Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 170 Robin’s Wing Chun

When we came to the playground, we were faced with a group of tall students and a weak female teacher. The students themselves felt that it was too much and that they were a bit bullying.

Those murloc students are several meters tall and have terrifyingly large muscles. Compared with the teacher, they look like little monsters.

Robin still smiled gently, Come on together.

Qiao Ellie Bonny naturally refused. This girl was currently forced to go to school to look down on everyone. She was both a woman and she was afraid of the other. This battle established her as the number one dominator in the class. Taking the lead means that she is enough on her own.

Xiao Feng sneered, too young!

Bonnie shouted and rushed towards Robin, then fell down because a small hand stretched out from the ground and pulled her ankle.

Damn it, how can I be the eldest sister after losing such a big face in front of my classmates? Sure enough, she heard the sound of someone laughing behind her.

Get up, stare closely at Robin, look for the gap, sprint, and at the same time constantly change the position of your body, use your fruit ability to switch between large and small, so that the opponent cannot see your exact position. As long as you can get close to Teacher Robin, you can use the fruit ability to subdue her, hehehe.

Pa Chi Bonnie felt that it was not too late to pretend to be dizzy now.

Alas, alas, these children who haven't even mastered sight, hearing, and sex are quite interesting. Let's bully them more now, because they may not have the chance in the future. Show a sinister smile and use Noah's personal provocation skills.

That's it?

With two words, Bonnie jumped up and rushed towards Robin. This time, Robin didn't trip her again and let her come to him. Putting his hands behind his back, he closed his eyes, opened his eyes, and imitated Noah to dodge and move like a master.

Bonnie's fruit ability needs to touch the opponent to be effective. In order to catch Robin, she also tried her best. Not only did she speed up her attack, but she also changed her size close to her body, causing Robin to misjudge her body shape and make a mistake. To be honest, her strength is actually pretty good, not slow, not bad in strength, and has certain tactics.

It's a pity that under Robin's master's knowledge and color, it is still too young to see every detail. Finally, the battle ends with a finger's brain collapse.

Joelle Bonny hits the streets.

No wonder Noah likes to play like this, it’s really comfortable.

Who else? with a slightly contemptuous smile.

Just like cold water dripping into a hot oil pan, the students who were a little reluctant to retreat now find that their retreat has been interrupted by the teacher, so let's go ahead.

As a hot-blooded man, Xiao Feng was the first one to go up. He also had some resentment towards learning from him, so the beating was worth it. Shemale Boxing: Gorgeous Swan Dance, one kick. But Robin caught it with one hand.

He did a backflip to distance himself, then sprinted, jumped, twisted in the air, and the phantom of a swan appeared.

Shemale Boxing·Exploding Swan Dance! The strongest kicking skills were used, and the sound of the wind tearing the air from the legs made the students behind them stunned. Is this a grudge? What if something happens to the teacher?

Xiao Feng knew Robin's strength. It was just a small amount of strength, and he had no worries about hurting the teacher. Sure enough, Robin crossed his arms and caught it steadily.

Although she is not good at physical skills, under the leadership of Noah, she was forced to train for many years and took a lot of secret medicine to strengthen her body. Even if she is not very strong, she is still enough to beat the students.

Then the right fist changes into a palm, with the palm facing upward. When clamping with the right hand, use the bottom of the elbow to exert force, and use the strength to the fingertips. The palm passes through the midline of the body and faces forward diagonally upwards, eyes looking forward.

This posture was made by Noah when he was telling a story. It is said to be called Wing Chun. Although she didn't understand why Noah was so excited when telling this story and made a lot of gestures, she remembered these moves inexplicably at this time.

It doesn't matter if you don't know the strength of the fist, as long as you are strong enough. Why is she so powerful? Because she is disgusted by Xiao Feng's leg hair. This guy's mental pollution makes her very unhappy.

After breaking up Xiao Feng's posture with a straight punch, he rushed forward and launched a copycat Japanese punch. In fact, it was a rounded punch directed at Xiao Feng's chest, and Xiao Feng was beaten into the ground.

Dong dong dong dong dong dong dong dong

The sound of a pile driver appeared strangely on the playground. With Xiao Feng as the center, the ground was full of fine cracks. The pebbles in the playground trembled and jumped.

After finishing the work, he put away his violent attitude and exhaled softly, feeling comfortable.

As for Xiao Feng, it’s fine. On this island of rebirth, the medical capabilities are now at an overflowing state. The Shemale King's hormone treatment, Luo's surgery fruit, Big Bear's flesh ball fruit, and even crow's feet can be bounced away, so there is no fear of getting into trouble.

Of course there is nothing you can do if you beat him to death. That will have to wait until Noah develops the Gate of Hell to fish for people.

Gudong, some students swallowed their saliva, is the teacher in this cultural class so fierce? Bonnie, who was lying on the side and covering her forehead, looked at the shemale man who was stuck on the ground and didn't know whether he was alive or dead. She felt that this teacher was very kind to her. It was really inappropriate for so many of us to bully her. Is it too late to go back to class now?

I want to hit me and see, 100 of them!

Come on, come on

The remaining students all rushed away in a wailing voice. Even if they were beaten like Xiao Feng today, they would not be able to back down. This is the dignity of the elite!

Ah, My hands, Legs, legs, legs.

Standing on the same spot, a circle of students surrounded the outside, and students were constantly being knocked away from the inner circle. It felt like a déjà vu between Star Master and the Ax Gang in Kung Fu.

Later, when the fight got better, Robin simply opened the fruit, and a pair of hands appeared in front of each student. Some grew from the soil, some grew from the tree, and some grew from the back of the previous student. Unified He was gesticulating a copycat Wing Chun, and he was passing through Oola Oola.

Several fishmen students wanted to use tactics, gathered together and defended back to back. They only needed to face the arms in front and use the special muscles of the race to resist. Unfortunately, they were punched by Robin's body.

This flowery fruit is really understood. It is a weapon for group battles, and students who are not domineering are beaten up.

When everyone couldn't bear the beating and fell down, Robin finally stopped. Seeing that the scene was a bit big, she was also a little distressed. Is this a teaching accident?

Use Huahua Fruit to send the seriously injured students to the infirmary to wait for treatment. All other students with minor injuries were taken back to the classroom to continue studying. There was also an additional task of writing a 1,000-word self-reflection letter. While the mourners were everywhere, they did not dare to violate it. The teacher's order, written in capital letters!

In order to reward Bonnie for her courage to take action first, she wrote a 3,000-word review.

This was the battle where Robin established his majesty as a teacher. Now he is fishing again. You see how many fools are willing to continue playing.


There are really brave people who are willing to raise their hands.

Let me reply in unison. Yesterday I just felt a little enlightened. I don’t mean to give up. I will continue to write until the completion of the book.

Thank you all for your support.

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