Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1661 Make the world great again

A large amount of video materials were placed in the conference room and played to everyone.

Everyone has seen the situation on the moon.

All the elements for human survival are met. The surface of the moon is a wasteland without any civilization. The center of the moon is a self-contained ecosystem with suitable communication channels with the ninja continent. It is simply the most perfect space fortress.

The focus of the next work is divided into two parts. One part continues to maintain the Cold War pattern on the mainland, and the other part focuses on building and transforming the moon.

After reading it, everyone was in a good mood. The Akatsuki organization was no longer satisfied with the small ninja continent.

It's not that they have high vision and low hand, but those who have been following Noah to maintain the Cold War pattern know that the world can be unified by the Akatsuki organization with force and power at any time.

I just keep acting in order to make the speed of ideological liberation and the explosion of productivity more unrestrained.

Although it is their wish to peacefully liberate the ninja world, it is also their instinct as strong men to need a new world.

The moon, a frontline where you can fight at will, is a place for some people to prove their worth.

Next, regarding lunar construction, I hope everyone will actively put forward their opinions, and we will develop and plan based on specific conditions.

The first invasion of the Otsutsuki clan will be within ten years. If they don't want the ninja world to be messed up and suffer heavy losses, they must build a systematic defense system.

The enemy must not be allowed to come to the mainland, and they even formed their own organization.

After that, all kinds of unbelievable money-burning plans were proposed within the organization. Everyone's blood pressure rose when they heard it, and it felt like five hearts were about to burst with blood.

Do these people want to bankrupt the entire Akatsuki organization and all the countries in the Western Continent Convention?

Among so many suggestions, perhaps only the space port plan proposed by Xie is more reliable.

A sketch is placed in front of everyone. A metal ship manufacturing factory is floating in orbit outside the moon.

The construction of giant space battleships can only be carried out in space. Only after solving the problem of gravity can we start to build weapons that can kill gods.

The second sketch is a humanoid mecha similar to the Zaku Titan, but this time there are wing-like thrusters on the back, and there are introductions to various weapons next to it.

There are also individual weapons that also need financial support. I have a new idea about the third generation of MS.

Although it was reliable, Kakuzu was frightened by the way of burning funds.

Before completing these constructions, it is necessary to build the Iron Heart Lunar Branch Factory in the center of the moon, followed by the investment of a large amount of scarce minerals.

Can't think, can't think.

I don’t know how many of the new drug company’s Su-acting Jiuxin Pills I should take at a time. It’s terrible.

Then others began to deal real damage one after another.

Orochimaru wants to study the gene pool of blood inheritance limits. With the blood descendants of Hamura and the descendants of Hagoromo, the biologist is moving towards pure Otsutsuki genes.

It is said that another series of biological agents will be developed, and it will be in the form of a large-scale vaccine, which is another big project.

Of course, the plan of the Great Wall of Steel proposed by Noah himself is even more incredible.

The Great Steel Wall floating in low-Earth orbit can surround the planet for defense without blind spots.

Each module can undertake functions such as perception, surveillance, defense, and offense, just like a star ring.

As for the follow-up lunar test site, as well as the plan to build a second earth-blasting artificial planet, etc., all have been proposed.

It can be said to be even crazier than the Star Wars plan.

Kakuzu gave up thinking, just kill me.

He had no way to solve this financial problem, so he could only helplessly look at the culprit.

Don't worry, I will take action myself this time.

Noah understands how much financial pressure the Akatsuki organization will have in the future, and it is a bit difficult to do all this in ten years.

So after making a nest for so long, it’s time for something bigger.

The previous auctions and advertisements were just a small test, and there are plans to teach everyone in the ninja world.

Use space hotspots to film the movie Star Wars and hype up the space craze.

Buying and selling product naming rights and commercialization of scientific research projects are all within the plan.

And not only do we have to find funds from the Western Ocean Convention, but we also need to get funds from the Eastern Ocean.

All space-related and difficult-to-travel roads are sold to the East through hidden channels, allowing them to participate in the burning.

If the space card is played well, the market here can support at least half of the plan.

That's how the moon project is. You feel free to submit your materials and I will give approval based on the actual situation.

Of course Kakuzu will also exercise supervisory powers.

Everyone was rejoicing. With Noah stabilizing the rear and making money, things were basically stable.

Do we need to submit more projects?

But they were soon interrupted by the second thing Noah said.

The second half of the Ninja Continent will also begin to enter the final finishing stage.

With the development of the Cold War, the ideological liberation of the ninja world has become unstoppable, so there seems to be no need for the one-country-one-village system.

If we don't eradicate the cancer that hinders the development of the ninja world, development will soon reach a bottleneck.

The feudal soil is in danger, and it's time to sound the death knell for those fat and white guys.

Noah's words were already aimed at the famous name.

No one present had any objections, just a daimyo

Ever since the Daimyos of the Land of Rain, ordinary people with special status have been thrown into the ground.

The daimyo of other countries have also lost their previous sacred aura under the constant influence of the Akatsuki organization.

Even because of some conflicts of interest, there has been a huge gap with emerging forces in the country.

The ninjas had no intention of rebelling, but dissatisfaction with the daimyo among ordinary people had formed an undercurrent.

Wind, fire, water, earth, thunder.

The daimyo of the five great nations all rule the world in name only.

You can just sit back and collect money without doing anything, and you can occupy the best business projects.

Humans can do many terrible things for their own benefit. If the Ninja Village was not still under the jurisdiction of the Daimyo, the wave of rebellion would have ignited war in the world.

Now, when the foundation of his rule is shaken, Noah decides to keep adding more money.

Stimulate the restraint that both sides have been silently maintaining.

The Kingdom of Wind and the Kingdom of Water remain unchanged for the time being, but the Kingdom of Thunder, the Kingdom of Earth, and the Kingdom of Fire have not yet felt the enthusiasm from ordinary people.

For the next cooperation projects, we will give priority to internal discussions with Daming City and provide more benefits to the other party without harming our own interests.

This can intensify the conflicts between daimyo and businessmen, daimyo and ninjas, daimyo and ordinary people.

Let them bleed and let them fight. A revolution without bloodshed is ultimately meaningless.

As for the daimyo themselves. I have people over there.

As soon as he said this, everyone on the tower could smell the smell of blood.

Comrades, make this world great again! (End of Chapter)

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