Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1659 Meteor streaking across the sky

Father, mother is waiting for you in the backyard.

Rizu's face looked a little dark, and he really needed to explain this matter.

Although the Hinata family is a famous family, what is outrageous is that all the famous families in Konoha are monogamous.

The entanglement between men and women rarely occurs in the special profession of ninja.

During the Warring States Period, things were precarious, and in the Ninja Village Era, there was not much security and no entanglement.

Of course, it may also be because too many lovers will affect the speed of drawing the sword.

Most of the mental illness of ninjas comes from the battlefield, the death of relatives, and the experience of death.

The only one who is really crazy about love is Obito-kun.

With mixed emotions, she handed Toneri over to Hinata and asked her daughter to take her distant cousin for a walk around the mansion to familiarize herself with the environment.

When he arrived at the inner courtyard, his wife was waiting for him holding the newborn Hanabi.

There was still a somewhat fake smile on his face.

Actually, I don't care. I just want to know how pretty the white-haired woman is.

Anyway, in the end, Hizu settled the trouble in the backyard and announced to the public that this was Hinata's exiled clan member called Toneri.

However, neither inside nor outside the family believed that this was the bloodline of the Byakugan, a top bloodline that was strategically superior to the Sharingan.

The leader of the foreign clan really let himself go.


It made sense for Hizashi not to take this job in the first place. At least Neji would never forgive his father for doing such a thing.

The Hokage secretary laughed while reading the newspaper. This was one of the few moments of fun he had.

Kakashi didn't care about this kind of thing, he was just more interested in the reincarnation eye.

An attack power that can destroy stars.

Teacher, how high can an ordinary person go without the help of such a top blood successor?

The lunar surface war made Kakashi feel nervous again.

Like Noah, he always likes to continuously collect cards and increase the upper limit of power, and refuses to stop his pace.

The existence of the reincarnated eye is another wake-up call for Kakashi.

Noah thought for a moment.

Without the help of bloodline, the limit of ordinary people may be the same as that of Scorpion. When science reaches that point, ordinary people can reach that point.

If science can destroy the stars, then ordinary people can destroy the stars. If science can destroy the universe, then ordinary people can destroy the universe.

Therefore, judging from the upper limit, it is difficult for a personal practice system to keep up with the pace of scientific development.

Of course, the limit of ordinary people may also be like me.

The last sentence is not funny at all. How terrible the world would be if everyone was like the teacher.

Okay, don't think too much, now I'm going to go back to the Land of Rain with me. Kushina and Scorpion's return phase is about to begin.

When the return trip is completed, there will be another plenary meeting. The world will speed up.

With the world's attention, the Rain Country has announced the return time of the Moon Launcher.

It said that it will enter the atmosphere on time at 8 o'clock tomorrow night. Interested people can look up at the sky during that time to see how brilliant the flames of human civilization are.

The already lively new town once again ushered in a new consumption peak. With the successful launch as a hot spot, people who wanted to see the landing or know first-hand information about the moon flocked there.

Kakuzu's happy feet are no longer touching the ground, and more than a dozen temporary regulations have been issued one after another to maintain it.

At the same time, he declined all invitations and money-giving activities.

Noah said that the bulk of the money will be made after the aircraft returns, so don't lose your sense.

The entire ninja world is waiting for the second light of night.

Scorpion also modified the aircraft on the moon. The material is still stainless steel pot, but it has been replaced with a better fireproof coating and stronger sealing technology.

Kushina was also very serious and began to recite her speech on the moon exploration.

This return has attracted much attention. After Noah marked the earth-moon passage with the Flying Thunder God, communication problems were no longer a problem.

The two are very aware of the importance of this performance, and even the return track is the most exaggerated route that has been carefully designed.

Whether we get a lot of funding in the future depends on this.


The Nine-Tails power system was activated, and it left the lunar surface in a fierce fire.

The orbital calculations for the return trip have long been completed, and this time they will be the brightest star in the sky.

After the sun set that day, everyone walked out of the room after dinner and looked at the sky.

The lunar exploration vehicle was launched during the day, and the scene could only be seen in the Land of Rain.

But the return at night announced by the Akatsuki organization this time is a spectacle that can be observed by the entire ninja world. Who wouldn't be interested in such big news.

When are you coming?

Everyone can see it, it's a bit fake.

If it were high in the sky, we would definitely not be able to see it.

As time went by, more and more people began to doubt the authenticity of this incident.

But none of the Kages doubted that the Raikage, Tsuchikage, Black Zetsu and many other high-ranking ninjas were looking at the sky.


An unusually bright meteor appeared in the distant sky.

The meteor flew closer and closer, so close that when it was flying at an altitude of 10,000 meters, many Ninja Village's equipment clearly captured the form in the flames.

It’s actually an aircraft! ! !

Finally, it dragged a long tail flame across most of the world.

Countless people were shocked when they saw this meteor. In addition to gods, humans themselves came from the sky.

As the key point, the Moon Lake launch base in the new town of Rain Kingdom has been prepared for a long time, and a large amount of lake water has been filled on the launch pad.

The onlookers by the lake also began to evacuate in panic. Anyone who saw a huge fireball coming would have the idea of ​​​​escape.

Of course, as a 'high-tech' aircraft, if it falls when it lands, it will stretch your hips.

So when Scorpion was about to arrive at the Land of Rain, he just shouted Kyuubi softly in the cab and everything was done.

The power system smoothly switched to the opposite direction, and the ejected power began to offset the acceleration of gravity and inertia.

When we finally arrived over Moon Lake, we were already in an extremely stable flight attitude, and the flight ended with a perfect vertical landing.

The lake water cooled the outer shell of the aircraft, causing massive amounts of water vapor to evaporate.

There was thunderous applause and flashlights turned the night into day.

Everyone knows that the warriors of mankind have returned successfully.

When Kushina and Scorpio walked out of the flight cabin, they received cheers and applause from the crowd. They both stepped on the pontoon above the water to the rostrum on the shore.

Flowers, hugs, cameras, hot eyes.

These treatments cheered up the hearts of the two astronauts, as if they had really narrowly escaped death and returned from their mission.

Leader Yahiko seized the opportunity to step onto the high platform to soak up the heat, and then handed the microphone to the two human braves.

Everyone, we have returned safely from the moon.

When I came out of the atmosphere, I looked back and saw land, forests, oceans and clouds.

But I didn't see national borders, nor did I see human struggles.

The Akatsuki organization is a peaceful organization and is willing to continue exploring unknown areas for the future of the ninja world.

“We choose to go to the moon and achieve more dreams not because they are easy, but because they are difficult.”

Scorpion was still a little low-key, and at this time Kushina took the microphone.

She was so excited at such a highlight moment that she started talking nonsense according to the plan.

I am Uzumaki Kushina, my husband is the Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato, and I have a lovely son Uzumaki Naruto.

Naruto, have you seen mom!!!

With the wave of the blood red pepper, everyone also turned their attention to little Naruto, letting the already very outgoing child understand what it means to be in the spotlight and what it feels like to be in the public eye.

Naruto, that year I put my hands in my pockets and was shot by a flash.

I talked about a lot of content again and finally returned to the overall speech.

She grabbed the last sentence, which was also the most handsome one.

That's one small step for me, one giant leap for mankind (End of Chapter)

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