Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1668 The despair of the new pot shadow

Half a year later, Daming City in the Kingdom of Thunder.

Black Zetsu sent away the name of the Kingdom of Thunder as planned.

Although the opponent resisted with great courage, he still couldn't compete with the black-skinned monster in front of him.

The man behind the scenes who was directing Bai Jue to do cleaning work looked around in confusion.

Why do I always feel like I'm being watched?

He had doubts in his heart and had already used the art of mayfly and various methods to sense the surroundings, but there was no breath of life.

Even the scientific means of Daming City's surveillance system are under its control, so logically there should not be such doubts.

In the end, it can only be regarded as an illusion. No one except Obito can monitor him.

And Kakashi, who inherited Obito's legacy as Hokage, would not come here to do such a thing.

Besides, no one except Sarutobi Hiruzen knew his motives and time for replacing the two great names.

Huh~~ I hope everything goes well.

The domestic situation in the Kingdom of Thunder is much better than Black Zetsu and Hiruzen Sarutobi thought. It may be one of the mainland countries farthest from the Kingdom of Rain.

The class changes here are not as drastic as those in the Earth Kingdom.

Moreover, the temperament of people in plateau areas is relatively straightforward. What seems like increased friction actually solves the problem in a way that gets to the core.

The arrival of Black Zetsu only accelerated the economic development of the Kingdom of Thunder.

The slightly conservative atmosphere has become more open, and more external resources have been introduced.

And vigorously developed the frequency of economic exchanges among the three countries of the Eastern Ocean Convention.

As for the military, there is very little communication between Black Zetsu and Raikage Village.

Unlike the Earth Kingdom, Raikage is a headstrong person, so orders from the daimyo are basically not sent there.

Hei Jue would not take the initiative to touch that reckless man's brow.

Anyway, Yunyin Village is a standard militant faction. The opponent has always been very firmly at the forefront in the development of technological weapons and is also very radical. There is no need for his supervision and guidance at all.

It is said that after watching Star Wars, the Raikage approached the Daimyo for money and prepared to start research work.

This kind of subjective initiative makes Sarutobi Hiruzen behind Black Zetsu and Noah behind Sarada very satisfied.

As for the domestic political system, the Fourth Raikage paid little attention to it, so the changes in the daimyo were not under the observation of Kumogakure.

What he has to do every day is very simple, which is to practice.

Crazy practice.

Being defeated by Kakashi made Yondaime full of anger. In the first fight, he crushed the opponent, but in the second fight, he was defeated by him.

Especially since Kakashi was still a disciple of the Fourth Hokage, it was a bigger blow to him, so he worked hard to catch up.

After all, after challenging the Fifth Hokage, there is still Noah standing on the throne of the sky.

This monster that stood at the pinnacle of all living things made him unable to stop.

Although Noah's photo has been spread throughout the ninja world, people who admire the strong have made secondary creations on the image of the great devil.

The four most popular characters in the entertainment industry of the Land of Thunder are Hashirama Senju, Madara Uchiha, Noah, and the Third Raikage.

In the storybook, the first three are already at the level of gods and demons, while Raikage is still a human, which is very embarrassing.

The fourth generation Ai is trying every means to help himself become stronger.

Science, tradition, and mysticism all come to us.

Two jinchūriki from the village were also captured and trained together as sparring partners.

If you don't want to be blown to pieces by the Akatsuki organization, you have to bleed more during training!

The Raikage instinctively felt that personal combat power would be more critical in the short term, so the martial arts of the Kumo ninja became more and more intense.

He even began to simplify the Thunder Escape Armor and derive B-level Ninja Techniques to distribute as contribution rewards.

This bold idea that goes against the past is imitating Konoha.

After Kakashi came to power, all the forbidden techniques in the Book of Sealings of Konoha Village became worthless. Anyone who has performed meritorious service or is suitable will receive a gift package, making the average strength of Konoha ninja stronger.

The fourth generation Ai also abandoned the previous rules and even took the initiative to issue a low-end version of Ninja Taijutsu to enhance the strength of basic ninjas.

This is a battle between villages and countries. He will do whatever it takes to defeat his enemies.

Just in the northeast corner of the world continent, the Kingdom of Thunder is growing rapidly, constantly chasing the footsteps of the Akatsuki Organization and the Leaf Village.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was also very impressed after learning about the changes in this village through Black Zetsu.

All previous Kumogakure have been strong in both physical and mental aspects.

On the other side, Noah said something when Kakashi returned with the second video.

It's time to close the net in the Fire Nation. Do you need my help?

Need not.

The two of them smiled tacitly.

Previously, the Akatsuki organization chose the famous names of the Kingdom of Wind to attack because it was located in the desert and had little contact with the outside world.

The daimyo-level party feng shui is the lowest in both countries, so it is safer.

Moreover, Xiaobai has replaced the original owner, and with the assistance of the Akatsuki organization, he can easily hide the truth.

The Daimyo of the Land of Fire thus escaped unharmed.

After all, it is located in the center of the continent and is one of the most powerful countries, so it is difficult to deal with the comings and goings of big figures and complicated relationships.

Now, there should be no need for all members of the Akatsuki organization to be dispatched. Kakashi is confident that Konoha's strength is enough to settle all this.

Although it is still not possible to perfectly copy Xiaobai, times have changed.

The daimyo of the four major countries have all been replaced, so it doesn't matter if there are any problems with the daimyo of the Land of Fire.

As the strongest village in the ninja world, it is too easy for Konoha to break through the Daimyo Castle from the inside, and then just deploy a new round of defense. No one will be able to see through the traces of the kaleidoscope illusion.

Besides, even if you could see it, who would believe it?

After speaking out, the names of the Three Kingdoms of Thunder, Earth, and Water may be the most anxious, that is, Hei Jue is the most anxious.

Presumably the other party will try their best to prove that there is nothing wrong with the Fire Country Daimyo.

Because the suspicion of the Fire Nation's daimyo being manipulated spreads out, the ninja world will also have the same speculation about several other daimyo. That's when the real trouble will come.

So Kakashi called Nabekage after returning to Konoha Village.

Shikaku, you and I have worked together for so long that I believe the trust between us has reached a certain level.

There is an important task for you next, don't let me down.

‘.I didn’t, Hokage-sama, please don’t believe me. ’

Nara Shikaku howled crazily in his heart, knowing that something big was going to happen again this time.

He didn't say these words when he tricked the Konoha Ninja clan before, but now this sentence at the beginning gave him a great stimulus.

Who else can we deal with next? Everyone in the village has been made obedient, so only the daimyo is left?

He thought about the foreign forces. The Akatsuki organization, Kakashi's teacher, was handling it, and there was absolutely no need for him, a pot shadow in Konoha Village.

As for the two major forces in the Fire Country, one is the armed force of Konoha, and the other is the political leader Daimyo. The only Daimyo who can make the rising Hokage speak like this. (End of chapter)

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