Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1666 The Kingdom of Earth changes to heaven

“The recording is quite clear, so I would say that the development of Kamui needs to be flexible.

The ability to facilitate time and space is simply unrivaled in terms of intelligence.

Noah looked at the evidence in his hands with great satisfaction.

He has several ways to solve the problem, but there is no more direct way to identify the murderer by watching the VCR.

Always give the mastermind behind the scenes a gorgeous ending.

Kakashi shook his head helplessly, never expecting that his famous Sharingan hero would appear again to do such a thing.

The power of Mangekyou's eyes will make you cry, Obito. Wait, it seems that Obito has always used Kamui to do similar things before, so it doesn't count as insulting this Sharingan.

Teacher, when will you go to the Kingdom of Thunder next?

Waiting for the notification from the other side, Hei Jue will definitely have to observe the movements of the Kingdom of Earth for a while.

He will not proceed with the next action until he is sure that there are no hidden dangers. He is now becoming more and more cautious in doing things.

Kakashi thought that he was also forced.

Even a filial son who has lived for a thousand years would be frightened to have an enemy like a teacher staring at him.

At least he didn't expect that there is such a cool operation of recording a murder scene in time and space.

Kakashi left the Land of Rain to bide his time.

Noah in the tower continued to read materials and write scripts.

At this point, in addition to continuing to promote the construction of the moon, we must also start arranging for the merger of the ninja world.

Isn't the easiest way to solve a big conspiracy hanging over the world together, and then defeat a big BOSS together?

He hoped to arrange a grand stage for a certain guy with an aura of 1.8 meters to dance.

The land of earth.

What! The mission is cancelled?

Ohnoki breathed a sigh of relief. Although he lost millions of taels of business, it was still a good thing not to take action against the ordinary workers in the country.

No matter what the outcome of this incident is, the ninja forces involved in the bloody suppression will bear infamy.

In the past, the social attributes of ninjas would not be worried, and the consequences would not be considered in the idea of ​​​​prioritizing tasks. Every appearance of a ninja brings disaster and death.

But things are different now. After the changes in culture, even the profession of ninja has begun to pay attention to its own image and righteousness.

The flow of information in the ninja world is extremely fast, and there are also media such as professional journalists, TV stations, radio newspapers, etc.

If things that had been established in the past were publicized, it would have a great impact on the reputation of the village.

The amount of tasks, the flow of people, and business transactions will all be controlled by the risk assessment.

I don’t know if it’s good or bad, but Onoki doesn’t reject this feeling.

Generally speaking, the current system is a relatively good change for ninjas. Who doesn't want to stand in the sunshine if they have choices.

Anyway, there are also ANBU missions that are hard to talk about, and the price is even higher.

So he pretended to be calm and said calmly.

Then the funds will be

What! No need for a refund?

The daimyo is indeed a great daimyo who cares deeply about the land of earth. This kind of boldness is really heartbreaking. I don’t think anyone in the entire continent can compare with him.

The task was not completed, and the money was left here directly by the daimyo in the name of supporting the work of Iwagakure Village, so Onoki had to say a few words of flattery.

He is also a very smooth leader when he is not playing.

The organization behind the workers' strike also knew about it and was quite surprised by this incident.

That greedy Pixiu didn't even order the ninjas to come and suppress him. This was a bit unlike his style.

The original plan was to incite ordinary workers to go on strike, and then be suppressed by the ninjas. During the suppression process, many more people would die, causing widespread bloodshed.

Finally, spread the word and use the influence of the Akatsuki organization and the Western Continent to ferment the matter. As a behemoth in the confrontation, they will definitely not miss this opportunity.

In this way, you can renegotiate with the daimyo to recover the previous losses.

I don't have any treasonous thoughts. I just want to increase the distribution rights a few levels and curb the exploitation of daimyo. Otherwise, I would not be willing to earn so much after hard work.

As for using the Akatsuki organization, it can be regarded as mutually beneficial, just the lives of a few hundred workers.

As a result, the Daimyo actually agreed to the strikers' demands and was really willing to bring social and labor welfare in line with those of the Western Continent. Instead, it made the instigators sit back and relax.

This is a welfare system, and distribution and compensation are all in place. For a while, the Daimyo seemed to be at a disadvantage.

But in the long run, it will be a fatal blow to the new class of assets.

Whether it is a Machiavellian move or a moment of stupidity is confusing.

After that, this big name with a bad reputation made frequent moves, and every move was surprising.

With the decentralization of power and wealth, even the distributed benefits are slowly reducing themselves. On the contrary, it makes the new class dare not act rashly, for fear that the other party is holding back some big moves.

In the following time, the chaos in the Kingdom of Middle Earth showed signs of calming down.

After all, they are becoming more and more like the countries in the Western Continent Convention opposite.

However, the native nobles who originally supported the daimyo began to be less able to accept this kind of flesh-cutting behavior, and there was an undercurrent surging in the reversal of the situation.

This made Onoki smell an unusual smell.

The guy in Daming City could not send out ninjas to suppress the rebellion. It was already abnormally kind. This subsequent act was somewhat unnecessary.

Daimyo, your character is ruined.

Ninja is a very suspicious profession, and Ohnoki is also a very courageous Kage, so he took the opportunity to visit his old friends several times.

No traces of illusion were seen, and various methods were used secretly to test the memory and bloodline, but there was no problem.

Including the personal guards and maids are the same as before.

In this way, he could only attribute the change in the name to seeing the power of the west, and he felt a sense of crisis and began to work hard.

But this is good, it can be regarded as helping Yanyin Village stabilize the situation, and they can no longer focus on these bad things in the country.

There was just a vague uneasiness that never dissipated.

On this day, Onoki received an invitation.

The daimyo invited him to watch a movie in daimyo city.


He knows the movie. As social wealth accumulates, there are more and more entertainment activities and industries. Entertainment activities such as movies are no longer as rare as before.

And he is also someone who has watched two movies. In addition to the freshness, he also feels the importance of this kind of thing in cultural promotion.

The entertainment industry of the Land of Earth cannot be imitated.

It's just that such ridiculous instructions shouldn't be what a daimyo should do, but Ohnoki is extremely interested in this movie.

Star Wars

Akatsuki organized the filming of the ambitious production, and the poster cover alone piqued his interest.

After the lunar exploration flight, people all over the world knew what the starry sky looked like, and those photos were spread to every corner along with newspapers.

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