Time is like running water.

In the blink of an eye, it is Konoha's 63rd year.

Konoha Village, the center of the ninja world, has had no plot for a long time.

Whether it is the multiple launches of lunar exploration spacecraft or the birthplace of various trends, it is the place where the three wars once took place that illuminates the entire world.

Naruto got dressed and put on his forehead protector before heading to the ninja school. Today was the day of graduation.

Looking back on his Ninja School career over the past few years, he also had many feelings.

Although the boy after Obito's attack still likes to do things, this may be hereditary.

But I did put in a lot of hard work in learning and training.

At least I can pass the cultural class, which is already very impressive.

He greeted the villagers and helped a few old ladies cross the road. It is said that this is a standard feature for a hot-blooded young man.

Naruto who entered the classroom attracted the attention of many people. After all, the identity of Lord Hokage's direct disciple is still very intimidating. Of course, it also has the influence of strength and appearance.

After excluding the bad clothes and appearance, Naruto is still somewhat capable. How could the child of Namikaze Minato and Kushina be ugly?

Even the naive temperament in his eyes still compromised his handsomeness.

The first time he entered the classroom, he locked eyes with Sasuke, who was pretending to be cool.

Facial paralysis.

Stupid fox.

There was a burst of lightning and thunder in the eyes of the two people.

We are both Hokage disciples and in the same class. It is impossible to say that there is no comparison.

In the early stage, Naruto was slightly better in terms of overall combat power.

Without the Nine-Tails causing trouble, the bloodline of the Uzumaki clan was synonymous with power.

Chakra is still king among ninjas at this stage. The majestic chakra can bless physical skills and resistance to illusions.

The strong vitality brings foul-level battery life and anti-hit ability.

It would be very difficult for anyone to defeat Naruto, who has a little bit of brain, in actual combat. After all, Naruto's early risks were greater than Sasuke's.

This makes some people feel anxious. At a stage when the average strength of ninjas is generally rising, it is really ugly that their own sons do not perform outstandingly.

So in the last year, Er Zhuzi opened the single Magatama Sharingan with the help of Fugaku, and the process was nothing more than a few bloody scripts.

At that time, Itachi was still launching the final liquidation against the conservative nobles in the Kingdom of Wind, so he did not stop it.

It's not easy for Shisui to interfere in other people's family affairs, and the clan leader's confidentiality measures are not bad either.

So let this child get his help in advance.

After Itachi learned this, he could only sigh. He wanted to wait for his brother to be sent to the Land of Rain for a smooth awakening after graduation.

The most suitable path is to hone your will and mentality in the ninja school.

After rushing home, I learned from my worried old father that Sasuke seemed to be one of the few emotionally stable people in Uchiha.

Several scripts contained horrific routines, and in the end, the whole family was so angry that they fired magatama.

For this reason, I went to Konoha Hospital for a few days, which was very depressing.

What makes Fugaku sad is that the emotionally stable people in Uchiha are a sign of poor qualifications.

Teacher Noah said that Sasuke is a talented child.

Father, please stop interfering in his life.

Itachi told Fugaku this matter seriously. The traditional Uchiha path was not suitable for Sasuke.

In the end, Fugaku compromised. After all, Noah-sama said he was talented, so maybe his education method was wrong.

Although Itachi's training plan was broken, Sasuke's strength also made a qualitative leap.

In the early stage, the only ones that could compete with the whirlpool were blood successors of the same specifications, and the actual combat results finally reached the point where both sides could win or lose.

Although his performance is still far behind that of Shisui and Itachi.

However, the Uchiha clan still hyped up a wave of genius characters, and they also planned to establish themselves as the number one ninja school.

When the Yin attribute chakra reaches the critical point, the Sharingan will be awakened. Although it will make the mood a little unbalanced, the ability bonus is not fake.

It makes sense that all the Uchiha clan's eyes open during the ninja school stage are geniuses.

The hype was interrupted within a few days.

Even though he cheated on Sasuke, he didn't get the first place overall. In the culture class, he was pushed to the ground and rubbed by a pink-haired top student.

Even the disdainful look in the top student's eyes after every exam made Erzhu feel powerless.

Sure enough, my destined opponent is an idiot like Naruto.

At this point, Sasuke single-handedly ended all the geniuses of Uchiha in the past.

Now every time Ming and Zuo meet, sparks collide with the earth, and this time will be no exception.

But before the quarrel broke out, Umino Iruka walked in.

There was no need to say anything. Everyone dispersed and returned to their seats to listen to the lecture honestly.

This dean is not a doormat. He can hit anyone he wants within the Ninja School.

That gorgeous water dragon washed almost every student.

You are in a good spirit. First of all, congratulations to everyone. Class A passed the written examination.

Although some people just stepped on the line.

Naruto lowered his head, the passing grade was the result of his mother spending money to find tutors in the past few years.

He really seemed to be cursed with theoretical knowledge.

As for the results of the ninjutsu and taijutsu exams, they are also very good. Many people have won the favor of the instructor in advance.

At this time, the Ninja School will no longer use the Three Body Jutsu for assessment, but all graduating students will fail to pass this basic Ninjutsu.

Treading water and climbing trees are also advanced courses for school students, as well as the control of scientific ninja tools and various vehicles.

The new generation in the peaceful era is accepting the changes of the times, and their future will definitely not be as simple as completing tasks.

After many class mergers, those who make it to Class A before graduation are the best of the new generation.

In particular, this group of talents has exploded, and they are the most elite generation since Kakashi became the fifth Hokage.

Except that he is not as good as the top few losers, in the past few years he was still the elite among the elite.

Naruto and Sasuke's eyes met again, and Naruto was defeated by the Sharingan in that test.

Although I think you are still a group of children, you are already acting as an excellent preparatory ninja.

Congratulations to everyone, you have graduated.

Iruka was still a little uncomfortable when he announced the graduation of students again.

It feels like my little cub is about to spread its wings and fly high.

Being a ninja is not that easy.

oh! ! ! Graduation! ! ! !

The students cheered, celebrating that their boring student life was finally over and they could go to the outside world to get in touch with the real ninja life.

Finally, they no longer have to listen to the director's nagging every day. They are going to charge towards the position of the Sixth Hokage.

Okay, everyone, please be quiet and let me talk about the next arrangements.

Okay, be quiet.

Naruto, sit down.

Tooth, don't dance with your dog.


Water Release! Water Dragon Bullet Technique!!!

Iruka couldn't bear it anymore and suppressed these brats again.

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