Several Kages knew through the leaders of the Rain Country that the attack on the Jinchuuriki had been revealed, and they breathed a sigh of relief.

Being able to achieve this result through non-violent means is already a great success.

Now is not the time to start a war, according to the internal calculations and comprehensive information of each of their ninja villages.

After excluding the impact of high-end combat power, it will take at least 5 to 10 years to catch up with the Akatsuki organization.

It's not that the three major ninja villages have to make dozens of times more efforts than the Akatsuki organization within a limited time, nor that they have any better or more scientific methods.

Instead, they completely imitated the various policies of the Western Continent Convention and stole their various scientific research results.

It can be said that this is no longer a shortcut, this is just a copy of Mirror Magic.

If you can’t understand even if you copy it, then what are these shadows still doing alive?

Then, they will use the size advantage of the three major ninja villages to slowly smooth out the gap, and finally form a stage of military stalemate. This is what they should do, and it is also the goal that this generation of Kage endures the humiliation and hardship to achieve.

And then I heard the news from Kisame, and it seemed that he could have close contact with the Akatsuki organization's lunar exploration vehicle?

Isn't this a bit outrageous?

They all wrote to Sarutobi Hiruzen asking if this Kakuzu was reliable and if he had that much energy. It was impossible for someone to be so greedy for money.

And Sarutobi Hiruzen's answer is also very interesting.

There's no way Noah doesn't know what Kakuzu is doing. It's just that he doesn't care about such trivial things.

trivial matter

The two actors felt very uncomfortable in their hearts. When did the big event they were waiting for become a trivial matter to that man?

Noah is so arrogant that there is only the legendary Six Paths Sage above the shadow.

And a mortal actually tried to look down on all living beings from the perspective of a god.

They will eventually tell Noah a truth, that is, God also bleeds.

So I added money.

Since the other party is really capable, why not give it a try?

I believe that the three top jounin present will definitely use their respective abilities to judge the authenticity of this aircraft, as well as some secret information.

Of course, it would be better if Jiao could directly come up with the information. Now that the masked man has died, Dong Dayang's intelligence system is missing a very important link.

A resolution was quickly passed and a sum of funds was sent from behind to clear the link.

Kisame then took the money and went to the high tower in the Land of Rain, and handed over all the money very frankly.

Looking at the five hundred million taels, everyone nodded with satisfaction, but it would be unsightly to continue.

To maintain the vitality of the Eastern Ocean Convention, we cannot cut too many corners.

So after fishing for two days, Kakuzu went back proudly and found the three people.

It's done. You will sit in the first row of the auditorium during the launch. You can also arrange for close contact and observation before the launch, as well as the opportunity to take photos with Chief Yahiko.

After receiving Kakuzu's assurance, the three of them were relieved. They didn't expect that things would progress so smoothly.

I really managed to get everything done just by spending money. The only difficulties and obstacles turned out to be the cynicism and mental shame of the financial person in charge.

The Akatsuki organization is destined to fail.

Mabuyi said decisively, causing Kisame and Yellow Earth to look at her in surprise. What did this woman discover?

A arrogant soldier will be defeated, even a lion fights a rabbit with all his strength. Repeated victories have blinded their vigilance.

Kisame almost rolled his eyes after hearing this, What are you talking about?

Even if you talk about ten wins and ten losses, it won't work. How do you know this is not someone else's strategy?

Wouldn't it be possible to judge so easily that this woman has secretly surrendered? Is this leading the Eastern Ocean Treaty countries to make wrong decisions?

It doesn't make sense. After all, he was once the Raikage's most trusted secretary, so even if he made some past mistakes, he wouldn't change his family.

But something is really wrong this time. Could it be that there are two of us among the three?

The loess atmosphere is a bit subtle.

On the other hand, Biang Jiaodu also completed the tax return of 500 million taels, and all the funds were accounted for.

You're done, you have to go to Noah to apply for credit and ask about the specific launch time.

It will be launched in a week. Within these seven days, we will sort out all the projects that come from the investment, the advertisements that need to be advertised, and the products that should be prepared.

Kakuzu, who waited for the affirmative reply, also started the final work.

With five days left in the countdown to launch, the Moon Bay artificial lake has been blocked by a cordon.

The previously calm lake surface experienced huge fluctuations, and then part of the lake water was pumped away by dozens of ultra-powerful water pumps.

A metal launch platform rose up with everyone watching, and a huge object covered with cloth attracted everyone's attention.


After the blocking cloth was removed, a huge spacecraft stood vertically on the launch pad, and the reflection of the metal stung everyone's eyes.

Noah made magical modifications based on the shapes of Orb's Archangel and Eternity, and added useless wings, as well as Cambridge and other facilities.

The welding points of the surface are polished very smooth by sand iron, which is why it reflects light.

The basic color scheme chosen is free blue and white, and a lot of advertisements are printed on it.

This is the most expensive advertising space. Anyone who reports on the lunar exploration plan will be forced to place it. It can be said to be the most overbearing hard advertising.

As for the inside.

There is no extra space except for the astronaut's cabin, not even weapons and ammunition.

Because it is essentially a quick tin barrel rocket, the frame and equipment inside can only ensure that it will not fall apart when flying out of the earth.

Even the insulation layer seems to be solved by sealing technology. 10 million taels can only achieve this level.

Therefore, it cannot really achieve a length of two to three hundred meters, and the entire length of the arrow is only about 70 meters, which is about the same size as the Long March 3A.

Of course, outsiders don’t know what’s going on here. Just seeing the futuristic shape captures the hearts of most people. Appearance is justice.

People from the Eastern Ocean Convention countries became more and more mixed among the crowd.

That's the launcher, right? It's not much bigger than the Cyclops.

But the funding is definitely an astronomical figure. It is conservatively estimated to be in the billions.

No wonder they are so crazy about collecting money from outside. It is indeed a big project.

Loess, a man from the Land of Earth, had to sigh that the Akatsuki organization was indeed willing to spend money on technological innovation.

Every time we explore a new field, a huge amount of money is burned. Iwagakure also tried its own research and development, but gave up the road of self-research after only a few months.

“I thought it would be in the Rain Ninja Village, but I didn’t expect it to be hidden under the artificial lake in the new town.

This thing has no hidden effect after being exposed once. The people in the Akatsuki organization are really flashy.

But it’s really beautiful. We will also take a spacecraft to the moon in the future.

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