Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1680 I am still strong

He is probably not very proficient in ninjutsu and genjutsu, and his fighting style is also rough.

Sakura also agrees with this judgment. Ordinary jounin may really be killed by evil.

Team 7 was able to escape this time because the three of them were not ordinary genin.

His combat prowess is definitely at the Chuunin level, and there are even some traits that even a Jonin doesn't have.

An ordinary ninja team would be defeated immediately when encountering Hidan.

Looking at the forehead protector around his neck, it's the traitorous ninja from the Kingdom of Yu, but it's most likely the work of the Kingdom of Water behind Cardo.

The information about the Second Generation Master and this immortal ninja must be brought back.

Black Jue

Appeared at the crime scene again.

This time it is stronger than the Iron Kingdom. It is not as exaggerated as breaking into pieces, it is just a simple five points.

The trouble is that the legs are gone.

His heart felt so tired when he saw his subordinates swaying like maggots after waking up.

Can you lose in this way? This idiot should have been buried in the Kingdom of Iron and stunk.

You must know that he is ready to snipe Konoha's reinforcements. Both Hatake Kakashi and Noah have made plans.

As a result, the first step was stillborn.

It can only be said that the two-person team organized by Akatsuki in the original timeline was a perfect combination. Hidan was much less threatening when he was alone, and could really only be used as a surprise soldier.

Reluctantly, he used Wood Release to dig out his hand, threw it aside and ignored it.

Hidan was also unusually quiet. If his hand hadn't been hanging on the tree, he would have covered his face and cried. This record was so embarrassing.

Hei Jue looked in the direction where Team 7 was escaping and was somewhat silent.

I had a few big cards in my hand and I hesitated over and over again not knowing which one to play, but all of them were kings.

At this time, there was a huge explosion behind him, and water vapor rose into the sky, which was spectacular.

Yes, in order to capture the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki, I even used Senju Tobirama, so why should I hesitate?

Since it's in the woods, it's you!

Black Jue began to prepare to cast the forbidden technique in the open space, and a White Jue lay obediently in the coffin.


Hands together!

The coffin seemed to have experienced the baptism of time, and a first word appeared on it.


The cover fell down, and a figure lay quietly inside, seemingly sleeping.

But when the inexplicable power awakened him, along with the recovery of his body, his consciousness also returned from the pure land.

The moment he opened his eyes, the coffin was shattered, and the surrounding vegetation was growing rapidly.

The majestic power is repelling everything around it, and it seems that a certain black man is instinctively resisting the return.

Black Zetsu can only be glad that his talismans were buried in White Zetsu's body in advance, otherwise neither the first nor the second generation Hokage would be a ruthless person who could be controlled in a sober state.

Capture the Kyuubi Jinchuuriki and the Uchiha descendants.

The figure trembled for a few times, and before disappearing, a huge wooden stake penetrated the body of the pitcher plant, and the twisted branches shot the summoner through the heart with thousands of arrows.

Huh~~ As expected of him.

Hei Jue, who was hanging on the branch, could only sigh helplessly. He was a little unsure whether the ninja god could get rid of his control.

When Team 7 was escaping, suddenly the trees around them seemed to come alive, and the twisted trunks directly tied up the three of them.

The three people who wanted to exert their strength felt exhausted, and their physical strength and chakra were being continuously drained.

What's this!!!

Naruto screamed and Sasuke looked in disbelief.

Sakura looked desperate, yes, the Nidaime-sama can appear, why can't that adult appear.

The Jutsu of Shattered Earth Reincarnation is really a sinful Ninjutsu.

She now sincerely hopes that Teacher Shisui can give the second generation a good beating.

It's so disappointing to see you, Shodaime-sama.

He has long black hair and red stacked armor. The armor on his left shoulder has the symbol of the Thousand Hands clan tattooed on it.

This is the figure in the Valley of the End, a legend so majestic that it can divide the world's historical nodes.

The God of Ninja, Senju Hashirama.

The moment Hashirama appeared, the two top powerhouses on the beach also felt the terrifying vitality and chakra fluctuations, including the changes in the forest, which proved something.

Big brother is here, it seems everything is going to end.

Tobirama's mood became even worse. He had been preparing to return from the Pure Land since the day this art of desecrating the dead was created, but his eldest brother...

Listen, you annoying Uchiha brat.

My eldest brother has also been summoned by the enemy. Your three genin men will definitely not be able to escape.

Run away now, or go back and report to the Fifth Hokage what happened between us, the Tensei Reincarnation and the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki.

Don't think about saving people. Although the body of dirt can only reproduce 70% to 80% of the strength, the fighting power of the God of Ninja has surpassed that of regular ninjas. You won't be able to run away when big brother comes.

Although the Nidaime was suffocated by the beating, his duty as Hokage still prompted him to help the other party.

But Shisui still didn't consider retreating.

Nidaime-sama, believe in Konoha now.

If we are strong enough, the enemy will not try to summon us out.

After receiving such a confident reply, Tobirama was not angry. Instead, he became extremely curious about the new Konoha Village mentioned by that Uchiha brat.

Is there a being born that can rival the god of the ninja world?

It's natural.

The battle between the two escalated again, and Tobirama was a little annoyed at being beaten.

In the forest.

Hahahahaha, the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki is so interesting now, the tailed beasts have all run away, hahahahaha.

Kuronaga slapped his thigh and laughed, as if Naruto said something very funny.

The three pairs of dead fish eyes in Class 7 almost rolled to the sky.

Contrary to expectations, the first-generation master's wise and powerful spirit was shattered to pieces in just a few minutes.

They were all desperate after being caught by a branch. Unexpectedly, the ninja god sat down directly and started chatting with his juniors.

First Generation Sir, are you not being...

Sakura's mood took a big turn, as if she saw some hope.

Ah, yes, I am a dead person summoned by that idiot Tobirama's ninjutsu.

It's just that I can still resist the control spell for some time, so I want to talk to you.

You can't run away anyway, hahahahaha.

This hearty smile is really so irritating. Please, you are controlled by Konoha’s enemies now~~~

Hey kid, don't cry and tell me about the changes in Konoha.

After listening to Sakura's abbreviated version of the history of Konoha, the sunny and cheerful boy in the first generation was rarely silent, and his mood was no longer beautiful in an instant.

Hiss~~~The pure land is full of chaos, otherwise we must find the soul of the little monkey and give it a good beating.

No, the person who should be slapped most should be that bastard Tobirama. He will really only cause trouble for future generations.

Hashirama muttered to himself on the spot, as if he was in a deserted place.

How come the idiot-like image looks a bit like Naruto?

Hey, Lord Shodaime Hokage, can you put us down first?

No, it can't completely resist the spell. It's just a matter of killing time during the capture to slow down the intensity.

Hashirama's fighting instincts helped him find the easiest way to respond.

By the way, is there anyone in the village who can come to rescue you now? I'm quite strong.


Sakura said categorically that Iruka-sensei said that the age of the ninja god has passed.

Sasuke also said that there is no difference between the Hokage and the God of Ninja in his heart.

Naruto also said yes. He often heard his mother say that Noah was a monster, and that Noah was a monster, which meant that Uncle Noah was really strong.

Oh, who is there?

A voice came from behind Senju Hashirama.

That's a lot.

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