Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1663 Despicable Aliens

Burning the instructions, he then changed hands and called Hei Jue over.

When Black Zetsu came in, he saw Sarutobi Hiruzen leaning behind the Mizukage's desk with a sad look on his face.

This expression made his heart sink. Could it be that something happened again?

Someone forwarded a letter to you through Kakuzu.

Hei Jue felt something was wrong. His image to the outside world had always been Nepenthes, the little intelligence expert in the Yue organization.

Although the Raikage and Tsuchikage have always been curious about him, writing a letter

Who gave it to me?


Black Jue's pupils shrank!

What's wrong with him?

This great gift from Sarutobi Hiruzen is truly earth-shattering.

I never thought it would be a letter from Noah.

Can't wait to take it apart and take a look.

Just show me what this bastard is capable of


The desk shattered in response.


You beast, so shameless!!!

Despicable alien!

Scum, scum, liar, disgusting.%¥#@%¥ # %¥

Just one sentence in the letter.

【The Eye of the Moon thing. I regretted it. 】

The crisp words made Black Zetsu go crazy.

Sure enough, just as he feared, without Uchiha Madara's suppression, this guy is invincible, and the entire ninja world is looking up to him.

Now, if you still believe that the curse mark Madara left in that bastard's body is useful, you are a fool among fools.

Maybe it did work in the beginning. The Noah at that time and the Noah now are completely different people.

That's why there was the compromise in the Kingdom of Rain.

But now there is absolutely no trouble in completely falling out and I am confident that there is nothing I can do about it.

He actually thought that there was nothing I could do, he actually thought that there was nothing he could do, but it was okay.

Black Zetsu sadly discovered that there was really nothing he could do about it.

Obito is dead, and only the Moon Organization and the Kingdom of Water are still under his control.

The other big countries only have cooperative relations. Can they only rely on a world war?

The immortal Hei is definitely not such an impulsive person. He can wait for 1,000 years or 2,000 years.

The core of resurrecting the mother is the Ten-Tails, which is a massive amount of chakra. As for the bloodline issue, it is a trivial matter.

But successive blows and changes in the world made him impetuous.

In just ten years or so, the world has changed more drastically than in the previous thousand years, and He actually felt fear.

Humanity is reaching beyond the sky, which is the realm of God.

So. war.

That's right, this is the only way to make that bastard regret, and this is the only way to find an opportunity to save my mother.

Hiruzen. Is there any way to start a world war as soon as possible?

Black Zetsu's expression was full of madness.

Sarutobi Hiruzen remained silent, seeming to have some thoughts about his current power.

Hiruzen, you know that only when one is alive can one have dreams.

Since you chose to escape Konoha, you are no longer a human being with a very bottom line. You cannot hide your greed for life and fear of death.

Black Zetsu emphasized his tone.

Actually, if we develop slowly, sooner or later we will.

This answer obviously did not satisfy Black Zetsu.

Haha, Hiruzen Sarutobi, or rather humans, are indeed creatures with no bottom line.

You are not Noah, and you cannot resist the power of the curse seal.

And if you don't help me, Konoha Village will definitely be the first to be destroyed.

Then your son, grandson, and the Sarutobi clan in Konoha will all die.

I appreciate Noah's maxim that you will die three times. Your third death will come directly.

Hei Jue had to take off the kind face he had pretended to be before. He felt that humans should know what their bottom line was.

After hearing this, Sarutobi Hiruzen was indeed a little scared, and sweat slowly appeared on his forehead.

Although his figure was still maintaining his majesty, his eyes had changed.

It seemed that he had woken up from the previous power of the Water Country Daimyo and Kage Er, and finally said with difficulty.

.Give me a day to think about it.

Hei Jue expressed his understanding of this mentality of choosing to escape after being hit, and he graciously agreed.

He believed that this guy who was possessed by the desire for power would make the right choice.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was indeed more respectful when they met again a day later.

If you want to defeat the Akatsuki organization, you need two methods in parallel.

The difference between us and our opponent lies in organizational strength and personal combat power.

The key point that is currently hindering the Eastern Ocean Convention is the daimyo and aristocratic system.

Hei Jue also knows a thing or two about this matter. As a young expert in the intelligence department, he has recorded the recent friction strikes, but did he not expect the problem to be so serious?

Could a few human monkeys have such a big obstacle?

There are also big names in the Western Continent Convention, so why won't it hinder development?

The Western Continent Convention has Noah's methods. Although he is very unwilling to do so, the other party's methods are extremely clever in regulating the upper and lower parties.

The Kingdom of Wind and the Kingdom of Fire are just like puppets under his control, counting money happily, and don't worry about the rest.

There are too many differences here.

Black Zetsu nodded. When it comes to means, that despicable villain can play tricks on Uchiha Madara and himself, so a few human monkeys are naturally no match.

Sarutobi Hiruzen first claimed that he was inferior, and then continued his analysis, trying to bring this pitcher plant into the ditch.

How could Noah, with his wolfish ambitions, be so kind as to share the profits with these two famous people?

His idea is to destroy the entire world, so the only possibility of doing so now is to curb the development of our Eastern Ocean Convention through the greed and stupidity of the daimyo.

We copied so many projects, but a lot of them were taken away by these two assholes.

If things go on like this, the enemy will always be strong and we will always be weak. Even if we have the power of the Three Kingdoms, it will become increasingly difficult to catch up.

Black Jue understands, the fortress has been breached from within.

Noah is really insidious. Fortunately, Sarutobi Hiruzen is also insidious.

Then what do you want to do?

This question made the Sandaime, who was well prepared, reveal a cruel smile.

Since the great names of the Kingdom of Water have been replaced by us, why don't the Kingdom of Thunder and the Kingdom of Earth help them make a decision?

The days of those people who sit on their bodies and eat nothing are coming to an end.

After several years of reform, Sarutobi Hiruzen has also fully accepted Noah's philosophy.

There is no longer a place for daimyo and nobles in this world. The future belongs to everyone who is determined to change the ninja world.

We dare to do what Noah dare not do. When the power of the three major countries is truly gathered, the Akatsuki organization will not be in danger.

Really courageous!

Even if the Kingdom of Water is alone overseas, the other two daimyo are on the mainland, so the probability of being discovered is very high.

Don't worry, there aren't that many connections between the daimyo and the ninja village. We just need to quietly replace them, and then send out all the loyal noble forces.

If you wait until there is no power under you and then arrange a natural death, with a vacuum of power, can you do more?

Black Zetsu was immediately shocked and felt that Sarutobi Hiruzen's body was shining. With the help of this gentleman, there was no need to worry about the great cause being accomplished.

After my mother is resurrected, she will definitely eat him last. This person is really good at it.

What about personal strength?

Noah is no longer as strong as a human being, and it is really difficult for him to think of any way to defeat the Akatsuki organization.

Even if Uchiha Madara is resurrected, it may not be easy because the opponent has too many strong men.

Alas, I have to make another decision that goes against my ancestors.

.There is a forbidden technique in Konoha called the Reincarnation of the Dirty Land.

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