Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1664 The villain’s final plan

Reincarnation in dirty soil

Black Jue knew about the existence of this technique.

Konoha's sealed book has long been torn apart.

It's just that this technique is still an unfinished idea in Qianju Feijian, and the theoretical framework has been completed.

The reason why it left an impression on Black Zetsu was that this jutsu took a different approach and was completely different from the styles of most ninjutsu in the ninja world.

The setting is to bring back the souls of previously dead humans from the Pure Land, giving them immortal bodies and endless chakra to fight.

Using the power of the dead to invade the living world, it can be said that Senju Tobirama is indeed a terrifying person, and he will do whatever it takes.

Hei Ze was only slightly interested in this unfinished forbidden art and then put it aside.

The existence of such things as the Pure Land is unfamiliar and confusing to the entire ninja world.

In the millennia of the ninja world, there has never been a person or monster who returned from the Pure Land. He always thought it was the fantasy of the Uzumaki clan or the Senju clan.

If Senju Tobirama really completed this technique, wouldn't he be invincible in the world? One person could sweep across the five major countries and accomplish a great feat from another direction that even Senju Hashirama could not achieve.

Uchiha Madara also commented on this ninjutsu before his death, but he didn't seem to pay much attention to it.

At this time, Sarutobi Hiruzen pinned his highest combat power on this aspect, which made Black Zetsu feel a bit unreliable.

Don't forget that my teacher is Senju Tobirama.

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked like you don't know as he shared the story he made up a few days ago with Black Zetsu.

The Uzumaki clan's ultimate sealing technique, Ghoul Seal, inspired the teacher.

The teacher was able to vaguely locate another world of the dead through the sacrificial ceremony of the Kingdom of Whirlpool, so the prototype of this technique came into existence.

We only need sacrifices and information from strong people to try to rebuild the body.

The forbidden technique that reverses life and death is really taboo, and I don't even know what kind of backlash it will bring.

So the words were spoken that death is just the beginning of another journey.

It's a pity that he died before he could complete this technique. Otherwise, how could the three great ninja wars have been fought?

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked like he was reminiscing about the past, which added a bit of credibility.

Black Zetsu is not someone who knows everything.

It is just a piece of will thrown out by Princess Kaguya before sealing it. In fact, there are still many unknown things in this world.

Besides, Senju Tobirama is a weird person, and he might be able to discover his hidden secrets, so Black Zetsu generally would not enter Konoha when the two Senju brothers were alive.

In this case, there is really hope for this semi-finished product to go further, then

Just thinking about it makes me so excited.

It's a pity that it's a half-finished product. Can you repair it?

In terms of the entire ninja world's understanding of this technique, perhaps only me and that unfilial disciple Orochimaru have the opportunity to perfect it.

It's a pity that he is now obsessed with another path and has lost his pursuit of art.

The ninjutsu doctor showed a proud look at this time. Perhaps he was not as good as Mr. Tobirama in the development of ninjutsu, but he still had no problem perfecting a jutsu, and could even be said to be unique in the ninja world.

Black Zetsu became interested after repeatedly confirming that this technique was real.

Although the human race fights and kills each other every day, wasting the world's resources.

But there are some whimsical ideas that are still extremely terrifying. This kind of operation of using the dead to execute the winner is too underworld, and it is worthy of the style of Senju Tobirama.

In this case, if this technique is so powerful, when will it be perfected?

Sarutobi Hiruzen thought for a moment.

It will only take another two or three years. After all, we have to break through from the sealing of the corpses, and the research process will be very dangerous and slow.

Black Zetsu nodded, it would be strange if such a tyrannical ninjutsu could be accomplished in a matter of minutes.

There are only two things you have to do now.

The first thing to do is to find a way to solve the existence of the daimyo, replace them safely, and then slowly send the nobles to a dead end. The process must be natural and must not be discovered by the ninjas.

Black Zetsu nodded. If someone discovered that the name had been replaced in advance, the Eastern Ocean Convention would collapse first, and then it would be a wedding dress for the little thief Noah.

As for how to make those idiots die, it's too simple.

Second, I collect the body tissues of strong men to prepare for the final battle. The only one who wants to overthrow the ninja world is us.

Digging a grave?

Professional counterpart.

Hei Jue asked himself that his good figure was perfect for doing such a thing.

Moreover, he knew something about the powerful men of the past generations, so he first dug out the shadows of the previous generations of the five major countries.

Get out a bunch of non-shadow level experts, and then fight them all!

Wait, shouldn't the one who should be summoned the most be... Uchiha Madara?

The world has become so out of control that it needs a truly top-notch person to correct everything.

The resurrected ninja from the dirty land cannot live forever, and his combat power will definitely not be as good as before.

Uchiha Madara in this form will not be Noah's opponent. That man has truly stood at the top of the ninja world.

Black Zetsu knew clearly that the guy's combat power when he cut out the sea last time was really impressive, almost reaching the level of two heroes in the ninja world.

If Madara is just reincarnated, he may really not be able to control the situation. Don't forget that the Akatsuki organization also has a super perverted sealing master.

So the best situation is to summon many strong men to surround Noah, and then find a way to recapture the Samsara Eye.

Only by truly resurrecting Uchiha Madara and adding the power of the Ten-Tails can the ninja world be suppressed.

Of course, he would not say this to Sarutobi Hiruzen. How would he know that so many strong men would be reincarnated?

After having a direction, Hei Jue's anxious heart gradually calmed down and he began to think about whether there were any loopholes in this plan.

In the past few years, I have always felt as if I was being controlled by an invisible hand, and too many things have gone off plan.

Many of the plans that were initially designed to cause trouble for the Akatsuki organization ended up being the ones who suffered the consequences.

After a while


Sarutobi Hiruzen's plan was perfect.

From the guidance of the general trend to the final arrangement of combat power, there is absolutely no problem, and even his own reincarnation as Uchiha Madara will not be an obstacle.

As long as he meets Madara, the reincarnation eye won't be a problem and everything will be solved.

The counterattack starts today.

Looking towards the west, Hei Jue's eyes were full of determination.

I can only have one black hand in this world!

Kuro, who was working secretly, had no idea that Hiruzen Sarutobi had contacted his biggest enemy after he left.

Black Zetsu seems to have his own plan.

“I knew that what He wanted to do was what I wanted Him to do.”

Noah's words made even Sarutobi Hiruzen feel a little sorry for the black man. The plan that had been planned for thousands of years had been fiddled with at will in more than ten years. It can only be said that there is always a mountain higher.

Complete the last plan. Let me be like Obito.

Noah agreed to this request of the first three generations of Hokages.

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