Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1660 The restlessness of the villains

That's one small step for me, one giant leap for mankind

The intention is a bit lofty.

This statement obviously raised the level of this person, but the style before and after was slightly separated.

Everyone present was moved. This first seal master in the ninja world turned out to be so knowledgeable. She was indeed a strange woman of a generation.

The next reporter's question session also began to be bombarded.

I would like to ask if there is life on the moon.

Is there any trace of the mythical Tsukuyomi fate?

I would like to ask if the legendary Sage of Six Paths went to the moon after leaving the world.

They asked about their feelings about landing on the moon, their experiences on the moon, myths and legends, etc.

The two of them also answered one by one according to the speech script.

Generally speaking, there is nothing on the moon and it is completely desolate.

There is a high probability that there will be a second moon landing in the future.

When I ask again, I pretend to be mysterious, as if there is something not convenient to say.

Finally, it was revealed that soil samples from the moon were brought back and an auction would be held.

This kind of content will definitely not satisfy everyone.

The media and intelligence personnel present almost broke out in a hurry to get the chance to be interviewed.

In the end, Jiaodu came out, and Le Hehe used the fairest reception method in the new town, adding money.

The moon exploration was over, and news reports spread throughout the shinobi world.

During the period of confrontation between East and West, journalism flourished.

The speed of transmitting some information is no worse than that of ninjas. The wisdom of ordinary people can always explode with amazing action and imagination when interests are involved.

There are many ways to hire ninjas, psychic beasts, flying pigeons to send messages, and telegraphs, etc.

Especially businessmen, who spent a lot of real money to get advertising space before, but now it's time to pay back.

I wish I could spread space advertising all over the world in one day.

for example

Heart of Steel Thermos Cup, enjoy the warmth from the world outside the world.

On the desolate moon surface, behind is the blue ninja planet.

Kushina made a gesture while wearing a space suit and holding a thermos cup.

The ad has spread throughout the world.

The manufacturer of the thermos cup is Scorpion's Heart of Steel. It can be said that they brought the goods themselves, and the effect is very amazing.

Sales volume has actually surpassed that of the signature stainless steel iron pot.

A large number of orders came in like snowflakes, and high-end people in the five major countries all took it as a trend to hold a stainless steel thermos cup.

There are even special commemorative mugs. Gold cups, silver cups, copper cups, etc. are all available.

It is said that the TV station organized by Akatsuki will soon launch a lottery, and a space cup that has actually been in space will be listed as one of the prizes.

I have to say that the means of making money are very crude and very easy to use.

In addition to thermos cups, various space series products have occupied a mainstream position, and the power of the brand is rising.

Raikage was a little silent when he looked at the advertisements and news. He couldn't do this anymore, he had to do something.

The influence of lunar exploration is much greater than previously expected. In addition to the Western Continent Convention, even the businessmen who advertise on their own side are also helping to spread the influence.

This global coordinated approach is a fatal blow to the Eastern Ocean Convention countries, which have always lagged behind in terms of propaganda.

The key point is that this matter is absolutely impeccable. The meteor across the sky has almost raised the reputation of the Akatsuki organization to its peak.

Moreover, every time the two astronauts were asked about the depth in the news, they would abruptly change the subject. This kind of hard-to-get method was really very low-level.

This kind of strategy in my dignified Raikage Club?

But...what exactly is on the moon?

Raikage put down the space cup in his hand and began to think deeply.

Then he sent a message to Mabuyi who was still in the Land of Rain, trying to find a way to buy more space thermos cups and make a fortune by reselling them.

At the same time, we must try our best to grab the soil brought back from the moon, and we may be able to analyze some information from it.

Finally, you can appropriately contact Jiaodu through a single line.

At this point Raikage is not a stubborn person, he still knows how to adapt.

If I can continue to spend money to get more good things, I wouldn't mind working together in private.

Not to mention Tsuchikage, he had already started the layout.

Even when the Kingdom of Rain accepted the escort mission back to the Kingdom of Earth, the reward required was no longer money, but a thermos cup.

After all, the goods produced by the Heart of Steel have a guide price, and when it comes to their hands... haha.

Moreover, Huangtu has already established a personal friendship with Kakuzu, and after getting the price tag for some internal information, it depends on whether he is willing to spend the money.

Black Zetsu also made a formal suggestion.

Hiruzhan, you have to be willing to spend money.

We have just added a large amount of funds to the organization, and now it is time to spend it wisely.

Sarutobi Hiruzen

If it weren't for the lack of a reasonable name, I would have given you old money away long ago, so please don't worry about spending money.

The aftermath of the moon continued to unfold over the next week.

Various advertisements shot in space and on the moon were bombarded throughout the world.

These products have increased the added value of many industries and set a good example for investment promotion during the next lunar exploration operation.

There are already many big businessmen who are ready to explore the moon again when they can, and the money is easy to negotiate.

The auction was in full swing, and the representatives of several major ninja villages were not performing. No one wanted to miss the opportunity to use money to obtain information.

The final total transaction price refreshed the history of the ninja world, and shocked everyone to realize that the world was really different.

An S-level mission worth one million taels is no longer an appropriate unit of measurement.

At the same time, the bidders participating in the auction were also curious about how it was possible to bring back so much soil from the moon and still look fresh.

After thinking about it, I blamed it on the seal master. It seems that every astronaut's choice is very particular.

Noah looked at the income statement after the auction and smiled with satisfaction. It had just begun.

And the lunar soil that Kisame took away was mixed with a little product of Yin Yang Escape, I believe that a certain filial son will be even more impatient.

Being impatient makes a good villain.

Noah has always been concerned about Obito's death. It's not a pity. People like Obito will die when they die.

Instead, Iruka almost got the lunch box in advance.

Noah is very optimistic about this Konoha teacher, and there will be heavier responsibilities for this young man to shoulder in the future.

So Hei Jue can't be left idle any longer. It just so happens that it's the turn of the mastermind behind the original timeline to do something.

Watching the uncovered locations on the map being smeared on.

When the aftermath paused, the Akatsuki organization began a formal meeting, on top of the tower in the Land of Rain. (End of chapter)

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