Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1676 Water breaks the wave!

It's just that Sakura knows her situation. All her chakra has been exhausted and she is now in a very dangerous stage.

But he didn't show anything on his face, and continued to focus on his heart.

The water dragon just now calmed down many wild ninjas on the opposite side.

You still have a way to survive if you attack me, but you dare to attack the Hokage's disciples?

We are Konoha ninjas. Since we dare to interfere in this matter, we are here to solve this bridge.

Do you know about the Third Ninja War? If you know, get out of here!

The end of a small character like Cardo has come. If I were you, I would turn around and search for what the fat man has left.

Sakura fully grasped the arrogance of powerful ninjas.

Kado's subordinates felt that what he said was reasonable. With the Hokage's direct disciples here, would there be more powerful figures behind them?

The knowledgeable ones even know that behind this three-person team there is a jounin instructor who has the ability to be the instructor of a Hokage disciple.

It's better to take an early step now and be able to counterattack and run away than to get stuck in the quagmire of fighting later.

These words took away another group of people. The group of people ran in one direction in a panic. It was obvious at a glance that they were profit-minded people.

The assets of the big businessman who has monopolized the shipping in the Kingdom of Waves for many years are absolutely astronomical. Even if he makes some scraps, he can still make a lot of money.

'idiot. ’

Sakura believed that all those who escaped from the battlefield would be killed by Shisui-sensei.

The more people there are in Shuangyue Kendo, the more powerful it becomes.

The last remaining people were a little overwhelmed in front of a few special jonin levels.

Sir, this.

Don't listen to this kid's nonsense. How could a war break out here?

Maybe it was just the impulse of a newly graduated rookie ninja.

Come on!

It’s awkward when no one moves.

You should just say Follow me. Why are you playing with your life just for a few thousand taels every month?

Everyone knew rationally that what the female ninja said was most likely false, but what if.

Since Konoha's ninjas intervened, they would definitely have follow-up measures. Who would believe that interfering in other countries' internal affairs would be done unilaterally by genin.

The situation is a bit cold.

Naruto and Sasuke were ready for a bloody battle, but the other side was partially divided by Sakura's few words, and the rest did not dare to fight, which made people feel particularly puzzled.

I can't blame them for their lack of knowledge.

This is what happened when the ninjas and forces of the small country met the five major countries.

If they meet in secret, they can still fight, but it still takes a little courage to surround and kill the Hokage disciples in public.

Not everyone has the courage of Zabuza. The courage to become one of the Seven Swordsmen and assassinate the Mizukage is not something that this group of hyenas can match.

This is how they survive. Right, Shisui-sensei.

A person suddenly appeared next to the three of them, it was Uchiha Shisui who had been paddling.

Very good. He can take advantage of the situation and use strategies to settle everything. If it weren't for his lack of strength, he would definitely be at the level of a chuunin.

And praises also came from the distance.

She is indeed a very powerful little girl. It seems that Konoha has developed really well in recent years.

Water escape. Water breaks the wave.

A sharp water blade slid between the sky and the earth, and the breath of death was fleeting.

The circle of ninjas who had run away and the miscellaneous troops in front of them exploded into a rain of blood, which fell onto the sea.

The three-person team watching shivered, and for the first time they felt the fear coming from the bottom of their hearts.

Under the water, all living beings were judged equally, and the cold and domineering tricks brought them into the abyss of hell on earth.

.It is the ninjutsu of the Second Hokage.

Sakura said tremblingly.

Shisui looked solemnly at the source of the water break.

The Mangekyou Sharingan opened unconsciously, and the visitor put a lot of pressure on him.

He has silver hair and red eyes, wears an iron forehead protector on his face, has three red marks on his cheeks, and wears blue Warring States gear.

I didn't expect to see you at this time, my lord.

It's really tricky. Shisui didn't expect that Black Zetsu would dare to bring out the second generation at this time.

Yin Jue's move led to a big surprise.

The person who came was none other than one of the legends of Konoha, the Second Hokage Senju Tobirama.

Uchiha brat, you are my target this time.

It was so comforting to think that I could see a kaleidoscope that wasn't evil.

Senshou Tobirama walked out with a complicated expression, his eyes full of murderous intent.

Being ordered to come and kill the ninjas in the village was really unpleasant.

No matter how much he hates Uchiha, he shouldn't be the one to do it.

Listen, now let the three genin find ways to evacuate here immediately and bring my information back.

Tobirama began to issue instructions calmly.

Konoha's Book of Sealing has been leaked. The other party has re-perfected the Reincarnation of the Earth, and the method of cracking it left before is no longer useful.

The one who summoned me was a black and white humanoid creature. Even if we used detonating talismans on each other, we couldn't kill each other.

Although it is stupid, the origin should not be simple.

Shisui wanted to laugh a little. It was indeed risky to summon the Nidaime-sama.

Hei Jue probably suffered a big loss.

Tobirama continued to summarize the information he had detected to the other party.

“The body used as a sacrifice has strong Yang Escape attributes and majestic vitality, and can carry most of the power.

Moreover, this special body seems to be artificially cultivated, and it is very likely to exist in plural, which means that the strongest ninjas in the past generations may be resurrected.

Especially my eldest brother, we must find a way to destroy the enemy's conspiracy as soon as possible.

Tobirama-sama, the enemy's target may be the two genin next to me, one of which is the Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki.


How could you take the jinchūriki out of the village!!!

Today's ninjas are so outrageous!

The second generation is quite puzzled. Back then, when my sister-in-law left the village, her eldest brother, the god of the ninja world, accompanied her. What on earth is the Hokage thinking now?

etc! There is nothing wrong with having a kaleidoscope to accompany you when you go out. What is wrong is the forbidden technique you designed yourself. This makes it even more uncomfortable.

Whether it's the Flying Thunder God or various forbidden arts targeting Uchiha, he is indeed the best candidate to snipe Mangekyou.

Senju Tobirama felt a little unreasonable, and because he needed to fight against the spell in his mind, he fell silent.

Zhisui looked at the three subordinates behind him.

This is the current situation. In the name of Konoha's security captain, an S-level mission is issued to return to Konoha alive.

Sakura, please.

A needle was pierced into the body of the pink-haired academic master, and all the chakra that had just been lost was replenished, and chakra was even running wildly with the surge in vitality.

I originally planned to find a more suitable time to give her the weakened version of the potion that Iruka got, but this time was not bad.

Sakura felt a little uncomfortable feeling the burst of power in her body.

A sudden increase in strength is a good thing, especially for someone with ordinary qualifications like her.

But when you go on a mission for the first time, you have to face such a life-and-death battle. It's really...

There was no time for any nonsense about life and death, so he grabbed Naruto and Sasuke who wanted to stay and fight with their teacher.

Now isn't the time for ninja games. Why don't two genin stay here to hold the teacher back?

The fact that you can go back alive is the greatest help to Teacher Zhisui.

Our battle is in that forest, let's go quickly.

Under the captain's suppression, the two big figures who would change the ninja world in the future reluctantly retreated.

And Tobirama could no longer control his murderous intent.

“It’s unlikely that you Uchiha brat will commit suicide.

So don't let me touch you, try to stay away from the sea, and try to survive.

Shisui was not in a bad mood. The reason his family had been so miserable in the past few years was entirely due to the person in front of him.

Nidaime-sama, Uchiha just wants to settle a score with you.

The three people who had just left the bridge and rushed into the forest suddenly felt that the sky was darkening and the sunlight seemed to be blocked by something.

Looking back, I saw a scene that shattered my three views.

The sky full of sea water hung upside down in the sky, and the blue sword light once again divided the sky and the earth. (End of chapter)

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