Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1665 Black Jue Operation

As time went by, the old man regretted his past actions more and more, and he only lived to atone for his sins.

The content of New Will of Fire has been read many times. Only when I put down my desire for power and read it again did I realize that it is such a valuable treasure.

Kakashi is indeed a good Hokage of Konoha.

It's just that Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't know that Noah planned to let him meet the second generation before sending him away from the world.

It's not about getting forgiveness, but it seems like a world of ignorance in the pure land.

It's better to get together in the world of the living. I know it hurts when I fight.

After completing the arrangements for Black Jue, the Western Continent became increasingly aggressive.

As a military complex, many defense fortifications were built on the side bordering the Eastern Ocean, and the intensity of small-scale frictions that broke out between high-level officials frequently escalated.

Although it was just a battle between strong men, so there were very few casualties, but this high-pressure situation made Iwagakure and Kumogakure villages exhausted.

There is no time to take care of various domestic problems, and a large amount of intelligence focus has been transferred abroad.

Anyway, the Akatsuki Organization has always had a supportive attitude towards non-governmental exchanges, and has never been defensive in commercial and cultural exchanges.

It seems that they are only targeting armed institutions like Ninja Village.

Ohnoki and the Fourth Raikage were both cursing.

Although we have had a few fights to show off our horses and horses, peaceful development is the mainstream of the ninja world.

Why can't we live in harmony like civilians?

Ohnoki secretly lowered his face to show his goodwill, but was disgraced by several manipulations by the Akatsuki organization, and even the Yue organization came to hold him accountable after his death.

In a confrontational situation that has never been relaxed, many things are happening naturally.

In fact, some of Noah's operations cannot be hidden from everyone, but he relies on this urgent play style and huge benefits to make everyone deceive him.

Now we just need to wait for the plan to reach the end and merge the entire ninja world into one, and then experience the baptism of a storm of thoughts.

Then the preliminary revolution will be completed.

The strategic styles of the One Piece world and the Naruto world are completely different. Noah himself does not know what difficulties and obstacles the ninja world will face if it continues to develop.

In the land of earth.

Tsuchikage Onoki is worried now.

How could the information about the unstable situation in the country be hidden from a ninja village boss?

It can be felt from the recent mission content in the village that a large number of escort missions have appeared in the office, and the other parties are very willing to spend money.

There are also more secretive assassination missions.

The business scope of ninjas is very wide, from catching cats and taking care of children to assassinating the founding of the country.

It's just that he never accepts the assassination business of the powerful people in the country, no matter how much money he gives, he can't accept it.

Even if the money offered is a lot, we can only accept people from abroad.

There is also the task of erasing all identities and not recognizing them externally.

This is a tacit understanding between maintaining the one-country-one-village system.

Therefore, the assassination of powerful people is the business of traitors and black market desperadoes.

Especially the wave of reform in recent years has also made domestic security very chaotic, and there are countless evil spirits and monsters between the old and the new.

The ever-increasing workload is enough to prove how serious the situation is.

Onoki also began to transition from the black-hearted Tsuchikage who kept cheerfully raising prices at the beginning to the worried and conscientious Tsuchikage.

The mission clients include nobles, businessmen, and even a workers' organization recently came to Tuyin Village to hire ninjas to protect their strikes.

It's just that smell that makes him know where the real workers are.

Ever since we learned about the welfare and labor system in the West, everyone has been vying for a good job like a factory.

Although it is still a lot worse than the opposite, it has also greatly improved people's living standards.

Although human nature is greedy, there is no idea of ​​​​organizing and looking for nobles to continue to improve their treatment so quickly.

Suddenly an organization appeared and said it wanted to get higher remuneration, which seemed problematic at first glance, but the procedures were very formal.

After investigation, it was discovered who was standing behind him.

Ohnoki was instantly depressed. This group of people was more difficult to deal with than the spies of the Akatsuki organization.

If you refuse the task, the other party will turn around and leave without any complaints.

Whether they don't care about the workers' lives or have other plans, this kind of thing makes people feel uneasy.

I always feel like the ninja world is becoming more and more complicated.

They have been fighting openly and secretly with the Akatsuki organization, but thanks to the stable financial support from the rear, they can persevere.

However, there are more and more problems at the rear, which has taken a lot of energy out of Yanyin Village.

The only good news recently is that Noah doesn't take action very often. It seems that he has become more cautious after seeing the strength of the Sannin Village flourishing.

At this moment, the envoy from the Daimyo of the Land of Earth also arrived.

Ask Ohnoki to send someone to suppress the strike and catch the mastermind behind it.

The Tsuchikage, who is nominally the head of the Earth Kingdom's military agency, can only accept this task.

It seems that this so-called strike can only end with the lives of ordinary people.

As for the truth?

It doesn't matter at all to a movie.

Just when it was about to break out, in the daimyo's palace.

It's troublesome without Obito. It took me a lot of effort to replace this monkey perfectly.

Hei Jue stood in a pool of blood and sighed helplessly. Beside him were a dozen Bai Jue who were doing some crazy cleaning.

In order to complete Sarutobi Hiruzen's plan as soon as possible, he could only recruit dozens more men to complete the occupation work.

In addition to the daimyo, personal guards and maids are all problems that need to be solved.

Ensure that there will be no obstacles to the plan before the final battle.

I just didn’t expect that Daming City in the Land of Earth would be in trouble.

The defense system doesn't matter, but the early warning system is really difficult to operate.

It may be that the recent death of a noble has put Daming City on high alert. Even with a superb physique, it is a bit difficult to cover up the fluctuations perfectly.

Fortunately, the surveillance system of the Western Continent has not yet been upgraded here. That thing is a fatal blow to the ninja profession.

Black Zetsu ordered these brainless boys to start working, swallowing all the corpses, as well as the soil and furniture covered with blood.

They put on their respective clothes and weapons.

Since then, the supreme power of the Earth Kingdom has fallen into the hands of this villain.

Hey, one of the weaknesses of people like Noah is that he has a bottom line.

He would never have imagined how shocking our methods are. The Kingdom of Water and the Kingdom of Earth can already crush the opponent. Next, there will be the Kingdom of Thunder.

Victory is ahead!!!

The high-spirited Black Zetsu was venting his emotions, and then saw the letter on the table to suppress the strike.

Oh, Hiruzen said, we can't let this piece of shit hinder the development of the three countries in the Eastern Ocean.

Sure enough, these monkeys can only hold you back. How long have you been worrying about this kind of thing?

So... cancel the repression.

He sat down and re-wrote an instruction to send to the Tsuchikage later.

This feeling of becoming the mastermind behind the scenes again makes Hei Jue feel very happy. This is the lost beauty.

Hey hahahahahaha.

What he didn't know was that a certain Hokage was recording in a hidden space.

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