Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1679 The Ninja Who Stumbled

Hidan was still dazed when he pulled the kunai from his neck, and Team 7 on the opposite side was also dazed.

How could there be someone who couldn't be killed?

The three of them battled hard and collected information.

Finally, Naruto, as the most unexpected ninja, came up with a little tactic, which sounded outrageous, but it worked very well against a psycho like Hidan.

Sakura seized the opportunity created by her two companions and used her strange power to throw out a kunai.

It may not be accurate to describe it as a hidden weapon. The kunai with a whistling sound crashed into Hidan's neck with a headshot.

Because it was the first time she used strange power to throw, Sakura, who originally had a maxed-out kunai, could only score 60 points. The ballistic trajectory was accurate, but the flying posture was not good.

The kunai flew towards Xuan, with such huge force that it almost cut off the neck, and brought the shameful villain directly to the big tree behind him. The huge residual force caused the entire tree to crack, and the leaves They also flew down.

This cruel and curious scene really makes Nazu and Zuo feel a little itchy. Maybe Sakura is more suitable for large flying props.

I thought that the victory was sealed, but I didn't expect to jump from the ninja style to the supernatural style.

It hurts.

A sound like a bellows leaking came from the corpse, and even the limp body was still twisting strangely.

His big pale hand grabbed the handle of the kunai and began to drag it outward.

The three children trembled all over, fear of ghosts and monsters welling up in their hearts.

No matter how many books Sakura read, she had never seen such a ghost thing before, and the two younger brothers behind her also looked livid.

Exorcism? Not professional.


With a popping sound, a little white stuff was sprinkled.

Hidan also let his mind end the close contact with the tree, and even felt that his mind felt a lot lighter.

Looking at the cracked kunai in his hand, he didn't know what to say.

I originally thought that I was already a weirdo in the ninja world, but after watching too many monsters over the years, I felt that I was nothing more than that. A little girl could use such insidious tactics, hahahahaha.

Hidan walked towards Team 7 angrily. Even though he was extremely crazy and anti-human, he couldn't accept being beaten like this by three genin.

You three are worthy of being called genin. The people of Konoha are really insidious.

Even if he came from a small ninja village like the Country of Yu and had not seen much of the world, he could not fail to see that the three brats had already left the level of genin.

Xiao Huangmao has endless shadow clones that even a jounin can't create.

The black-haired kid's Sharingan coupled with extreme speed is the standard Chunin combat power.

The pink-haired female ninja's excellent commanding and commanding abilities are not something ordinary people should have.

So I, Hidan, was not shot by three genin, but was hunted by three insidious teams at the chuunin level.

That's right, only thinking this way can make him feel better.

You guys can go see the God of Death.

When Hidan showed his true skills, the three brats on the opposite side were beaten to pieces in a matter of seconds.

The power of speed completely crushed the three of them.

Sakura also regained her composure in the second stage of the battle. Since she couldn't be killed, she could only find a way to escape.

The medicine in his body was injected by Teacher Shisui, and now his vitality and chakra have not been exhausted. Naruto is full of energy, but Sasuke is almost at his limit.

So the tactical plan was passed on in code words during the battle.

Art fire escape ho fireball.

The flying flames hit the enemy overwhelmingly, and Hidan had no intention of avoiding it.

The mere C-level ninjutsu was in vain, he used his body to carry the flames and charged forward.

Then he grabbed the black-haired kid who had been running around.

There was still surprise on the young man's face, as if he didn't expect the possibility of resisting the ninjutsu.

Hidan flicked his left hand, and a sharp black thorn appeared in his palm.

For tactical reasons, he never brought extra ninja tools. After Mitsuki Kama was sealed away by Sakura, this was the only one left.

The black spear is not for attacking, but a weapon used to inflict damage when casting curses.

It can be regarded as a special prop when using the Death God's blood, and it is also a ritual tool when offering sacrifices to the soul of the God of Death.

He had been teased by these three brats for a long time. Since Hei Jue said not to kill this black-haired brat, he just cut off his two arms.

When the spear struck down, Hidan suddenly felt bad, it felt wrong!


There was only a cloud of smoke.

It's not like Naruto is the only one who can use clones. The Three Body Technique is the foundation of Ninja School.

The powerful fireball just now was not intended to kill, it was just to block the opponent's sight.

By the time Hidan tried to retreat, it was already too late. A large number of metal wires were pulled up from the ground beneath his feet to tie up his prey.

The quality of Uchiha control wire is absolutely guaranteed.

Not even a Jonin could break free immediately.

The other end of the wire was in the hands of several clones of Naruto, and it was fixed to the surrounding trees in the blink of an eye.

The killing move comes from the sky.

Sakura gathered a large amount of chakra into her right hand, which was beyond the limit of her control, but she couldn't care so much at this time.

boom! ! !

Unable to dodge or defend, he hit Hidan's head with a solid punch, punching him into the ground with unabated force.

The violent force blasted into the brain of this undead monster, directly beating the person until he briefly lost consciousness.

The ground was hammered with cracks.

It can be said that most crispy ninjas would be dead after this move.

The price paid was a half-broken arm.

At that time, there was no way to distract herself from protecting her arms with chakra, and Sakura knew this very well.

She didn't relax at all when she saw Hidan falling into the pit in a twisted posture.

He wouldn't die even if his neck was cut in half, and he probably wouldn't die at this time either.

So he asked Sasuke to dismember the corpse immediately with a short knife, throw away his arms casually, and then took away the two original fragments, Hidan's Kick*2

Sakura is thinking very well, so what if you are immortal, can you catch up with us even if your limbs are gone?

Let's keep running. As long as we reach the Fire Country, we will be safe.

Naruto played a key role at this time. He used his clone to carry Sakura and Sasuke and flew up the tree.

At this time, Prince Ming's bloodline advantage became apparent, and he would never fall until he was in a safe zone.

Sasuke was unwilling to accept that his performance in the two battles was not as good as his companions. He had to go back to see the Hokage teacher for special training.

At the same time, he lamented that he had never thought that Cardo had such a person under his command.

Although his overall strength is not particularly strong, and there is a huge gap compared with my brother and Shisui-sensei, he is still as tall as an ordinary jounin.

But the opponent's immortality is very tricky. I wonder if he has any hidden abilities.

Sasuke is the young master of Uchiha. He has met many jounin, and he feels that Hidan's physical fitness can barely reach this level.

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