Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1667 The role of movies

In a dark and desolate world, there is a huge moon across half of the cover, the other half is the lunar exploration vehicle organized by Akatsuki, and in the distance are smaller stars.

For ninjas, it can be regarded as a release of information.

At the bottom is information about the male and female protagonists of the movie, as well as a few guys at the back.

Screenwriter: Noah.

Among these people, the information about the female lead Fenghua Xiaoxue has already been placed on his desk.

The Country of Snow is the first small country to join the Western Continent Convention, and as a princess, she chose to become an actress to promote the tourism economy of her hometown. This fact is still very popular among the people.

As a first-generation movie star, Xiaoxue has a strong appeal, and her advertisements and photos have been circulated in the five major countries.

Several others are also professional actors trained by the opposite party.

Ohnoki has always admired the actions of the Akatsuki organization.

In the tertiary industry, it completely beats all the ninja villages and countries on this side of the Eastern Ocean.

These people introduced all have distinctive characteristics and personalities, and have many fans. They also help the opposite products and culture to continuously tear apart the defense of the east.

It can be said to be another new form of war.

However, Ohnoki and others had nothing to say about this. After all, this was just a business transaction and was protected by the Iron Country contract.

The Three Kingdoms of Water, Earth, and Thunder are also constantly imitating, but unfortunately, the gap between the actors and their characters, scripts, and music is extremely huge.

It is said that that bastard named Noah is like a robot on the high tower, constantly producing high-quality works, which is simply terrifying to the extreme.

In this case, let him come and see what the other party has tinkered with.

On the day of the movie's premiere, there was a long queue in front of the cinema in Daming City.

Even now, a new thing like watching a movie is something worth talking about for two or three days.

What's more, it is a new work by Fenghua Xiaoxue, and it is also a masterpiece by the golden screenwriter Mr. Noah. Put together, it is definitely worth watching.

Who can't afford to go to the movies after being busy all year? After all, social welfare is so good now.

Ohnoki met the Daimyo in the box of the cinema, and the two of them exchanged pleasantries together.

I didn't expect daimyo to be so interested in Western movies.

That's natural. I still know Noah. He has a great influence on the world, and I'm also very curious about what's beyond the sky.

This time it’s the Daimyo of the Land of Earth played by Hei Zetsu.

He values ​​this movie even more than Ohnoki does, because he really wants to know what is beyond the sky.

The risk of inviting Ohnoki to watch together was also to collect information. Maybe the information that he didn't see could be seen by this sinister old monkey. There is still something in human wisdom.

When the movie started, everyone was intoxicated by the beautiful scenery of the universe and the stars.

It turns out that this is the real world. Everyone looked at it greedily and saw the beautiful scenery outside the world for the first time.

Onoki and his men were there with pens and paper, frantically recording information.

The other party has been promoting the Star Wars plan, so most of the information in it should have a certain degree of authenticity, including this extraterrestrial starry sky scene.

But how did you capture such a realistic background?

Of course it was a real location shoot.

Although even the male and female protagonists and extras thought it was a studio special effect, Noah chose to shoot on the moon.

An illusion confuses the actors' thinking, and then they are all sent to the moon surface through the earth-moon channel.

Only in this way can such a realistic and shocking scene be presented.

The official plot begins.

Nineteen years after the establishment of the Otsutsuki Empire, Emperor Hagoromo ordered the construction of the terrifying weapon Moon Star that could destroy an entire planet in order to deter the growing rebellion.

The people below watched it with gusto.

And someone between life and death was speechless.

For example, the story background of a certain immortal named Otsutsuki Hagoromo is really very specific.

The next plot is a very traditional royal blood movie.

The protagonist was involved in a dispute at a young age and accidentally obtained the truth about the moon from the villain leader.

On the way, he became a disciple of the hidden ninja master Noah, and then the main mission appeared: to fight against the evil empire's conspiracy.

Along the way, they continued to practice and grow, and saved the beautiful princess of the Snow Kingdom. Finally, they traveled around the universe together to avoid being hunted.

In the end, a duel began on the moon to protect the Ninja Continent and the evil empire.

With a desperate blow, he detonated the Moon Star and saved the Ninja Continent.

The last Easter egg is that a long-haired female figure flashes away among the exploding moon and stars.

The story is very bloody, but the ups and downs of the plot make people feel a strong sense of immersion.

Ohnoki appears calm and calm, but in fact he has a lot of thoughts in his mind. There is an absurd amount of information in this story.

The core of the plot is basically the same as the previous scripts, but the background frame is countless times larger.

Moreover, the side descriptions of the starry sky and the moon provide too much information.

The weapons in it also amazed him, and he actually set the moon as a world-destroying weapon to destroy the Ninja Continent.

The aircraft the protagonists ride on are very similar to lunar exploration vehicles, and the fighting methods they use are chakra swords and energy cannons, which are extensions of existing technologies in the ninja world.

From this point of view, this is Noah's prediction of future war.

He released it without any scruples. What on earth was he going to do?

Ohnoki sat there and switched countless perspectives without understanding.

Next to him, Hei Jue was about to explode with anxiety.

He didn't care about the predictions of future wars, he was just panicked by the implications of the plot itself.

The moon made by Otsutsuki Hagoromo, an unfilial son, using the Earth Blast Star was absolutely correct. To this day, Black Zetsu still remembers the fear in his heart when he was separated.

Strictly speaking, there is nothing wrong with the fact that the moon is a world-destroying weapon. After all, mother, the goddess of the moon, is sealed in it.

As for blowing up the moon, is it because the other party knows something and is expressing his determination?

After reading it, Onoki found that the daimyo was a little distracted, but he also understood.

Even he would lose his mind when he sees this vast universe and all kinds of magnificent battles and characters, let alone this ordinary person.

But he still kindly reminded the name that the movie was over.

Oh well.

Black Zetsu absentmindedly sent Ohnoki away, then quietly lurked back to watch it again, watching it again and again, frantically contributing to the box office.

After Onoki left, he returned to Tsuchikage Village and started brushing 2 times and 3 times to collect information.

It can be said that a lot of the box office this time was contributed by the intelligence departments of the major ninja villages.

After 7 days.

Black Zetsu directly took out a large amount of funds from the Earth Kingdom's treasury and gave it to Yanying Village.

Go all out to develop the lunar exploration program.

Ohnoki was stunned by this special fund. Is the effect of the movie so terrifying?

How can the leader of a country be so frantic to support this money-burning plan?

Of course, he didn't advise anything. The development of military technology cannot be separated from thin money, so this time it can be regarded as increasing the intensity of development.

And the progress of reform in the Kingdom of Earth is becoming faster and faster, and more and more radical.

When the daimyo was implementing the New Deal, they had already begun to take the initiative to attack the nobles, and the cruelty of their methods was frightening.

On the high tower of the Kingdom of Rain, Noah nodded with satisfaction after looking at the information.

This movie was not made in vain.

Good news, the computer is finally ready

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