Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 169 It’s so hard to swallow the fruit

The lonely CP0 said that he can only be fearless now and use his words to support the situation, but he cannot run away like the former Tianlong. Of course, it's okay if the dragon wants to chat a little longer.

The criminals of the revolutionary army will be put to death.

Before he could finish a sentence, the scene was covered by violent air currents, the roar of dragons could be heard endlessly, and fierce resistance could be heard from time to time.

After a while, the storm subsided, and only Long stood there, slowly picking up the three items on the auction table. As for the CP0, it was already everywhere.

After packing his things, he looked up and glanced at Doflamingo in the sky, which made Dove break out in a cold sweat.

Finally, he withdrew his gaze, whipped up a gust of wind and flew away. The devastated venue was left in place. Those forces that came to fight Qiu Feng were basically all killed in the aftermath of the battle.

When he fell to the spot, Dover looked calm. This was the advantage of having more experience. As long as his life was not in danger, he would not be alarmed.

After a while, Virgo limped back with injuries all over his body.

That Vice Admiral let me go when he saw a storm at the venue and went back to the warship to evacuate. What a coward!

Seeing that Vergo was injured all over, Dover said nothing. Otherwise, I really want to complain about coward. These three words are suitable for both of you.

Well, let's wait for the others.

In the end, several key members of the family were lucky enough to come back. Although they were a little injured, their spirits were not so low. After experiencing the Mignon Island incident, except for life and death, these things can no longer shake them.

Young Master, when will we start rebuilding?

No need, I decided to leave Beihai. This place is not suitable. If there are too many surprises, let's go to the New World. The world there is more suitable for us to show our talents!

When the family members heard that they didn’t have to stay in Beihai, they didn’t even think twice about it. What a shabby place!

Then young master, shall we go directly to the new world?

No, wait a minute, I'll contact someone.

Dover stepped aside and pulled out a phone bug.

Hey, I agree, but not in the North Sea, but in the New World!

Then hang up the phone bug.

Let's go! Target: Dressrosa.

The dragon who returned to the Island of Resurrection took out his trophies and gave Noah a good opening.

Holy shit, you got them all back, the Golden Fruit, the Tunton Fruit, and Mikazuki Munechika!

Well, these fruits are at your disposal.

I can't make arrangements for the time being. I have to pay for an agreement. You just came back. I'll leave this place to you.



Do you need help?

No, no, just a simple communication~

Then you, go early and come back early.

With the fruit and the famous sword, Noah returned to his residence. Looking at these, he hesitated. It was indeed difficult to distribute the fruit.

Tezog's route is different from before, but the Golden Gold Fruit is indeed very suitable for him. His control over the economy gives him a higher mentality to develop this fruit, so he will save this first until he makes a certain contribution. Give it to him again. Although the revolutionary army currently lacks combat power, it is not that lacking.

Tuntun fruit, scientific research artifact. Basic material research and development, advanced material synthesis, even if Dr. Tsukimi eats them, they still cannot be fully utilized. In Noah's Psychology, there are two ways in which the terrifying potential of this fruit is best represented.

One is for Bega Punk. I believe that the scientist who is 500 years ahead of the world can use this fruit to the extreme. Synthesize substances at will and help him explore the future of technology. But Vegapunk can't be found, the science unit is too mysterious.

The second one is to find another piece of historical text to combine with Tuntun Fruit. Make it a black box for the wasteland world? This operation is definitely feasible to a certain extent. Although it will take a lot of effort in the early stage of exploration, the higher the level of development, the more practical it will be than if humans eat it. After all, these creations can continue to be used as long as the stone tablets of the original body can hold them up.

Thunder Fruit and Magnetic Fruit are currently in very good use. Under the research of doctors, the degree of development is getting higher and higher, and they are becoming more and more diverse. It probably developed from 1% to 1.5%. If the revolutionary army wins, these things can continue to operate in the world and let the next generation continue to develop them until the upper limit is exceeded. At that time, what may constrain these developments is the material of the historical text.

As the doctor said, even historical texts have their limits.

It won’t be hard to find the historical text in the future, so let’s ask Dr. Tsukimi if it’s okay to do this with Tun Tun Fruit.

Mikazuki Munechika, wait until someone extremely talented in kendo appears in the future. For now, the revolutionary army has not yet seen such a genius.

After thinking about this, Noah decided to give himself a small half-day vacation, rest, and wait a few days before looking for Zefa. He doesn't like fighting, let alone limited fights. The great swordsman has a bit of a high-attack and low-defense style. When encountering pure physical skills, you have to open up directly. Otherwise, it will be like scraping, hitting someone's wound to heal.

I walked home and lay down for about 5 minutes. No, I couldn't lie down. After taking a rest, I feel as if I have committed a crime. What is going on? Has the glory of labor taken root deep in my heart? It seems that I have been too busy recently and have formed an inertia.

If you don’t have a fearless confrontation with yourself, get up. Go see how the new recruits are doing.

Walking to a corner of the training camp, Robin on the podium sensed his arrival, thought about it, and paused the cultural class.

Students, Instructor Fujitora has gone out to do errands. Do you miss those days of having fun on the playground?

The audience was completely silent, and some people showed disdain. They just wanted to catch fish with this method. Teacher Robin, your method is too low-level~

Regarding cultural classes and ideological classes, most students were relatively resistant at first. On the sea, the strong compete with each other with their strength. No strong person is famous for his theoretical arguments. Therefore, many students say that they do not want to attend classes in the classroom, and sweating on the playground is the right way to go.

The person who took the lead was Qiao Ellie Boni. Most of the students agreed with this view, except for a few who did not participate. One was Xiao Feng, a passionate man who followed the path of a transvestite. He recalled the small dark classroom with locked doors and windows on the Voyager. Another one is Tezog, who has a strong interest in learning this knowledge, the operation of capital, and the division of productivity, which is no better than fighting outside.

At that time, Robin also smiled very gently and said that whoever can beat the teacher will not have to go to class, including you, you can also go to class together.

Hearing this, do you still call someone young if you are not young and energetic?

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