Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 171 Change to a scary opponent

Everyone took a look.

Oh, it's those top students and the warriors of the fish-men tribe.

Qiao Ellie Bonny, who suffered a humiliating defeat by being beaten with one finger in a two-pronged posture last time, has always been worried about this matter. She was sent in unwillingly by the big bear, and she wanted to give the big bear an ugly blow. , and as a result, he was completely embarrassed.

This year of crazy training is just to avenge the shame. In order to reach the standard of practicing Haki, even the development of fruit abilities has been temporarily slowed down, just to be able to fight. Now that she finally realized some signs of the sex, she would definitely not be pressed to the ground and rubbed repeatedly like before.

As a woman, she doesn't feel that she is lacking in anything. At most, she is lacking in fruit development, physical skills, culture, and other things! snort!

Xiao Feng purely wanted revenge, and it was hard not to feel resentful after being treated like that by Euler. It is said that when he was sent to the hospital, Ivankov and Daxiong performed the surgery together. First, he used the hormone fruit to hang on his life, then manually set the bones, and finally the big bear bounced out all the injuries.

The reason why it is said is that firstly, he had lost consciousness at the time and was almost fine after waking up. Secondly, the medical ability of Rebirth Island was so strong that the patient did not feel the pain of his own sequelae. Treatment ended.

However, the bubble containing Xiao Feng's injuries was sent to an edible sea beast raised in the cafeteria. The meat on that day was old and rotten, and the tendons were broken. It was absolutely delicious. It seems that Xiao Feng is better in terms of ability to withstand attacks.

The third one is Tezog. As a smart person with excellent cultural studies, his strength is not in the first echelon yet, but he has enough brains, courage, and is good at seizing opportunities.

He felt that Robin's invitation to fight this time was not a simple one. At most, he would be sent to the hospital. At Xiao Feng's level, he was still alive and kicking the next day, so he could give it a try.

The other eldest brothers of the fish-men tribe were trained by Brother Tiger for a period of time before, and they made it clear that they must take the lead in the charge if something like this happens again and show their bravery and courage to their human allies.

A weak country has no diplomacy, and every word and deed outside the country represents Fish-Man Island, so it is crucial to set a good example for the compatriots who follow.

With these leaders in charge, the atmosphere became lively and everyone started to work together. It's just the Medical Department of Rebirth Island. I've wanted to go there for a long time.

A large group of people rushed to the playground, making a lot of noise. Among the people who came to the playground, there were some who were warming up and boxing, some who were dancing with swords, and some who were silent in the corner.

Some staff members on the island who were sensitive to information recalled the incident in which cultural teachers gang-up on students when the training camp first opened, and they knew that something was going on again. Immediately call for friends, some who don't have important work at hand come over and grab a good seat.

In the era of great pirates, when civilian entertainment life was in decline, fighting was really a show. What I missed last time must be made up for this time, otherwise I won't be able to argue with my colleagues.

Robin walked over slowly from behind, with a stern look that really made people angry. Well, this was seen from the perspective of Qiao Ellie Bonny, and her own eyes were almost on fire.

‘Stupid’, Tezog looked at the pink-haired girl standing at the front who wanted to rush up and bite someone. She was so thoughtless.

I don’t even think about it. The first time I beat the whole class was to establish my authority. Now that my authority has been established, there must be other reasons for doing this again. I just don’t know what it is for? Is it to show strength to some people?

Tezog was really right about this. Fujitora and Robin were mainly responsible for the boot camp. Before the second batch of students entered school, they naturally showed more care for the first batch of students.

The best people to speak within the revolutionary army are Long and Noah, and Noah has always been known to be able to discern people. If any student can be taken aback, or if his potential is discovered, it will also be a help. .

Some of the marked seed Robins are not worried. Their general duties have been arranged. After some practice and experience, they can start working. The difficulty lies with the vast majority of the remaining people.

Just like the recruit training camp at the Navy Headquarters, there will always be a few monsters who stand out. Although most people will go to the branch to hold some important positions, their development prospects are not as good as staying at the headquarters.

Smoker Smoker is an exception. He may be a bit of a pick because of his strength, but he also has a too big temper, so he was sent to Rogue Town to polish his skills. The strength dish refers to the three generals compared with the elite navy who graduated before.

Robin once again walked to the opposite side of the students. Although he did not show any aura, his aura overwhelmed the young people. This was coming with the residual power of the last victory, adding a bit of chilling aura.

Bonnie in the C position gritted her teeth, waiting for Robin to start the fight. Xiao Feng also shook his neck, kicked his legs, and walked out of the crowd. The top two recognized combatants in the class stepped forward and ignited the atmosphere at the scene.

Ah la la la la, kids, don't be so impatient, it's not the right thing to bully a teacher who is a weak woman~

Weak woman? That weak woman who is crazy about Euler, that weak woman who beats 100 times in Wing Chun?

Hmph! Teacher Robin, this kind of showing weakness to the enemy is not suitable for you. No fool here will fall for this trick. Let's fight with real swords and guns!

After saying that, Bonnie looked back at her classmates worriedly. She was really afraid that some fool would destroy the formation of the same enemy. Well, good, everyone is very serious. The shapes of the big fish-man brothers are all set up. but.

Tezog! Come to the front, your strength is not bad anymore, why are you always standing at the back? This is not conducive to your performance!

For this shrewd green-haired classmate, Bonnie was really helpless. He always hid his true strength in actual combat. This time, he had to contribute no matter what.

‘I will observe first, sister, and then look for flaws to strike a fatal blow. What do you mean by calling me out like this, without talking about tactics? It also helps me perform better, thank you. ’

The helpless Tezog had no choice but to stand at the forefront, and his plan could not keep up with the changes~~

Seeing the students lined up, Robin decided not to tease these little guys anymore. He gestured to Noah from a distance, and Noah could only sigh and nod.

Well, students, when did the teacher say that the target of this battle is me?

! Are you telling us this at this time?

Don't blink, your opponent is coming now.


A figure appeared next to Robin.

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