Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1662 The increasingly chaotic class struggle

After the success of the first lunar exploration launch, time in the ninja world seemed to speed up.

The word rapidly changing is just right in the post-lunar exploration era.

Every moment, new culture and new products are born, and new information is exchanged.

It seems that all obstacles have been eliminated thousands of years after the founding of the Ninja Sect. Everyone urgently needs to exchange their production materials and information with different people.

The word “keep up with the trend” is actually something ordinary people can talk about.

Maybe they still can't buy a space thermos cup, and the genuine ones are already considered collectibles.

But you can still do it by buying some space-brand pork.

Of course, all this is mainly due to the reform of the transportation industry and the information industry.

Telephone poles rising from the ground, as well as technologies such as wireless communications and wired communications, have been supported by a large amount of private funds.

There is no threshold for these technologies that originally existed in the ninja world. In the past, they were just not worth laying out outside the village.

Now it is only started after the Kingdom of Rain has a ready-made high-income model.

This kind of weapon that can easily mobilize the minds of the people at the bottom is only used as a tool to promote products and spread culture. In fact, it is just a commodity.

Everyone will be envious of this virtual way of making money. The New Town TV station hosted by Noah is almost unique in that it collects income from various cultural promotional works, advertising, etc., and the income will be announced on the bright side every time it attracts investment.

This part of the income is almost 1/5 of the tax revenue of some backward countries. How can we not make people excited?

The railway laying of trains is a good project that can be enjoyed by all classes in the country.

Everyone truly understands that if you want to get rich, you must first build roads, and the Xiao organization practices this at all times.

In a remote place like the Country of Wind, which is full of deserts, a few railways were built arbitrarily.

As a result, all the oases along the way are revitalized, and once the mineral resources are distributed and transported, money will continue to be generated.

This country has become richer and even has a tendency to catch up with other major countries.

The Eastern Ocean Convention, which has always been copied by the Mirror Image Modification, will naturally vigorously promote this matter.

The daimyo of the Kingdom of Thunder, the daimyo of the Earth Country, and the daimyo of the Land of Fire are bound to follow.

That big name from the Kingdom of Wind took 70% of the profits without doing anything. This kind of thing has spread throughout the noble circles.

This 70% profit has been doubling every year, and no one knows how much money the guy collected now.

I'm afraid he is the richest daimyo in the five major countries.

In fact, Xiaobai, the poor can only use photosynthesis

The Three Kingdoms daimyo naturally had their thoughts in mind. Of course, it was impossible to really get 70%. Those nobles were determined not to let their monarch take so much.

After many internal confrontations, 50% was given, and the remaining 30% belonged to the big nobles, while 20% belonged to those who were involved in the construction project.

After the allocation is confirmed, the vigorous infrastructure construction of the ninja world begins.

The construction of railways in the three major countries has begun, and with the development of the shipping system of the Kingdom of Water, the world has never been so close.

Although the East and the West are at odds with each other, the two sides are very much in sync with each other when it comes to extracting benefits.

Even any obstacles that stand in people's way are easily pushed away.

Various train companies and TV stations have sprung up like mushrooms after a spring rain, and they are engaged in crazy fighting on the continent of the Red Sea.

The high-end business war is fierce.

After all, the Xiao organization is reasonable, but those who want to make money are really ruthless.

Some great nobles disappeared without any reason in just a few years.

This made the original aristocratic class like the daimyo feel uneasy and panicked.

When the reform wave first emerged, this group of people made a lot of money based on their land and status. After everyone accumulated a huge amount of wealth, they relaxed their vigilance against new forces.

By the time they came to their senses, the new forces had become overwhelming, and there was a faint confrontation with the higher-ups in all aspects.

This made the daimyo regret relaxing domestic control conditions again, but it was too late.

What can be covered up after the ambition has been unlocked?

These people believe that if they hadn't spent money to hire powerful ninjas to protect them, they might have died in mysterious circumstances like the disappeared nobles.

The new powers have slowly lost their respect for the superiors, and they are like greedy beasts.

Fortunately, the Akatsuki organization still behaves according to the rules.

On some large-scale projects, they will cooperate directly with the officials and throw away most of the rights to benefit distribution, so that the original nobles can still get crazy rewards in the current difficult situation.

Some smart people may have figured out that the more they account for in the distribution of benefits, the more internal disputes they will cause.

But when the meat reaches the mouth, it is absolutely impossible to spit it out.

In this chaotic situation, friction began to continue, and a new trend of thought was emerging among the people at the bottom who no one paid attention to.

The New Culture Movement is a movement that covers all classes, and each class has its own demands.

A large number of workers, students, and ordinary people are increasingly concerned about their own value and significance.

The situation is getting more and more chaotic, but the money is getting more and more. The rapid development like burning oil has covered up most of the problems, but it is also pushing forward the arrival of a certain node.

It seems that a pair of invisible hands is controlling the development trend of the entire ninja world.

At this moment, the owner of the big hand got an interesting piece of information.

Is there a wave of workers' resistance within the Earth Kingdom?

Yes, workers want to imitate ours to form a union, and the welfare system also wants to be connected, and then...

It's probably the businessmen who are behind it.

Well, after investigation, the new industrial tax was used to fight against the daimyo to shift the contradiction, so workers were allowed to take to the streets to demonstrate.

That's more or less the same. The awakening of ordinary people needs to be suppressed to the extreme to achieve it. Even if it doesn't work, it still needs leaders who step forward one after another. The current soil is not at that level yet.

Noah found it interesting that sometimes seemingly simple confrontations were mixed with a lot of conspiracy.

The reason why it was born so early must have been exploited and instigated by others.

The bourgeoisie, which seemed to be in opposition to the workers, could join forces or take advantage of the more powerful feudal forces.

The class struggle is never just between the proletariat and capital, but also between power and dictators.

Therefore, it is normal for capital-led resistance to appear first. After all, they are the first to come into contact with the new culture.

So what should he do?

Sure enough, I am a good person and I can't bear to see the lives of people in ruins.

In that case, let's grant their wish, but the result may be different from what those people thought.

On this day Sarutobi Hiruzen received an order and a letter.

Didn't you expect that you would reach the final step so soon?

It seems that the development speed of the ninja world has not met his requirements.

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