Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1672 The Forbidden Technique Reinforcement Begins

Morning, Konoha gate.

C-level missions still require entry and exit registration. After all, ninjas are armed forces.

I didn't expect that Lord Shisui would also serve as the instructor and take three brats out to complete tasks.

You can tell the deputy captain of the security force to stop selling tights. It's really damaging to the image.

Gang Zitie and Shenyue Izumo were chatting with Konoha's security captain.

Every time the two of them came to graduation season, they would see many genin running around like headless flies.

Those jounin who were very famous in the past were also troubled by their new subordinates.

Times have changed. In the past, these jounin could freely let these genin perform high-risk tasks and then die, or fool them and let them practice on their own.

The Fifth Hokage's requirements are much higher, and he must see the achievements of his instructor.

At first, this caused many ninjas who did not hold any position in the village to scold them. Fortunately for the ninja students, genin who were born as ordinary people had to spend some money to come up with results.

If it weren't for the fact that the training results can be exchanged for a C-level ninjutsu, I'm afraid most people would still fool them.

It can only be said that Godaime-sama still knows very well about human nature, and can only continue by using inducements and inducements.

Unexpectedly, this time even some big bosses with positions would have to take care of students.

Two days ago, I saw that guy Asuma taking Inoga Butterfly to the Kingdom of Wind for escort, and today I saw the big guard of the police going to the Kingdom of Waves.

After seeing the names of Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke on the list of personnel performing the mission, I was a little surprised.

Isn't this Lord Hokage's disciple?

Lord Hokage is quite busy, so let me lead them first to set the stage.

After all, Kakashi-senpai's teaching methods may be too rough. In order to prevent these two children from giving up the profession of ninja, let me prepare them mentally.

The two door gods were a little confused as to what kind of training method required the guard captain to pave the way for the disciples.

After Shisui registered, the four-person team walked out.

In the Hokage's office.

Noah and Kakashi are looking at the surveillance screen.

Teacher, is this all right?

Kakashi didn't quite agree with the plan to lure Zetsu out of the cave. The black man was usually very low-key and tolerant.

Naruto and Sasuke can lead to a lot of interesting things together. The value of both of them is very high, so high that I can't help but give it a try.

It's time to evaluate how far Black Zetsu has achieved. That guy secretly made some preparations while hiding Sarutobi Hiruzen.

The bloodline of Uchiha, the Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki, and the bloodline are connected in some unknown way. This combination can easily cause accidents.

As for safety issues, there is a water stop.

In the forest outside the village.

What, are you running?

This was completely different from what Naruto thought. He thought he would take a train and then slowly approach the place. Unexpectedly, he started to move forward in a straight line after leaving Konoha.

This is a reconnaissance mission. We must not leave any traces.

So you cannot use any public transportation and use primitive methods to slowly approach the target.

Even villages must be avoided. This is a very suitable training for newcomers.

This is the case in most ninja missions.

Sakura answered the question instead of Shisui. Such childish words would lower her mission evaluation.

She had a hunch that this mission might not be easy.

The four-person team began to shuttle through the mountain forest.

Shisui, who hadn't carried out such a mission for a long time, felt nostalgic about the past.

However, the battlefields he mingled in were darker and bloody, far from the atmosphere of this outing.

Thinking about the tragedy of the Third War, there was a hint of murderous intent in his eyes.

Just a few changes in posture during the march made the three members behind them feel cold all over.

The teacher seemed a little excited.

Next we will compete. I will give a small reward to the person who reaches the first resting place.

It's too naive. Preserving your physical strength during the mission is the most important thing.

Sakura said casually, as if who would fall for such a provocation in her tone.

Reward a B-level ninjutsu.

B-level ninjutsu is a very valuable asset among jounin, and it is an opportunity that can only appear in dreams for young people who have not yet mastered advanced ninjutsu.

Naruto did not receive any extra help during his growth stage, while Sasuke only had one fire ball.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

The two people beside them started to accelerate like wild dogs without any scruples, which made the pink-haired top student sigh. Why are all his teammates like this?

Although B-level ninjutsu was very tempting, she still gave up the competition.

Sakura is far better than her two teammates in terms of fine control and distribution of chakra, but she is not as good as her opponent in terms of total amount and physical toughness. Even if she tries her best, she cannot get first place.

We can only speed up a little bit and keep from falling behind.

Shisui was rather approving of Sakura's decision.

It was not easy not to be carried away by B-level ninjutsu, so he remained calm and on alert throughout the whole process.

When they came to rest, they saw Naruto lying on the ground like a dead dog, panting, but the pride in his eyes showed that he was the first.

And Sasuke was leaning against the big tree in a cold and arrogant state, and his slightly trembling legs showed that his body had already reached its limit.

Facing Naruto's request for a reward, Shisui tossed a scroll over.

Multiple shadow clones?

This is a technique that is more suitable for you. It was originally a B-level forbidden technique in the Book of Sealings. People without vitality and strong will cannot practice it.

Forbidden technique?

At this time, the full-time commentator Sakura came online.

Forbidden spells are spells that have been sealed and prohibited for various reasons.

There are two reasons why it is classified as a forbidden technique. One is that it will endanger the life of the user; the other is that it violates human ethics and is too dangerous.

Multiple shadow clones should belong to the first type.

The more Naruto listened, the more excited he became. As for the harm to his life, he didn't even consider it, he could just pull the wind.

Sasuke's face was full of reluctance. He didn't expect that Naruto, a fool, got the first place in the first small test during the mission.

After Sakura finished speaking, she understood something. She didn't envy her classmates for learning advanced ninjutsu at all.

Next, in the second quiz on the way, Sasuke won when the perception ability was tested. The Sharingan was as unsolvable as cheating.

Shisui threw out the second scroll.

The primary stage of thunder attribute chakra mode.

When you practice to mastery, you can enhance cell activity, and the most direct manifestation is speed.

It's considered a B-level forbidden technique. You must watch it while you practice it.

Sasuke looked excited. This technique involves changes in the nature of ninjutsu. At first glance, it is more powerful than the multiple shadow clone technique.

Both classmates received gifts, but Sakura's mentality remained stable.

Teacher Iruka said that as a member of Class 7, there will be absolutely no shortage of opportunities, and at the same time, danger will always follow.

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