Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1675 The Bridge Rebellion

The battle begins.

Cardo's men finally reacted.

During the chaos, dragons and snakes rose up, and some people in the grass got a little bit of inheritance.

What Cardo has gathered now is not just any ronin swordsman, but a few genuine black market renegade ninjas.

The leader even reached the level of a special jounin in the Great Ninja Village.

Several wild ninja leaders began to organize an attack. No matter what the background of the enemy was, the supporters behind them were not weak.

Boss Cardo is a high-ranking figure in Hidden Kiri Village that everyone has seen, and we also have someone to follow.

The big deal is that we just surround the two Hokage disciples but don't kill them.

If he could seize the opportunity to capture these two people and spread the word, he would become famous and his worth would skyrocket.

A group of rabble-rousers unite together and their momentum is not weak.

Then I saw the two major disciples of the Hokage disappearing from the high platform, leaving only the pink-haired female ninja.

For them, there is no scruple at all.

All kinds of fancy ninjutsu and hidden weapons flew over, their bravery was a mess.

Unfortunately, it only hit a shadow.

How could someone stay where they are and fight with so many people?

With Sakura's tactical thinking, she wouldn't do such a stupid thing.

After escaping the initial attack, she had to use her own methods to contain the large army.

Above the sea, Water Escape is naturally king.

As Iruka's disciple, Sakura naturally inherited the Nidaime's water style that shook the ninja world.

It's just that the amount of chakra is not as much as that of the two animals, so the fighting style is different.

She had been preparing for this technique since she stepped onto the high platform, and it was just right now.

The motley army that was sprinting discovered that a large amount of fog suddenly enveloped the bridge, and the mixed chakra made it difficult to distinguish between east, west, and north.

Heart, throat, kidneys. There are 8 fatal weaknesses in the human body. I don't know how long you can last.

The chakra-blessed voice reached the ears of this motley crew with a sinister feeling.

No, it's Wuying's silent assassination technique.

It is said that the essence of this technique is in the Konoha Village. Facing Konoha ninjas with this technique requires more than 10 times more caution than facing Kirigakure.

Never try to run out alone, we move together.

After the passers-by in the motley army explained, everyone began to unite and face the killing intent from all directions.

Fortunately, there are many of them. If you encounter such a ninjutsu, you still have a chance as long as you are careful not to be left alone.

The leading ninjas are already thinking of ways to dispel the fog. High-end wind escape ninjutsu is indeed scarce, but they can be filled with human lives.

Ah, not good. Yeah. Run away.

But screams still came from time to time in the mist.

The short groan and the smell of blood made their nerves more tense.

After only a few minutes in the mist, there were many sounds of deflating balloons, which everyone knew was the sound of blood spurting out of arteries.

How could a friend who often kills people be unfamiliar with this feeling of death?

As a last resort, he could only start to release ninjutsu and throw kunai around him to carry out sudden attacks, trying to find the enemy.

The few core experts who had barely reached the special jounin level felt a little uncoordinated.

However, under the coercion of the general environment, it is impossible to capture the core of this disharmony.

Time is slowly passing in the highly tense confrontation.

Shisui in the distance nodded with satisfaction. He was indeed a ninja who was good at using his brain. This hand of Frost Moon Kendo was very effective in dealing with the miscellaneous troops who were frightened by Konoha.

Sakura has always stood outside the mist.

The so-called blood spray and short sound effects are all imitated.

Otherwise, with her physical skills, she would not be able to assassinate the enemy in the mist at will, and even if she is careless, she will soon fall to the flying kunai.

Containing the main force does not mean defeating the main force. The strongest point of the great ninja lies in the comprehensiveness of tactics and abilities.

You can use water vapor to control the field with a low-cost, wide-area Ninjutsu such as Kirigakure no Jutsu.

He made full use of Konoha's reputation, the characteristics of ninjutsu and his own intelligence.

Of course, not everyone was trapped in the mist. The sporadic guards in the distance had not yet been enveloped, so they became Naruto's key targets.

The first time Naritazi encounters a big scene, he will explode. This time, he went all out to summon hundreds of clones, which definitely reached the level of key plot periods.

This super large shadow clone technique shocked everyone present.

At least the fleeing civilians were completely relieved. The bigger the scene, the more powerful it was.

The ordinary guards were scared to death.

Normally, an individual would panic when seeing dozens or hundreds of physical clones, and ordinary chuunin would be directly beaten to pieces.

So the retreat went very smoothly.

Sasuke also began to look for the enemy's leaders from behind, especially a few arrogant guys who looked like nobles. They were killed one by one under layers of guards.

With the help of Sharingan, the boy whose speed reaches the limit is like the sharpest famous sword, disintegrating the enemy's nerve nodes.

Soon the Cardo forces outside the mist were dispersed.

The evacuation of the civilians who repaired the bridge was also successfully completed.

Sakura no longer maintained the mist and couldn't stop her. She was not a fool. After staying in the mist for a while, the leading ninja realized that the kid had no assassination ability.

They were all frightened by the one-punch blast and Konoha Kirigakure in the opening scene.

When the fog dissipated and I looked back, no body appeared, which was very embarrassing.

Brothers, Boss Kado's money is not that easy to get, give it to me!

It's just that at this time, Sakura no longer held back. Her teammates had returned. The next thing to do was to scare this group of people.

After swallowing the soldier food pill, Naruto and Sasuke formed a comfortable seal behind her to protect her.

In the original work, Kakashi once praised the 12-year-old Sasuke for being able to use the C-level fireball technique, which is definitely a genius.

What about Sakura?

Although the amount of chakra was very small, he still managed to form 44 seals despite trying his best.

Water escape. Water dragon bullet!

The 44-Seal Water Dragon Bullet Technique rises from the sea into the sky, using the power of the sea and the advantage of many seals to utilize every bit of chakra to the extreme.

Although the water dragon is not big, its courage and spirit have reached the first-class level.

The escape technique of transformation is to use myths and legends to enhance deterrence, and Sakura has captured the essence of this.

The roar of the water dragon shattered the opponent's attack and took away a wave of people.

This kind of ninjutsu, which is so gorgeous that it makes people feel frightened, completely widens the gap between him and some little miscellaneous fish.

Sasuke and Naruto were also stunned. They didn't expect you to be such a Sakura.

Suddenly, I felt as if the ninjutsu given by Shisui-sensei was no longer so fragrant.

Young people are always attracted by this gorgeous appearance. (End of chapter)

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