Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1671 Suspicions of War

“The students whose names I read next will form a team of three.

According to the rules of the village, accept tasks in small teams under the arrangement of the instructor.

Class 7, Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Sasuke, Haruno Sakura.

Haruno Sakura in this group was added by Iruka against all objections.

Countless people who wanted to recruit juniors into the group through the back door were kicked out by the dean.

The passion of the three-person team is indeed worthy of the madness of most ninjas, but Director Iruka is not a vegetarian.

A special bond had been established between Naruto and Sasuke, and the third person had to act as a lubricant.

More than that, it is best to have the ability to lead the way.

As a top academic among ordinary people, Haruno Sakura is one of the few classmates in her class who can have weight in the eyes of the two eldest young masters.

As for qualifications, it is not that important to Iruka. As long as he carefully cultivates this girl's strength, it will not be much worse.

I have always been a low-level person back then, but after being tempered by the will of fire, I have grown up to where I am today.

Iruka has been guiding Haruno Sakura's growth over the years.

The love brain thing has been eliminated after reading a lot of information and information. Sakura has accepted that the most noisy classmates in the class are the Erzhuzi and the stupid fox cubs, instead of the cold-blooded brother and the hot-blooded idiot.

Now Sakura has reached the height she planned for her, or even higher.

I hope she can continue to grow and make the glory of ordinary people shine brighter.

The fifth generation Hokage was also amazed by the design of this third person. As a teacher, Iruka has indeed matured so much that he started the layout so early.

You can come back to Ninja School to see me when you have time in the future.

After saying goodbye to Sakura, only three people from Class 7 were left in the classroom.

The three of them could still talk to each other, and they were discussing who the instructor was.

The culture of ninja being superior to others is not popular in Konoha, and no one dares to discriminate.

As a top student, Mr. Ying also eliminated the dog-licking character. At this time, the three of them still had the upper hand when chatting together.

With her intelligence, she naturally wanted to get information from Sasuke. Although Naruto's family was equally prominent, he didn't have enough connections in the village. After all, Sasuke was the second son of the Uchiha family.

After a moment, he lost the desire to talk. How come this stupid human couldn't provide any information.

The villain in my heart has already started to beat up the two classmates angrily.


The three of them pulled out their kunai at the same time and pointed it in one direction.

Oh, I was discovered. I am the instructor of Class 7, Uchiha Shisui.

? ! ! !

Konoha Guard Captain! ! !

Sasuke didn't expect that Brother Shisui would be so busy and still have time to bring in newcomers.

There are more and more graduates, and there are simply not enough Jonin in the village, so working ninjas also need to work part-time. It is said that the three-person team model will be canceled in two years.

Shisui greeted everyone in a gentle manner and talked about his hobbies and things he was good at.

For example, I like to watch the sun.

This outrageous hobby made it impossible for the three little ones to complain, so they could only report their own information one by one.

Very good, from today on you are my subordinates, you can also be said to be comrades-in-arms.

Let's go have a barbecue. Teacher, I'm still very rich.

At this time, Master Ying raised a question.

Teacher Shisui, don't we have any additional assessments? For example, grabbing bells or something like that?

She had collected information from previous years, and this Konoha tradition had always been the jounin's favorite method.

There will be, but the edge training ground I applied for won't open until tomorrow.

It would be very troublesome if something unexpected happened at the training ground near the village.

Such as fire, explosion, and the smell of death.

When Shisui said this with a smile, Sakura swallowed, it seemed very dangerous.

Erzhuzi and the brainless idiot didn't have much awareness, and they happily said that they would have a big fight tomorrow.

the next day.

Naruto, who was about to fight, had already fallen into a pit dozens of meters deep.

Sasuke floated unconscious on the lake that was still smoking.

Sakura relied on her own wisdom to survive to the end, and then saw the Sky Giant holding a sword dozens of meters long.

Not so much

Class 7 never saw the bell from beginning to end.

Congratulations, you passed my assessment.

At 7 o'clock tomorrow morning, we will gather at the Hokage Tower to receive the mission.

Don't be late, you'll die.

Zhisui left with a smile after treating the wounds of the three of them.

Team 7 is a little silent at this time. The beginning of the ninja career is so exciting.

Shisui-sensei is very measured.


In fact, it's all Iruka's fault. He specifically found Shisui, hoping to let the freshmen see the depths of the sky in their first experience after graduation.

Otherwise, both Naruto and Sasuke are too arrogant and need a little blow.

Including Sakura, she has a lot of arrogance after being a top student for many years and studying under Iruka.

After this battle, these three people have indeed become more honest, and even the task of finding a cat and raising a child did not have many complaints.

Of course, the stability was temporary. After initially working together as a team, Sasuke and Naruto started to have trouble again under Sakura's instigation.

Advanced tasks are also fine.

Taking Team 7 to the Hokage's office, Shisui and Kakashi looked at each other, and then took on a C-level reconnaissance mission.

Go to the Country of Waves to investigate the construction status of the Caddo Bridge.

Teacher, is the bridge built by Wave Country leading to Lin Country?

Sakura started analyzing the task when she received it, and discovered the blind spots.

Cardo is a well-known large shipping merchant in the Country of Waves. He almost monopolizes most of the shipping routes on the eastern coast and has his own shipyard and dock.

He was the main force who opposed the laying of the railway in the first place. Later, when he was liquidated, he hooked up with the Kingdom of Water to save his life and property.

Building the bridge has gone against the interests of shipping merchants, and a bridge to Linguo still needs to be built.

What's the purpose?

Obviously, it should be the new business traffic regulations in the recent Eastern Ocean Convention that are taking effect.

The other side plans to bypass the coastal areas of the Land of Fire and establish closer commercial ties.

But Shikaku analyzes that this step may be the beginning of annexing small countries.

The so-called trade is just an excuse.

Shisui's words made Sakura feel a little heavy.

If Cardo is really supported by the three major powers, then what we are doing now is to prepare for war.


And since there were signs of danger, why would a few fledgling genin teams go on a reconnaissance mission?

There is a high probability that you will encounter ninjas from the enemy country.

Don't think too much, Hokage-sama will have his own considerations.

We just have to do our job.

We will meet at the main gate of Konoha at 7 o'clock tomorrow morning.

here we go.

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