Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1658 Hinata takes over

Konoha Village.

In the Hokage's office.

I didn't expect that Tsuchikage and Black Zetsu would be so interesting. This idea of ​​spending money is really the right thing to do.

It doesn't require my painstaking guidance. It seems that the atmosphere of the ninja world has changed a lot. This is a good thing.

Even Kumogakure still has some tricks up his sleeve. In this case, we need to be more intense with that Raikage.

Noah felt pleasantly surprised while flipping through the information from the past few days in the office.

It seems that the guidance over the years has played a very good role.

By the way, it's at this location. Pay attention when dispatching tasks.

Kakashi nodded, never expecting that the teacher would return to the ninja world from here.

But it's a good thing it's not in another country, otherwise I might have to use some means.

Lu Jiu stood aside with a pale face, why not let him leave the office to talk about such a secret topic.

I'm really not curious about the connection between the moon and the continent.

What methods, money, and black and white are even more deadly topics.

Knowing so much was a huge burden for him.

Then Noah looked at the Konoha Nabekage seriously and showed a bright smile.

Shikaku, please guide Konoha's investment direction. There are many new projects to be launched in the Land of Rain recently. If you buy them, you will make money.

Yes, sir.

By the way, you should buy more this time. It's a serious investment.

At this time, Konoha Jonin Hyuga Hizashi rushed to the office to receive the mission.

After a while the Hokage's old comrade began to refuse the mission.

Sir, this is really not okay. Since Neji's mother has had a bad influence.

Adopting a child is nothing, it's easy with his current income.

But adopting a child with white eyes is somewhat problematic.

Even if I explain everything to Neji, how will outsiders see me?

What about Byakugan? Just living outside like this?

Noah did not consider this. It turned out that adopting a child of the same blood was so troublesome and involved social and ethical issues.

I have a little immature suggestion, you see.

After a while, Rizu was invited to the Hokage Tower.

He looked at that bastard with eyes that wanted to kill his brother.

If you're worried about Feng Ping being harmed, I won't be worried, right?

Although the Hyuga family has eradicated the distinction between clan families, he is still the current manager after all. What if an illegitimate child suddenly pops up?

It's been a lifetime, and my child is already in the second grade of Ninja School. It's a bit outrageous that something like this happened.

Even if he told outsiders that the child was not his, he was somehow able to use the Byakugan easily due to his Hyuga bloodline. He adopted him out of sympathy.

Do others believe it?

Anyway, Hinata and Hinata themselves didn’t believe it.

However, the secretary was moved with emotion and Akatsuki was reasonable, saying that the close relatives on the moon of Otsutsuki had always been in contact with the Hyuga clan.

It’s just that in your generation there are fewer contacts, so you have to take on the responsibilities of the past.

This topic of pursuing historical responsibility makes Rizu a little bit overwhelmed. This secretary is really not easy to mess with.

Of course, we are not just talking about responsibilities, but also about benefits.

In the future, the research results on the Hamura bloodline will be shared with the Hyuga clan, so that the Hyuga family's current embarrassing force positioning problem can be solved.

You must know that the pressure from the Uchiha clan is increasing day by day. The existence of the three Mangekyō has made Hinata unable to mention the term the strongest for a long time.

This made Rizu excited.

His clan can be said to be the most failed clan leader in history.

His fighting power is not as good as Uchiha Fugaku, and there are no descendants in the clan who can match Shisui and Itachi.

The family was divided. In name, they are still members of the Hyuga clan.

So I'd better do something for the sake of my tribe. The mere fame is gone long ago.

What about the remaining heads of the Otsutsuki branch?

He is already preparing to die in a secret ward. His body is exhausted and his will is broken. He has lost the will to live.

The only reason he was able to reach Konoha alive was to hold on for a while to explain his funeral to Toneri, and there was nothing Noah could do about it.

He really didn't want to live anymore, otherwise he could have done it for another ten days and a half.

Hamura's last words are devastating to a family, denying its own justice from the source.

After solving the problem, Hizu and Hizashi went to the secret ward.

Sure enough, a boy with white hair was sitting there blankly and at a loss.

His only relative passed away, and before he left, his father still told him to protect himself and not to reveal his identity as Otsutsuki to the ninja world.

In the past, the will of the ancestors was often mentioned without even mentioning it.

Finally, he took his last breath, which made Toneri even more confused.

Without the guidance of his ancestors and leaving the moon, he really didn't know what to do.

He doesn't even know many life skills without human puppet servants.

The ashes of the head of the branch family will be taken back to the moon, don't worry.

From today on, your name will be Hinata Toneri.

After saying this, Rizu took Shiren away.

Hizashi thinks it's a bit rough. He just died and his father can be gentler.

Then he was forced to retreat by Rizu's murderous vision. He should go on a mission at this time.

Rizu felt the difficulty of this task when he was walking on the streets of Konoha with Toneri in hand.

Passers-by, street vendors, fellow ninjas, and some clan members were all looking at him in surprise.

There were people taking pictures amidst the whispers, and those who forgot to turn off the flash were a little panicked, because the corners of Rizu's clothes were already making a shuddering sound incited by chakra.

As material life improves, people's demand for spiritual life will become larger and larger, forming a new market.

Various cultural works came into being, and everyone quickly accepted this change under the loose cultural supervision.

The works of a certain immortal are still legal to read, so you know how lax it is.

The stories that used to be spread by word of mouth now also have special entertainment newspapers.

As a celebrity in the village, the Hyuga clan leader brought home a child with white hair and white eyes. This incident quickly spread throughout the entire Konoha Village.

And it will most likely be in the newspapers. Who doesn’t like to read this kind of news?

As for the speculation about blood transplantation, no one will believe it.

After all, as a big shot, Hizu must consider his family's heir. Kakashi was able to keep it because the Yondaime was standing behind him. The fact that this brat can keep it and do it publicly in front of everyone shows that there is no problem.

I didn’t expect Hinata, who always follows rules, to be this kind of person. It’s so exciting.

Hinata looked at the little brother who had brought him back and was confused. She didn't expect him to be his father.

With a relatively weak personality, he still couldn't accept this matter.

Hinata, this is Toneri and your brother.

Rizu hesitated for a moment, considering his age, he was indeed a bit older. (End of chapter)

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