Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1674: Holding one’s own children hostage to control the powerful

No wonder Konoha dared to let them go abroad to perform missions with confidence. Although there was only one person, it was almost impossible for the entire ninja world to snatch people from Shisui.

etc! From another perspective, I wonder if with Shisui in charge, there would be no other masters.

Ohnoki is possessed by spirit, so wealth can be found in danger!

Black Zetsu was about to sway him. The guard captain had a kaleidoscope. He would either bring Sarutobi Hiruzen or the Kirigakure elite to encircle and suppress him.

But after hesitating for a second, he gave up using the power of Kirigakure and Sarutobi Hiruzen.

It was best not to involve Hiruzen in the disappearance of these two people. He wanted to take back the initiative.

It just so happens that I have mastered part of that forbidden technique, so it would be good to try it out.

Black Zetsu found a body and started preparations. He didn't have Sarutobi Hiruzen's talent in jutsu, so he could only use stupid methods.

On the other side, the invasion mission became much simpler with Shisui leading the team.

He was so good at using illusions that he came under the bridge without any fighting.

After arriving at the place where the bridge was being built, the three little ones were a little distracted looking at the scene of hell on earth.

No matter what situation you find out from the village, the impact you feel when you arrive at the scene is completely different.


The overseer was constantly urging the slaves to work with his whip.

Ordinary people in ragged clothes were struggling to carry the timber, going back and forth like ants to build this super bridge.

There are also construction machinery, but they are obviously not in operation, and they use pure manpower.

I often see people being thrown off the bridge after falling down before breathing out.

Several of Cardo's ninjas also stood in the most conspicuous place and showed off their power.

The patrolling guards are fully armed and equipped with many individual weapons developed by the Eastern Ocean Convention. It is conservatively estimated that there are more than a hundred people.

Such an armed force is equivalent to a medium-sized stronghold, and even the jounin would not dare to confront it head-on.

Sakura's analysis is correct. Cardo was obviously passive and slow in repairing the bridge, but in order not to be caught, he used the lives of ordinary people to fill it in.

And the other party's vigilance was so high that it was abnormal. It was indeed exposed.

Shisui began to discuss with Sakura how to dig out more information.

It's just that someone in the team doesn't have that much patience.

Naruto admitted that he was not that good a ninja and had a different temperament from his predecessors described in the book.

Hey~~are we just going to watch like this?

Teacher Shisui, someone just died.

As capable people, shouldn't we do something?

His fists were clenched and anger was rising.

Ever since I came to the Country of Waves, I have seen too many tragedies in the world, broken families, children who are about to starve to death, women with empty eyes, and slaves who are struggling to survive.

Naruto, this is the country of Waves. Interfering in the internal affairs of other countries is not what ninjas should do.

Hokage-sama will be in trouble.

Naruto thought of the white-haired uncle he often came into contact with.

Sakura, you are wrong.

That's not what Uncle Bai Mao's Will of Fire said.

He said, we are the light of fire!

Sakura, who was in shock, suddenly thought of something. She reached back to hold down her companion but it was in vain. She knew that things were going to be bad.

During the investigation, Naruto was already clamoring to blow Cardo's head off, but after seeing this scene...


A figure with yellow hair flashed onto the bridge and kicked the whip-wielding guard away. The guards around him and the ninjas on the bridge all looked over.

The hot-blooded idiot who kept giggling was in a very bad mood, so he took a deep breath and roared!

Everyone! I am Uzumaki Naruto!

I'm here to save you!!!

Everyone stood stunned on the spot. Where did the kid come from who was not afraid of death? ! ! !

Another handsome boy with black hair appeared behind Naruto.

Good job this time, Naruto.

Even though Sasuke didn't have his family ruined, he was still a middle school boy with a cold face and a warm heart.

Sakura in the distance slapped her head. It was obviously a reconnaissance mission, and this would definitely lead to a violent conflict with the opponent.

The opponent's family business is so huge, it is normal for him to have several powerful black market rebel ninjas. In other words, has C-level become B-level?

She couldn't catch Naruto and Sasuke, but Shisui-sensei could, but what was the captain planning by letting him do what he wanted?


Shisui could see Sakura's irritability, and the girl's Yin-type chakra was almost overflowing.

But this is your limitation.

Although the girl's current performance is in line with the standards of a ninja, Shisui hopes to cultivate a genius who is no longer within the framework of a ninja.

So he planned to teach Sakura a lesson. The burning of the new will of fire cannot be reflected by grades.

But what the girl did next made the guard captain both surprised and a little happy.

Sakura took out the gloves inlaid with finger tigers and put them on.

This will not affect the seal, but also make up for the lack of skill in using strange power.

This time, Cardo's men and himself must be killed in the Country of Waves.

As long as the roots are removed, no one will cause trouble for Konoha!

No, you still need to tamper with the memories of some key people. I guess it won't be difficult for the Sharingan.

If there is a strong person who can't handle it, I'll leave it to you.

And...I'm sorry,

What have you learned from Iruka?

I learned Shuangetsu Kendo, Master Shisui.

Then why do you have to say sorry to me?

You'll find out soon.


The pink-haired girl killed a wild genin who wanted to sneak attack her companions, and the huge power directly exploded a flesh and blood firework.

Sorry, I'm a little excited.

Regardless of Naruto and Sasuke's horrified looks, Sakura began to give orders.

It's impossible to count on these two fools. Don't they dare to escape without seeing the civilians underneath?

Who would listen to an ordinary Konoha brat?

He gathered chakra in his throat and started shouting very unladylikely.

The one with yellow hair is Uzumaki Naruto, a disciple of the Hokage of Konoha, and the son of Master Kushina, the first person to land on the moon in the Land of Rain.

The black-haired one is Uchiha Sasuke, a disciple of Konoha Hokage and the biological son of the Uchiha clan leader.

Everyone, run away and go home, this place is liberated!!!

After saying this, the common people understood that Konoha Hokage's disciple must be a big shot. Even those who don't know Hokage must know the name of Kushina, the first person to land on the moon.

There are advertisements for her throughout the ninja world, and they are definitely worthy of belief for ordinary people.

Now that the big shot has said so, run away! !

A group of people began to run home in a hurry.

But Kado's men didn't dare to stop him for a moment, because they didn't listen to what the pink-haired Konoha ninja said.

The people standing on the stage are all direct disciples of the Hokage. Without instructions from above, it is better to act based on the look of the eyes.

And Zhishui was numb.

Is apology used here?

Sakura, who seems to be the calmest, is so good at flipping tables

Finally, he smiled helplessly, his eyes filled with admiration.

Tch, I was taught a lesson.

I thought it was the second Nabe Kage, but I didn't expect it was the second Kakashi-senpai.

After seeing this scene, Sakura nodded with satisfaction, and then gave Sasuke and Naruto a slap. These two idiots made her crazy.

In order to end it safely, everyone must be dealt with today.

Naruto, use shadow clones to protect ordinary people from evacuating here.

Sasuke, go find the opponent's leader and kill him, then use his head to shock the situation.

What about you?*2

Of course I blocked the guard's attack from the front!

Class 7, take action!

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