he planned to give Kyuubi a familiar death coil along his arm.

Bilibili seems to have a thousand birds chirping.

Blue arcs of electricity flashed in Kyuubi's eyes. It had made countless plans for today's battle.

Every ninjutsu and response method of that bastard is engraved in my mind and constantly reviewed.

I have been waiting for this blow for a long time.

Immortal method, thunder escape, thousand birds flow.

Ouch! !

The blue electric light exploded in the world with clear sky, and the vitality of the green wooden dragon was severely destroyed.

He lay limply and prepared to struggle back to Luo Han to regain blood.

Can you just go back?

In Hashirama's confused eyes, several huge torii gates fell from the sky.

Immortal method. Mingshen gate!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

One after another, the vermilion gates nail the wooden dragon to the ground, which is a perfect place for sealing psychics who can temporarily immobilize the Ten-Tails.

It also made Kyuubi let out a bad breath. Who are you, who dared to play death coil on me back then!

At this moment, the three levels of immortal magic are added to the body, and the nine lamas' strength, speed, and body are +9, and their overall status is becoming more and more brave.

This is the value of being a doctor of ninjutsu.

Seeing this scene, Senju Hashirama was almost on fire, it was so interesting.

No one has ever been able to perform this kind of operation, even Tobirama's research has its limits.

At this time, Mu Ren obviously needed to adjust his tactics, so he took the initiative to withdraw from the close combat circle.

The Nine-Tails was naturally unwilling to give up. The glazed light gathered in its mouth, and the ultimate sense of danger filled her.

When he opened his mouth, a tailed beast jade shot out.

The wooden man caught it with his hands almost instinctively, perfectly replicating the battle 50 years ago.

It seems to be a hard connection, but it is actually the use of a very advanced sealing technique.

Immortal techniques are all made of cloth bags!

The ability of Senfa Mudun to absorb chakra is a perfect match for the seal, and it is precisely because of this that the Tailed Beast Jade will not explode.

The most glorious moment of this move was when he took down Susanoo's 40-meter-long machete, which was also the magic sword in Madara Uchiha's hand that could cut down mountains.

Unfortunately, the easiest way to fight magic is magic.

As the Fourth Immortal, Nine Lama's Tailed Beast Jade has evolved to a characteristic that Wooden cannot easily absorb. This is much stronger than Hashirama's previous enemies.

The glazed light beam directly decomposed the sealing technique, decomposed the wooden man's arm, decomposed everything along the way, until it decomposed the clouds behind him.

Even the God of Ninja was shocked. It seemed that if the power were greater, even the body of filthy earth would be wiped out.

In this case, we can't give Kyuubi another chance.

The Yang Escape explosion was completed, and Mu Ren's arm instantly filled the gap.

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