Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1678: Restrained by Uchiha

When reaching level B or above, it basically involves changes in form and properties.

Even if it can be copied, it requires proficiency in this attribute and a deep understanding of the technique.

It is precisely this limitation that prevents Uchiha from becoming invincible by relying on the copy eye.

So the other party really knows the secret essence of his ninjutsu.

What's even more disgusting is that several of the techniques are recorded in the book of seals, and the opponent also copied them perfectly to slap them in the face.

It means that the forbidden magic scroll he left behind has been read by someone again.

Tobirama was no longer sure how many people had read the scroll. What had the junior Hokage done?

Monkeys shouldn't be such ignorant people.

Try it out again.

Sure enough, when he switched to various forbidden techniques, they did not have the desired effect.

The water teleports, and after getting close, it connects with the mutually multiplying detonating talisman.

This was the best way to use the reincarnated body of the dirty soil, but unfortunately Shisui saw through it at a glance.

The backhand is a seal of four images. The shocked Qianju Tojian made a sudden turn and ran out again.

I didn't run very far when I heard an illusion. The magic of darkness.

His vision went dark and when he woke up he had been chopped to pieces with a knife.

It’s true, the other party has been practicing for a long time with the Book of Sealing.

Senju Tobirama stopped his forbidden art master rhythm and channeled his own thunder god sword and the close physical art of Shisui.

He could no longer contain his anger and worry.

He asked seriously while typing.

Who is the current Hokage?

Shisui, who dodged Kabutou's sword, answered with a smile.

It's the Fifth Hokage Hatake Kakashi.

Five generations?

There was some hesitation when swinging the Thunder God's Sword.

After he was reincarnated and came back, he also determined the time through certain means. Logically speaking, how could Konoha replace the third and fourth generations directly to the fifth generation in a few decades.

The Uchiha brat explained the history of Konoha's development to the enemy regardless of past suspicions.

It's not that he is kind, but that he simply wants to make the second-generation Hokage uncomfortable.

Sure enough, when Shisui told what the Third Hokage had done, the Second Hokage's hand holding the sword was a little unsteady, and he seemed to be shaking with anger.

The foundation is unstable, and it is understandable to rule Konoha with the Elder Council.

That was the right time for monkeys to make political compromises.

There is nothing that can be done about the Ninja World War. Konoha occupies the most fertile land and naturally faces the invasion of evil neighbors from all directions.

I also blame myself for leaving too suddenly and not leaving a better environment for the village.

But so many nonsense things that followed made him unable to accept it, and even made him feel disgusted.

Even if they suppress Uchiha, the method is so inferior, they are really sawing the branches of Konoha.

Twisting the will of fire and letting the seedlings shine on the battlefield, this magical operation is really outrageous.

The eldest brother's original intention in creating Konoha was not to let children fight on the battlefield at a young age. They had suffered enough during the Warring States Period.

Turns out Sarutobi Hiruzen is a good guy.

Directly sending batch after batch of Ninja School students to the battlefield to be used as cannon fodder.

If the eldest brother were to be reincarnated and come back, the monkey would not be able to escape the difficulty of being shattered and thrown into ashes.

As for the killing of Hatake Sakumo based on rumors, he was even more shocked. The dignified Hokage killed the pillar of the village just because of his power.

It is really not easy for Konoha to survive until now.

After the fourth generation died in the Nine-Tails Rebellion, Tobirama was slightly silent. It was heartbreaking that a genius who could put the village on the right track fell so easily.

I almost cheered loudly when I saw the magnificent struggle history of the Fifth Hokage and the eradication of the interest group of the Third Generation.

But when he learned that the monkey had betrayed Konoha, he became silent.

As for how the Fifth Hokage worked hard in the future, he couldn't bear to listen. He just felt that his education was a failure.

The power of time will produce different flowers when it acts on a person. After all, I am wrong.

So. Nidaime-sama. Please admit your mistakes.

Zhisui spent a long time talking about this sentence, and when he said it, his eyes were full of anger.

Uchiha was secretly suppressed and unable to integrate into the village. This was due to both the clan's problems and Konoha's problems.

The source is all caused by a certain second-generation Hokage.

Is it just that Senju Tobirama will admit his mistake?

He would, but he couldn't admit it in front of this Uchiha brat.

Kid, don't be too presumptuous.

When he just fought, he had already left many Flying Thunder God marks around the bridge.

Although I don't really want to, I can't control my fighting instinct.

Let him end this hateful junior now.

Forming a seal with one hand, the creator of Flying Thunder God wants to make this technique again

Nani? !

Fire escapes. Fire extinguishes!

Fire escape. Long Yan sings!

Target: Caddo Bridge!

Endless flames burst out with Shisui as the center, destroying everything without restraint.

The flames that twisted the air ignited the entire bridge, and in an instant the bridge turned from coke to fly ash.

The Flying Thunder Divine Technique that Senju Tobirama had deliberately left behind was also wiped out with ashes, leaving no trace at all.

Unexpectedly, I just don’t know how to fly Thunder God, but I understand it very well!

Senju Tobirama's face was gloomy.

Well, Flying Thunder God was also cracked by the other party.

Unless a mark is left on the opponent's body in this vast sea, this technique will be useless.

As for throwing kunai?

No real strong man would be defeated by this flying thunder god.

Could it be that the prestige of the Senju Clan ends here?

It was the first time the Nidaime had this thought. All his techniques were restrained, and the offensive and defensive momentum between him and Uchiha had been shifted.

Shisui's fighting spirit became more and more high, and he still had many unique skills that he wanted to ask the senior Hokage to review.

There were continuous battles at sea, and the battles in the forest were not much different.

Class 7. The hard battle is over.

Black Zetsu was debating in the distance whether to find more people to support Hidan. This kind of battle situation was something he never expected to unfold.

The bloody March sickle flying in the opening scene is indeed handsome.

It seems that the use of heavy weapons only comes at this moment. Taking the lead can break the enemy's will.

Then Hidan's performance is also remarkable, one punch can kill a kid.

There is an absolute gap between the taijutsu strength of Naruto and Sasuke and that of jounin.

With his Sharingan, Sasuke only managed to dodge one punch, and was then knocked away by the second punch.

And Naruto could only rely on the shadow clone to entangle the other party. After being blown up, white smoke came out one after another.

Hidan was enjoying the pleasure of torturing food and wanted to get his weapon back. He couldn't play anymore.

Then I saw the pink-haired girl in the distance had completed the weapon seal, and even put away the seal scroll.

In anger, Hidan started to go berserk, and then he was punched with five bloody holes in his body.

Strange power!

The enhanced version of Sakura officially joins the battle.

With Sasuke's speed to harass, Naruto's fearless clone technique, and Sakura's occasional outbursts, he was able to forcefully fight Hidan.

Perhaps this guy should be buried in the Kingdom of Iron and slowly stink.

Black Zetsu knew that Hidan would definitely win if he kept fighting, but it was too ugly.

And there is always an unknown premonition in his heart. Every time the conspiracy is about to succeed, something unexpected happens. He doesn’t know who it will be this time.

But He will not lose again, He has plan B that can settle everything! (End of chapter)

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